Visa Bulletin January 2021

Visa Bulletin January 2021

The January 2021 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include consular filing dates and final visa issuance action by U.S. embassies or consulates. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on Filing for Adjustment of Status ... Read more

Visa Bulletin December 2020

Visa Bulletin December 2020

Updated information for the December 2020 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include consular filing dates and final visa issuance action by U.S. embassies or consulates. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on ... Read more

Visa Bulletin November 2020

Visa Bulletin

Updated information for the November 2020 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include consular filing dates and final visa issuance action by U.S. embassies or consulates. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on ... Read more

Federal Court says certain immigrants with TPS can apply for permanent residency

Velasquez v. Barr TPS Admission US Ct Appeals 8th Circuit

The Federal Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit ruled today, Tuesday, October 27, in favor of several lawsuits that will allow certain undocumented immigrants covered by Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to obtain permanent residency in the United States. The lawsuits, filed by a group of immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador, argued ... Read more

Visa Bulletin October 2020

Visa Bulletin

Updated information for the October 2020 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include consular filing dates and final visa issuance action by U.S. embassies or consulates. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on ... Read more

Visa Bulletin May 2020

Visa Bulletin

Updated information for the May 2020 Visa Bulletin is now available. The new tables include consular filing dates and final visa issuance action by U.S. embassies or consulates. If you would like to view the Visa Bulletin tables on ... Read more

Does it affect immigrant workers applying for unemployment benefits?

Unemployment Benefits - USCIS Regal Final Public Charge

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column, I answer a question from a reader who wants to apply for unemployment benefits in California. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on each person's immigration history. Here I provide a general answer to her questions. Please consult with an immigration attorney to receive the best advice for your case. Read more

President Trump temporarily suspends entry of foreigners on immigrant visas

President Trump's Proclamation Temporary Suspension of Immigrant Visas

President Donald Trump today issued an executive order temporarily suspending the entry of certain foreign nationals on immigrant visas to the United States. The executive order is titled "Proclamation Suspending the Entry of Immigrants Presenting Risk to the U.S. Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the Outbreak of ... Read more
