ICE deported nearly 400,000 people in last fiscal year

John Morton, the Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), today announced that 396,906 individuals were deported during fiscal year 2011 (October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011). This is the highest number of deportees in the agency's history. According to figures from ... Read more

Is it possible to take the citizenship test in Spanish?

Generally, a person seeking U.S. citizenship must take a written and oral examination to demonstrate that he or she has a basic knowledge of English and of U.S. history and government. If an applicant fails the English and civics exams, he or she may retake the exam within one year after the applicant fails. Read more

California Governor signs DREAM Act into law

Governor Jerry Brown today signed into law a bill that will allow undocumented students to receive public financial assistance to attend college, including Cal Grants. The new law will take effect in January 2013. The California DREAM Act will give access to these benefits to undocumented students who came to California to ... Read more

2013 Visa Lottery Registration Period Opens

Tuesday, October 4, 2011 marks the beginning of the registration period for the "diversity visa" lottery, as the U.S. Department of State's annual visa lottery is commonly known. Through this program, approximately 50,000 visas will be raffled for fiscal year 2013. ... Read more

How to apply for permanent residency after receiving a U visa

In my previous "Immigration Consultation" column in La Opinión, I explained that the U visa is part of a humanitarian program of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and is granted to victims of certain crimes who are willing to cooperate with authorities in the investigation or prosecution of the crimes.... Read more

U visas for fiscal year 2011 sold out

For the second consecutive year, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) approved 10,000 petitions for the U visa. This means that they have reached the maximum number they can issue for this fiscal year. In 2011, nearly 14,000 people applied for the 10,000 available slots. The program was created by Congress ... Read more

What is it and who can receive a U visa?

There is a lot of confusion about the U visa. This visa offers protection to immigrants who are victims of crime. But there are restrictions on who is eligible to receive it. This week in "Consulta Migratoria", my column in La Opinión, I explain how the U visa works, who is eligible and for how long it is granted.

Dream Act wins victory in California Assembly

By a vote of 45-27, the California Assembly today passed AB 131 - the Dream Act - which would allow undocumented students to access state scholarships to fund their college education. In order for the measure to become law, it must be approved by Governor Jerry Brown, ... Read more

Scammers on the prowl with new immigration policy

The announcement that the U.S. government would halt "low priority" deportations gave hope to thousands of immigrants whose cases are before the immigration courts. But it also attracted scam artists on the prowl for vulnerable people desperately seeking to stay in the country. The new immigration policy is not an amnesty, ... Read more

Government warns of change in immigration policy

When the U.S. government announced last week that it would halt "low priority" deportations, it gave flight to the hopes of thousands of undocumented immigrants - and to unscrupulous people who want to take advantage of those people and swindle them out of their money and their dreams. The new immigration policy of President Obama's Administration ... Read more
