Increase in passport and immigrant visa quotas

Beginning today, fees for U.S. passport, immigrant visa and other consular services will be increased. The U.S. Department of State announced that the increase was necessary to cover the costs associated with processing these consular services. Last June, the State Department also increased fees for non-immigrant visas.

The new fees for U.S. passports, immigrant visas and other consular services are as follows (per person):





Immigrant Visa Fees
Fee for processing an immigrant visa application
1. Family-based immigrant visa $ 355.00 $ 330.00
2. Work-based immigrant visa $ 355.00 $ 720.00
3. Other immigrant visas (SIVs, DVs, etc.) $ 355.00 $ 305.00
Immigrant Visa Security Surcharge $   45.00 $   74.00
Surcharge for diversity visa won in the visa lottery $  375.00 $ 440.00
U.S. Letter of Support Review $    70.00 $   88.00
Determination of resident status for a person wishing to return to the United States $  400.00 $ 380.00
Passport Fees
Passport Book - Adult $ 100.00** $ 135.00**
Passport Book - Minor $  85.00** $ 105.00**
Passport Book Renewal - Adult $ 75.00 $ 110.00
Additional passport pages - $  82.00
Passport Card - Adult $  45.00** $  55.00**
Passport Card - Minor $  35.00** $  40.00**
Consular report of a birth abroad $  65.00 $  100.00
Renunciation of U.S. citizenship - $  450.00
Records search and U.S. citizenship verification $  60.00 $  150.00
Services to Citizens Abroad
Processing for the transfer of remains of non-U.S. citizens $265.00 + expenses $200.00 + expenses
Documentation Services
Notarials, certification of copies, authentications, disposition of State Department records $ 30.00 (first),

20.00 (additional)

$ 50.00
Judicial Services
Letters Rogatory and FSIA Processing $ 735.00 $ 2,275.00
Taking statements or execution of commissions:
1. Program/Organize Statements $ 475.00 $ 1,283.00
2. Participate or Take Statements $ 265.00/hour + expenses $ 309.00/hour

+ expenses

Swearing in of Witnesses $ 265.00/hour + expenses $ 231.00/hour

+ expenses

4. Monitor Statements by Phone $ 265.00/hour + expenses $ 231.00/hour

+ expenses

5. Provide Seal and Certification $ 70.00 $ 415.00
Administrative Services
Consular time charges (per hour) $ 265.00 $ 231.00

**This includes an execution fee of $25 which is not retained by the Department of State.
