New green card announced

New permanent resident cards will be issued starting today. Better known as the "green card," U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today announced the redesign of the card, which incorporates new security features, in order to combat immigration fraud.

Improvements to the card will prevent forgery and manipulation of the document, and will make authentication faster.

According to USCIS, these are some of the benefits of the new design:

  • Secure storage of biometric information for quick identification of the cardholder.
  • Holographic images and laser-engraved fingerprints to prevent card reproduction.
  • Radio frequency identification will allow Customs and Border Protection agents to read the card remotely and compare with the information on file immediately.
  • The return address printed on the card will facilitate its return to the USCIS if it is lost.

The cards will be green in color. USCIS will replace the permanent resident cards currently in circulation when individuals renew or apply for a replacement card.
