Supreme Court to review and decide future of DACA

Supreme Court order
Section of the Supreme Court's June 28, 2019 disposition.

The U.S. Supreme Court today agreed to review President Donald Trump's administration's appeal of the legality of its decision to end DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

In the official announcement, the Supreme Court said it will consolidate three DACA appeals. and provided for a one-hour hearing to hear oral arguments at its next session beginning in October 2019.

The date of the hearing is not yet known, but it is estimated that the Court will release its verdict in 2020.

For the time being, and until the Supreme Court announces its ruling, eligible immigrants will be able to continue renewing DACA.

President Barack Obama created DACA in 2012, authorizing through executive action to grant temporary protection from deportation and work permits to certain immigrants who arrived in the country before the age of 16.

Several states opposed the immigration relief and joined together to file a lawsuit arguing the illegality of the executive action.

President Trump ordered the cancellation of DACA in 2017, but federal courts in California, MarylandNew York, New York, Texas and Washington, D.C. blocked the elimination of DACA.
