Supreme Court Ruling Could Help Immigrants in Deportation Proceedings

The case of a Mexican national in deportation proceedings opened the door to a change in the appeals process when there is evidence of professional negligence on the part of the legal representative.

With eight votes in favor and one against, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that federal appellate courts have the authority to decide whether to extend the time limits in immigration court proceedings in such cases.

The Supreme Court's decision, announced on Monday, June 16, established jurisprudence by ruling in favor of Noel Reyes Mata.

A judge had ordered the deportation of the Mexican immigrant, but when Mr. Reyes Mata appealed the decision, his attorney failed to file the necessary documentation within the 90 days he was required to do so, and the motion was denied.

When he hired a new attorney, the Board of Immigration Appeals refused to reopen the case. Reyes Mata appealed to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, but the court said it did not have the authority to extend the deadline for turning over documentation, even though there was legal malpractice.

That changes in light of the Supreme Court's ruling.

For Reyes Mata, it does not mean that his case is resolved, but that he can now ask the Federal Court of Appeals to review and authorize a motion to reopen in his case.

It is not known how many people will benefit from the Supreme Court's decision.

You can read more details about the case, the ruling and what it means for immigrants in deportation proceedings in the following article, for which I was interviewed by EFE news agency:

Supreme Court decision on undocumented immigrants opens window of relief
