What does the election result mean for undocumented immigrants?

This week in my column Migratory Consultation® I explain why I recommend that you do not panic among undocumented immigrants in light of the outcome of the U.S. presidential election.

This is the column:

Donald J. Trump was elected as the next president of the United States.

His election has generated concern in the undocumented immigrant community because Mr. Trump has been critical about illegal immigration in this country, warning that he will enforce immigration laws.

But there is no need to panic. While it is possible that President-elect Trump will move forward with the immigration proposal he promoted during his political campaign, it is not necessarily what will be implemented by his administration when he takes office on January 20, 2017.

The immigration plan proposed by Mr. Trump's political campaign includes the deportation of people with criminal records and cancellation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

You can read the immigration plan of Mr. Trump's political campaign by clicking here. here (English) and here (Spanish translation by Google).

My expectation is that DACA will not be suddenly cancelled and that all undocumented immigrants will not be deported. Even if it is not cancelled immediately, it is possible that Mr. Trump will make good on his promise to end DACA, as it is a temporary program.

In this eventuality, I recommend that eligible individuals enroll or re-enroll in DACA as soon as possible. It is preferable to be under DACA protection than to have none at all.

I know it is difficult, but stay calm. Now more than ever, you must avoid problems with the law, keep paying your taxes, save as much as you can, and have a plan of action in case you are detained by immigration authorities.

Also, it is important that they consult with an immigration attorney or a Board of Immigration Appeals accredited representative to evaluate their situation, see if there is a path to obtain temporary or permanent legal status, and help them prepare a plan of action.

This is not the time to seek advice from people without the necessary experience. Make sure you go with an immigration attorney or accredited representative who is licensed, experienced, and has the ability to do immigration work correctly without harming your current situation.

Also, verify that the authorized legal representative does not have a criminal record or has been disciplined by legal authorities. Please do not go to notaries, immigration consultants, paper fillers, community activists or multi-service providers because these people are not authorized to give you legal advice.

I will keep you informed of further developments.
