Immigration news today 4 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Advances in USCIS Processing Times

USCIS - April 3, 2024

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released a new newsletter which highlights significant progress in reducing processing times for a wide range of its most commonly used forms in FY 2024 compared to the previous fiscal year. The fact sheet reveals notable reductions in median processing times, including less than 30 days for asylum applicant employment authorization documents and certain parolees, 5.2 months for naturalization (the lowest time since 2016), and 3.6 months for adjustment applicant employment authorization documents (the lowest since 2017). However, USCIS recognizes the need for further progress in reducing times for other forms such as the I-601, I-730, and bona fide determinations related to Form I-918. In addition, on April 1, 2024, USCIS implemented a final rule to adjust certain application fees for immigration and naturalization benefits, allowing for more complete recovery of operating costs and supporting the timely processing of new applications. USCIS has also updated its "Verify Case Processing Times"Check Case Processing Times to differentiate between administrative processing times and delays due to statutory limitations. For more information, USCIS invites you to visit their website on processing times and follow their updates on social networks.

"Our stories are now part of the history of the United States."

La Voz - April 2024

Meg Medina, noted author and first Latina author to be named a Library of Congress National Ambassador for Young People's Literature for 2023 and 2024, emphasizes the importance of incorporating reading as a fun, family activity beyond the school setting. Through her initiative "Cuéntame: Let's Talk Books," Medina seeks to encourage the habit of reading among families and children, especially within the Latino community, by promoting connection with the public library and the sharing of literary recommendations. She emphasizes the value of stories and personal histories in building the cultural identity of Latino children in the U.S., noting that these narratives are now an essential part of American history. Medina also intends to create an audio archive at the Library of Congress with works by contemporary authors, including Latinos, to enrich the literary offerings accessible to children.

Cristina Pacione Zayas appointed by Mayor Johnson as first Latina chief of staff at Chicago City Hall

La Raza - April 3, 2024

Cristina Pacione Zayas has been appointed the first Latina Chief of Staff of the Chicago City Council by Mayor Brandon Johnson. Formerly deputy chief of staff, Pacione Zayas ascends to this position following the retirement of Rich Guidice. With a background in public service and policy development, the former state senator has been recognized for her commitment to the city and her expertise in key areas such as housing, safety and education. Her appointment represents a milestone in Latino representation in leadership roles within Chicago government.

Multilingual schools in the U.S. at risk due to lack of funding

Telemundo/Axios Latino News - April 3, 2024

In the United States, multilingual education faces significant financial risks due to the expiration of federal funding in September. With 10% of the student population in language development programs, some school districts have used emergency funds for essential services to students whose first language is not English. However, the termination of these funds raises uncertainties about the future of such initiatives. Alternatives such as Title III do not appear sufficient, jeopardizing continued support for multilingual and English language learners. The situation calls for difficult decisions and the search for new funding sources to maintain the commitment to multilingual education.

The benefits of immigration for the U.S. economy, says expert

CNN in English - April 3, 2024

José Antonio Montenegro and Eduardo Porter, economic columnist for The Washington Post, discuss the economic benefits of immigration in the United States, highlighting which states benefit the most. The conversation focuses on how immigration drives the economy, providing a detailed perspective on its positive impact.

Majority of immigrant flights under humanitarian parole land in Miami

Univision - April 3, 2024

From January 2023 through the end of February 2024, more than 380,000 immigrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have arrived in the U.S. under Biden's humanitarian parole program. This program allows entry into the country with a valid passport and a DHS-approved sponsor, granting a two-year stay and the possibility of obtaining a work permit. Miami has been the main destination for these flights, despite Florida's tough anti-immigrant laws. The report notes that although immigrants initially land in Florida, many move on to other states where they have family or friendship connections.

Network helps raped migrant women to abort pregnancies resulting from such assaults

Telemundo News - April 3rd, 2024

Telemundo News presents a report on a support network for migrant women in Texas who have been victims of rape, helping them to get abortions despite the state's restrictive abortion laws. A migrant, identified by the fictitious name of Valentina, shares her story, highlighting the additional difficulties migrant women face under these circumstances.

Certain immigrants may be eligible to avoid TPS payments

La Opinión - April 3, 2024

Immigrants applying for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for the first time may be exempt from filing fees, thanks to a USCIS adjustment that provides for fee waivers. This measure responds to requests from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) to facilitate access to immigration protections without the obstacle of fees. TPS beneficiaries avoid deportation and receive a work permit during their two-year authorized stay. The fee waiver, applicable through Form I-912, has been celebrated by figures such as Representative Nanette Barragan, who emphasizes the goal of making the TPS process more accessible to immigrants struggling with the financial costs of the U.S. immigration system.

"Hispanics feel under attack": warns about anti-immigrant bills in Louisiana

Telemundo News - April 3rd, 2024

The Hispanic community in Louisiana is concerned about three anti-immigrant bills under discussion that could significantly affect immigrants in the state. These proposals include a ban on "sanctuary city" policies (SB208), a ban on undocumented immigrants driving (SB279), and penalties for "entry" and "re-entry" of undocumented persons at the state level (SB388). These measures are seen by many as an extension of conservative policies inspired by Texas SB4, which has generated a climate of fear and concern among immigrant families.

SB4 advocate admits Texas may have gone too far against immigrants

La Opinión - April 3, 2024

Aaron Nielson, Texas attorney general, during a hearing admitted that SB4, which criminalizes illegal entry into the state and allows state judges to order deportations, may have been too extreme. Although the law remains temporarily suspended, its implications are being debated in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The law has generated a mixed response, with some celebrating its focus on border security and others criticizing its harshness and potential unconstitutionality.

Texas SB4 bill remains in limbo

Voice of America - April 3, 2024

Texas SB4, which focuses on immigration issues, remains in a state of uncertainty. Representatives of the state of Texas and the Biden administration presented arguments before a federal appeals court, which will decide the future of the legislation, marking a crucial moment in the U.S. immigration debate.

Texas immigration law controversy

DW English - April 3, 2024

The controversy surrounding the Texas immigration law intensifies, with a court evaluating its constitutionality and local authorities challenging the federal government. Society is torn between the search for security and the protection of human rights.

Texas installs new anti-immigrant barbed wire fence on the border

El Tiempo Latino - April 3, 2024

In an effort to strengthen border security, Texas has installed a new barbed wire fence along the border with Mexico. This measure, which has been praised by Republican supporters, seeks to prevent the entry of undocumented immigrants and is part of the anti-immigrant policies promoted by Governor Greg Abbott. The barrier, described as "anti-escalation" and reinforced with multiple layers of barbed wire, has generated mixed reactions, with critics arguing that such actions dehumanize immigrants and fail to recognize their contributions.

ERO Boston arrests Colombian national accused of sex crimes against a minor in Massachusetts

ICE - April 3, 2024

The Boston Office of Removal and Enforcement Operations (ERO) arrested a Colombian national, locally charged with rape and indecent assault and battery of a minor over the age of 14. This individual, arrested near his residence in Lynn, Massachusetts, had previously been arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol in Eagle Pass, Texas, after entering the country illegally. Despite an immigration detainer issued by ERO Boston, the Essex County Sheriff's Department released the non-citizen from state custody, ignoring the charges pending against him. He will remain in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.

ICE ERO Houston removes 3 Guatemalan fugitives wanted on rape charges

ICE - April 3, 2024

ICE's Houston Field Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), with assistance from ERO Guatemala and Task Force SAFE, has removed three Guatemalan fugitives wanted for rape from the United States. Aurelio Coy-Quib, Byron Randolfo Parada Vasquez and Luis Antonio Sian-Gonzalez were flown on a charter flight to Guatemala, where they were turned over to local authorities. These individuals had entered the U.S. illegally at different times and, after several encounters with U.S. law enforcement, were finally returned to their country to face justice.

Six of eight immigrants arrested in Bronx released on bail

Univision News - April 3, 2024

Six of the eight immigrants arrested in the Bronx for invading the basement of a home where weapons and drugs were stored have been released on bail, reports Univision Noticias. This case highlights the complex circumstances faced by some immigrants, including those with criminal records, in their quest for a life in the United States.

Migrants take advantage of Suchiate River drought to cross from Central America into Mexico

El Diario NY - April 3, 2024

The drought has significantly reduced the level of the Suchiate River, the natural border between Mexico and Central America, facilitating the crossing of migrants into the Mexican city of Tapachula without the presence of authorities. This situation reflects how the climate crisis has a direct impact on migration flows, with a notable increase in irregular migration in Mexico. In 2023, more than 782,000 undocumented foreigners were detected, an increase of 77% over the previous year. The drought in Chiapas and the lack of water resources aggravate the already difficult conditions of migrants, who seek better opportunities to the north.

This Honduran immigrant says the American dream "is a big hoax": he opted for Mexico

Univision News - April 3, 2024

Henry Alvarez, a Honduran immigrant, after facing the challenging crossing of the Rio Grande to the United States, decided to live in Mexico, where he now claims to have been living well for seven years. His testimony demystifies the "American dream", presenting an alternative way of life in Mexico for immigrants.

Group of migrants attacked by agents at the U.S.-Mexico border

El Diario NY - April 3, 2024

A group of migrants attempting to cross the border between Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, were assaulted by agents of the Mexican National Migration Institute (INM). The migrants, from various countries, were forced to leave the area and escorted away from the border, denouncing harassment and violence, including the injury of minors. Testimonies highlight abuse and extortion by migration agents and other security forces, as well as precarious conditions without access to basic necessities such as food and water. Ongoing legal actions seek to address these abuses and improve the protection of migrants' rights.

Migrants denounce mistreatment by Mexican authorities at U.S.-Mexico border: "We are not criminals".

Univision News - April 3, 2024

Univision Noticias reports on the situation of more than 200 migrants in Ciudad Juarez, who denounce mistreatment by Mexican authorities during operations to prevent the formation of new camps on the banks of the Rio Grande and irregular crossings to the United States. The migrants, in their defense, argue that they are only seeking a better future and reject the label of criminals.

Criminal proceedings against Mexico's immigration chief for fire that left 40 migrants dead suspended due to injunction

El Diario NY - April 3, 2024

Criminal proceedings against the commissioner of Mexico's National Migration Institute (INM), Francisco Garduño, for the fire at a migrant detention center that killed 40 migrants, have been suspended since the end of 2023 due to an injunction. The fire, which occurred in March 2023 in Ciudad Juarez, has led to the opening of multiple criminal cases against Garduño and others involved. Organizations representing the victims are seeking a comprehensive investigation and the unification of the criminal cases to avoid the segmentation of the case and to ensure adequate justice for the victims of this tragedy, which reflects serious human rights violations.


Meet the Hispanic artist whose work reached the Moon in a NASA time capsule

Univision News - April 3, 2024

Luli Sulichin, an artist with Argentine roots, was selected by NASA to send her artwork to the moon in a time capsule. This special project not only highlights the fusion of art with space exploration but also the international recognition of her talent, with one of her works being exhibited in Times Square, New York.

The story of Hispanic Brandon Moreno and how he became UFC champion.

Univision News - April 3, 2024

Hispanic UFC fighter Brandon Moreno faced a challenging road before becoming a champion. After being fired for losing two consecutive fights, Moreno showed resilience and learned valuable lessons outside the octagon that led him to victory and recognition in the world of mixed martial arts.

Voice of America - April 3, 2024

A debate over the legality and complexities of squatting, or the unauthorized occupation of property in the United States, has emerged in the wake of a viral video of an immigrant. Experts analyze this practice and its legal implications, highlighting the challenges and contexts in which squatting occurs.

José Lemus, the Honduran with terminal cancer who was assisted to die in California

Univision News - April 3, 2024

José Lemus, a Honduran man with terminal cancer, used California's End-of-Life Option law to receive assistance in dying. This case highlights the low proportion of Hispanics accessing this type of assistance compared to other groups, according to data from the Pan American Health Organization.

Latin America on red alert due to record increase in dengue cases

Voice of America - April 3, 2024

Latin America is facing a health alert due to a record increase in the number of dengue cases, exceeding 3.5 million cases and more than 1,000 deaths. The situation is analyzed with experts, focusing on preventive measures and the response to this disease.

Guatemala adopts rural financial inclusion project

Voice of America - April 3, 2024

Guatemala is facing a decline in agricultural labor due to migration. In response, the authorities are implementing a rural financial inclusion project with the support of the United States, seeking to improve the economic conditions of workers in the agricultural sector.

How does Montevideo prepare for extreme events?

DW English - April 3, 2024

Montevideo faces climate challenges such as extreme rainfall and rising sea levels. The Uruguayan capital is responding with innovative projects such as "rain gardens" and porous concrete to manage water and prevent flooding, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and climate change adaptation.



I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
