Tips to avoid immigration fraud

In my column "Immigration Consultation" in today's La Opinión newspaper, I present some tips for people who need legal advice about their immigration status to avoid being victims of fraud. Even if someone is in this country illegally, he or she has rights. It is important to remember to always stay alert and well-informed. Remember, there is no such thing as ... Read more

March for immigration reform

Yesterday multiple marches took place around the country, where thousands of people took to the streets to demand comprehensive immigration reform. This Sunday, May 1st, was the 6th anniversary of the monumental march that started this movement. I participated yesterday, as in other years, in the march of ... Read more

Undocumented mother wins civil lawsuit

A federal judge ruled that Juana Villegas' civil rights were violated when prison authorities kept her handcuffed to a bed during the final stages of her labor and postpartum recovery. U.S. District Court Judge William Haynes Jr. must now set a hearing to determine the ... Read more

Actress convicted of immigration fraud

A federal judge sentenced Mexican actress Fernanda Romero to 15 consecutive weekends in jail, 1,000 hours of community service and five years on probation after she was found guilty of lying to immigration authorities about her marriage. Last year, the soap opera and movie actress was charged with the federal crime of ... Read more

Immigration column in La Opinión

Every Monday starting today, there will be a column that I will be writing in the Los Angeles La Opinión newspaper, offering advice and answering questions that the public may have regarding immigration. It is important for every immigrant to be well informed regarding his or her rights and responsibilities under immigration law ... Read more

Man fined for abusing immigrant employees

In Sunday's edition of The Post Standard newspaper, there was a story about the abuse of a group of immigrants recruited in Mexico to work in Syracuse, New York at a fair. The account of the abuse and mistreatment suffered by 19 Mexicans horrified me. It also infuriated me to learn that there are such inhumane people willing to practically enslave and ... Read more

Federal Court Upholds Partial Block of S.B. 1070

The Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals today decided to uphold restrictions against the implementation of sections of S.B. 1070, including the most controversial - the one that would force law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of all persons they "suspect" to be unlawfully present in ... Read more

Significant drop in naturalizations in 2010

The total number of people over the age of 18 who became U.S. citizens in fiscal year 2010 was 619,913. According to the Bureau of Immigration Data, of that number, people from Mexico performed the largest number of naturalizations in the U.S. One notable thing about the recently released report is that there has been a large ... Read more

Registration period for H-1B visas now open

Beginning tomorrow, April 1, applications for H-1B visas for fiscal year 2012 will begin to be accepted. The number of visas available is 65,000. This number does not include the first 20,000 petitions submitted on behalf of individuals who hold graduate degrees obtained in the U.S. The acceptance date for H-1B visas is April 1, ... Read more
