How to emigrate to your parents?

In this week's Consulta Migratoria® column I answer a reader's question and explain how a U.S. citizen can immigrate his or her parents. Each case is different and the answers vary depending on each person's immigration history. Here I provide a general answer to your questions. Please consult with an immigration attorney ... Read more

How to become a U.S. citizen

Of the nearly 12.5 million permanent residents living in the United States, nearly 8 million are eligible to apply for citizenship. Every eligible person should become a citizen because they will not only gain important benefits, but also political power by acquiring the right to vote. In my column this week in La Opinión, I explain the ... Read more

How an asylum application works

The U.S. government does not approve most asylum claims. To get an idea, of the nearly 33,000 asylum petitions filed in fiscal year 2010, less than 10,000 were approved. In the case of Mexican asylum seekers, only 49 of the more than 3,200 petitions filed were approved. In my column of ... Read more
