U.S. deports former Salvadoran deputy accused of money laundering and murder

The former Salvadoran congressman Roberto Carlos Silva Pereirawho fled El Salvador in 2007 after being prosecuted for corruption and being an accomplice in the murder of three deputies of the Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) party, was deported from the United States.

Silva Pereira was arrested by the FBI in California in October 2007 and placed in deportation proceedings, but the former politician applied for asylum in an attempt to avoid removal from the country. After years of legal maneuvering, Salvadoran ex-politician lost his appeal of his asylum case and in August 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected a motion to reopen the case and reconsider the earlier decision.

Wednesday, January 8, more than 12 years Since his arrest in the United States, Silva Pereira has been deported to El Salvador.

According to reportsSilva Pereira will be brought before the First Criminal Chamber of the Center of San Salvador to face the case.
