New TPS extension for Honduras and Nicaragua 2013

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced the extension of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program for Honduras and Nicaragua.

Individuals from these countries will be able to remain under the protection of the program for another 18 months from July 6, 2013 until January 5, 2015. In addition, the validity of work permits under TPS that expire on July 5, 2013 will be automatically extended until January 5, 2014.

The re-registration period begins tomorrow, April 3, and ends June 3, 2013.

Hondurans and Nicaraguans currently enrolled in TPS must re-enroll in the program to continue under its protection.

It is estimated that there are approximately 64,000 Hondurans and 3,000 Nicaraguans currently protected under TPS who may be eligible for TPS re-registration.

DHS will publish an official notice tomorrow in the Federal Register for each country and will provide instructions on the re-registration process. You can read a copy of what will be published tomorrow for Honduras. here and for Nicaragua here.

Hondurans and Nicaraguans never before registered for TPS may be eligible for late registration if they meet the proper requirements.

Please consult with an immigration attorney to evaluate your immigration situation as soon as possible.

TPS is a temporary immigration status. It is granted to persons who cannot return to their home countries because their lives would be in danger due to an ongoing armed conflict, environmental catastrophe, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions.

Individuals registered for TPS may remain in the United States and obtain employment authorization during the period of designation of their home country. However, TPS does not lead to permanent residence in the United States. Beneficiaries return to the same immigration status they had before TPS (unless that status has expired or been revoked), or to any other status they may have acquired during TPS registration.

It is of utmost importance that any person who is registered for TPS consult with an immigration attorney to evaluate his or her options for obtaining permanent residency in the United States.
