Immigration News for July 19, 2022

Below, I attach some headlines and links to recent U.S. immigration news. This summary has been compiled by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) of which I am a member and which may be of interest to you.




Univision DHS bought cell phone location data and believes it was to locate immigrants, ACLU says

By Jorge Cancino

July 18, 2022



La Opinión (CA) ICE "digital raids" against immigrants by tracking them on their cell phones denounced

By Agencia EFE

July 18, 2022


Digital Trends Declassified documents show massive U.S. tracking of its citizens

By Diego Bastarrica

July 18, 2022


Telemundo News Government spends millions of dollars on cell phone data to track Americans and migrants, ACLU says

By Julia Ainsley - NBC News

July 18, 2022



El Diario-La Prensa (NY) ICE tracks thousands of immigrants for possible "digital raids".

By Jesús García

July 18, 2022




La Opinión (CA) Registration Act in Congress that would give citizenship to 8 million undocumented immigrants

July 18, 2022




Telemundo News  From seeking asylum at the border to living on the streets: migrants without a dollar on them or family in the U.S. are released. (Video)

July 18, 2022



Telemundo  "I'm alone in the country": these migrants released at the border end up living on the streets, homeless and penniless

July 18, 2022


Univision News  "Migration is a right": Religious and their parishioners protest in Honduras against the safe passage of migrants (Video)

July 18, 2022


Telemundo News  Colombian mother returns to U.S. to say goodbye to her deceased son after being deported more than a decade ago (Video)

July 18, 2022



Telemundo News  This man lost his wife and daughter while crossing the Darien to reach the US. (Video)

July 18, 2022





Bilingual Radio ICE continues to make it difficult for thousands of detained migrants to get access to lawyers

By Marco Vinicio González

July 18, 2022




La Opinión (CA) Biden faces backlash from Democratic voters just months before this year's elections

By Agencia EFE

July 18, 2022




Al Día (TX) Arrests of migrants at the border dropped during June

By Dianne Solis and Alfredo Corchado

July 18, 2022


Univision News  From more than 100 countries, including Russia: alert on increase of migrants crossing the border through Yuma, Arizona (Video)

June 18, 2022




The USA Connection (NC) U.S. to simplify visa processing for Afghan refugees

By Agencia EFE

July 18, 2022


El Nuevo Herald  If you are Cuban and participated in the 2023 Visa Lottery, you may receive good news.

Daniel Shoer Roth

July 18, 2022




News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo, Esq. is an immigration attorney and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to consult with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
