Can grandparents ask their great-grandchildren?

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column, I answer questions from a reader who wants to help her family members immigrate to the United States. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on each person's immigration history. Here I provide general answers to her questions. Please consult with a U.S. immigration attorney ... Read more

Can a family petition affect a tourist visa?

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column, I answer the question of a reader who fears losing his tourist visa if his U.S. citizen parent petitions for it. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on each person's immigration history. Here is a general answer to your questions. Please consult with ... Read more

Visa Bulletin April 2019

Updated information for the April 2019 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include the dates for filing applications through the consular channel and final visa issuance action. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on Filing for Adjustment of Status (applications for a visa ... Read more

How much income is needed to sponsor a family member?

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column I answer the question of a reader who wishes to immigrate his wife and daughter. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on the immigration history of each person. Here I provide a general answer to your questions. Please consult with an immigration attorney to receive the best advice and ... Read more

How does not filing a tax return affect an undocumented person?

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column, I answer the question of an undocumented person who wants to know if not filing taxes in the United States can hurt him or her. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on each person's immigration history. Here I provide a general answer to your questions. Please consult with an attorney ... Read more

Visa Bulletin March 2019

Updated information for the March 2019 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include the consular filing dates and final visa issuance action. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on Filing for Adjustment of Status (applications for a visa ... Read more

National Visa Center reduces customer service hours

The National Visa Center (NVC) announced a change in the hours of operation of its call center for telephone inquiries. The new hours for customer service are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time (ET). Previously, the hours were 7:00 a.m. to midnight ET. What is the ... Read more

If a permanent resident has a criminal record, can he/she travel outside the U.S.?

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column, I answer a question from a reader who fears that her permanent resident boyfriend may have problems re-entering the United States. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on each person's immigration history. Here is a general answer to your questions. Please consult with ... Read more

Can I emigrate my 11-year-old daughter and my girlfriend?

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column, I answer the question of a permanent resident who wants to bring his daughter and girlfriend to the United States. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on each person's immigration history. Here I provide a general answer to your questions. Please consult with an attorney ... Read more

Visa Bulletin February 2019

Updated information for the February 2019 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include the consular filing dates and final visa issuance action. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on Filing for Adjustment of Status (applications for a visa to ... Read more
