Immigration news today 30 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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USCIS Reminds Certain Employment-Based Visa Petitioners to File Correct Required Fees

USCIS - April 29, 2024

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updates its Frequently Asked Questions to remind employment-based visa petitioners about the proper filing of fees. The updates include clarifications on reduced fees for nonprofit organizations and small employers. The new guidance also covers separate fees for multiple forms and evidence filing requirements for different employment-based visa categories.

USCIS Strengthens T Nonimmigrant Visa Program and Human Trafficking Victim Protections

USCIS - April 29, 2024

The Department of Homeland Security and USCIS announce a final rule to strengthen the T-visa program by providing greater protection and support for victims of human trafficking. The rule also improves the integrity of the program by better defining terms, streamlining case adjudication, and enhancing collaboration with law enforcement. The measure seeks to facilitate stability for victims and strengthen the fight against trafficking.

Women of Distinction 2024: Maria Fernandez

El Diario NY - April 21, 2024

Maria Fernandez, New York's Deputy Secretary of Education, tells her inspiring story from her childhood in the Bronx, where she decided to become a lawyer after her family suffered injustice. With a doctorate from Cornell University, Fernandez worked at IBM before assuming her current position. She now leads New York's education agenda, overseeing projects and budget. She is the first Latina to hold this position, and her goal is to improve education in the state, fighting for equity and quality for all students.

Dreaming of a better electoral future: the activism of a Panamanian woman in the U.S.

Telemundo News - April 30, 2024

A Panamanian activist in the United States works to encourage greater voter participation among the immigrant community. She shares her vision of a more inclusive and representative political future for Hispanics. Her activism seeks to empower immigrants and improve their opportunities.

USA: Millionaire compensation to Hispanic community in Chicago

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

The U.S. government will award millions of dollars in compensation to the Hispanic community in Chicago that suffered discrimination and abuse by the authorities. This measure seeks to repair damages and promote justice for the affected immigrants. It is hoped that this precedent will help other communities to obtain redress.

From adversity to fortune: the inspiring story of Oregon Powerball winner

Las Américas Newspaper - April 29, 2024

An immigrant from Laos with cancer won $1.3 billion in the Powerball lottery, sharing the prize with his wife and a friend. The winner, Cheng Saephan, stresses that the money will allow him to cover his health needs and support his family. The prize, the fourth largest Powerball jackpot in history, was collected in a lump sum payment of $422 million after taxes, highlighting the success of the immigrant community.

Immigrant with cancer for 8 years wins Powerball jackpot

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

An immigrant who has been battling cancer for 8 years won the record $$1.3 billion prize in the Powerball lottery. His story inspires hope and shows how luck can change a struggling person's life.

What's known about the immigrant who won the historic $1.3 billion Powerball prize

Univision News - April 30, 2024

An anonymous immigrant won the record $$1.3 billion Powerball lottery prize. His identity is unknown, but it is known that he is a Hispanic man living in California. The prize is the largest in the history of the lottery in the United States. The winner has not yet claimed the prize and remains anonymous.

A law in Florida will benefit medical professionals who graduated abroad: we explain

Univision News - April 29, 2024

A new law in Florida will ease the licensing process for foreign-trained physicians. This will allow more health professionals to practice in the state, which will help fill the shortage of medical personnel. The law simplifies requirements and reduces red tape. This will benefit many immigrants with medical degrees obtained outside the United States.

Hispanic couple is an example of self-improvement: they sell thousands of typical Colombian dishes a week in N

Univision News - April 29, 2024

A Colombian immigrant couple has achieved great success with their typical food business in New York. They sell thousands of Colombian dishes a week, becoming an example of self-improvement. They started with a street stall and now have a thriving restaurant. Their story shows how immigrants can achieve entrepreneurial success through hard work and dedication.

Messages misrepresent immigrants' right to Social Security numbers and benefits - April 2024

Misinformation on social media about immigrants and eligibility for Social Security numbers and benefits is addressed in this article. It is clarified that immigrants who are legal or authorized to work in the United States can obtain Social Security numbers and, in some cases, benefits. Viral claims suggesting that undocumented immigrants access retirement benefits and confuse SSA-administered programs are debunked.

Social Security warns that scammers have become more creative

Telemundo News - April 28th, 2024

Social Security warns that scammers have become more creative in their attempts to trick beneficiaries, especially immigrants. They recommend being alert to suspicious calls and not sharing personal information. It is important to stay informed about the latest fraud trends to avoid becoming a victim.

Plan to press Biden to take executive immigration action

Univision - April 29, 2024

More than 130 organizations plan to lobby President Biden for immigration executive actions. These mobilizations, during the spring and summer, seek work permits for more than one million undocumented immigrants, spouses of U.S. citizens, and other immigrants who have lived in the United States for years. The lack of legislative progress drives these demands, seeking comprehensive immigration reform and an extension of the Immigration and Nationality Act registration.

Joint Statement by the Presidents of the United States and Mexico

U.S. Department of State - April 29, 2024

In a phone call, Presidents Biden and López Obrador reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen bilateral cooperation. They discussed effective migration management, improving border operations, and promoting the security and prosperity of both countries. Both leaders instructed their teams to implement concrete measures to significantly reduce irregular border crossings while upholding human rights. They also discussed strategies to address the root causes of migration.

U.S. and Mexico to immediately apply "concrete measures" against irregular border crossings

Voice of America - April 29, 2024

The presidents of the United States and Mexico agreed to implement strict measures to significantly reduce irregular border crossings. They also discussed strategies to address the root causes of migration in the Western Hemisphere. These initiatives are accompanied by a commitment to strengthen bilateral cooperation, effective management of the shared border, and protect human rights, although specific actions are not yet detailed.

AMLO spoke with Biden and agreed to keep border open

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

Mexican President AMLO met with President Biden and agreed to keep the border between the two countries open. This will facilitate the mobility of migrants and workers between Mexico and the United States. Both leaders stressed the importance of bilateral cooperation on migration issues.

López Obrador and Biden agree on more measures to curb irregular migration

Los Angeles Times en Español - April 29, 2024

In a telephone conversation, Presidents Biden and López Obrador agreed to implement new initiatives to stem the flow of migrants across their shared border. Interception numbers at the border decreased significantly compared to the previous year. Biden, on the campaign trail, seeks to reduce irregular migration while maintaining the bilateral relationship with Mexico, where migration is not a priority issue in the election.

Mexicans migrating to the U.S. for better opportunities increased

Telemundo News - April 28th, 2024

The number of Mexicans migrating to the United States in search of better economic and employment opportunities is increasing. This trend reflects the economic situation in Mexico and the attraction of the U.S. labor market for migrants.

U.S. Voters Concerned About Border Security

Tiempo Latino - April 29, 2024

A survey by Public Opinion Strategies and Americans Prosperity shows that border security is a top concern for 57% of voters. The poll highlights confidence in the Border Patrol and local law enforcement, and shows a split in opinion between the Biden administration and former President Trump. Border security ranks second among voter concerns, behind the economy and inflation.

CNN: Trump leads Biden by 9 points in voting intentions

Las Américas Newspaper - April 29, 2024

A CNN poll shows Trump with a 9-point lead over Biden in the upcoming election. 55% of respondents consider Trump's tenure successful, while 61% rate the Biden administration as a failure. The economy, immigration and foreign policy are critical issues for voters, reflecting majority support for Trump's stewardship in these areas.

Migration shakes U.S. elections; in Mexico it is not even mentioned in political debate

Los Angeles Times en Español - April 28, 2024

Immigration is a central issue in U.S. elections, but not in Mexico. The arrival of migrants has generated tensions in U.S. cities like Denver, while in Mexico, most see migrants as passing through or integrated. Mexican politics is more focused on everyday needs, while in the U.S., immigration is politicized, reflecting different democratic styles.

2024 Annual Report on International Parental Child Abduction Published

U.S. Department of State - April 29, 2024

The State Department released its annual report on international parental child abduction. The document highlights the protection of U.S. citizens abroad, especially children. It addresses cooperation with other countries on the Hague Convention, and identifies 16 countries that fail to protect children. The report promotes measures to prevent international parental kidnapping and ensure the prompt return of affected children.

CBP arrests Mexican national at La Paz Bridge for possession of child pornography

CBP - April 29, 2024

CBP arrested Marco Barajas Barron, a 52-year-old Mexican national, at the Peace Bridge border crossing in Buffalo for possession of child pornography. Upon secondary inspection, child pornographic material was discovered in his possession. The case highlights the collaboration between CBP and local law enforcement to protect the community. Barajas Barron faces charges of possession of obscene content of a minor.

New Orleans ERO investigation leads to indictment of convicted child molester for naturalization and passport fraud

ICE - April 29, 2024

ERO New Orleans' investigation resulted in the indictment of Felix Aguilar-Matias for naturalization and passport fraud. Aguilar-Matias, a Mexican national, was convicted in 2020 of child molestation. His naturalization in 2015 was based on false statements about his criminal history. Operation False Haven has expanded its scope to address fraud in various immigration benefits, highlighting the integrity of the naturalization process.

US: Border Patrol reports record drug seizure in Texas

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

The U.S. Border Patrol reports record drug seizures at the Texas border. This reflects efforts to combat the illegal trafficking of substances across the southern border. Authorities stress the importance of maintaining security and immigration control.

Community organizations and Honduran authorities clash over pilot appointment system in L.A.

Los Angeles Times en Español - April 29, 2024

Community organizations in Los Angeles and Honduran authorities clash over a pilot appointment system at the local consulate. The organizations are demanding the suspension of the ACOS system until flaws that prevented the return of funds to 2,000 mobile consulate users are corrected. Authorities defend the implementation of the system, generating tensions with the Honduran community.

Migrant families with children relocated in Los Angeles

Telemundo News - April 30, 2024

Authorities relocate migrant families with children in Los Angeles, providing them with housing and assistance. The measure seeks to provide support to these vulnerable families. The importance of ensuring the well-being of immigrant children is emphasized.

Arizona rancher accused of killing migrant at border won't be retried

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly will not be retried for the death of a Mexican migrant. His first trial concluded without a unanimous verdict. Kelly had been charged with second-degree murder in the death of Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, but the prosecution decided not to continue with the case, ending the judicial process.

Why won't the rancher accused of killing a migrant get a new trial?

Telemundo News - April 30, 2024

An Arizona rancher accused of killing a migrant will not have a new trial, according to authorities. The decision is based on the fact that no irregularities were found in the previous judicial process. This case has generated controversy and debate about the safety of immigrants at the border.

Support for Venezuelan migrants highlighted at U.S.-Brazil meeting

Voice of America - April 29, 2024

A bilateral meeting between the United States and Brazil highlighted Brazil's support for more than 500,000 Venezuelan migrants through Operation Welcome. Both countries reaffirmed their commitment to reduce irregular immigration and strengthen support to cities and communities receiving migrants. The meeting highlighted the continued collaboration between the two countries to address the Venezuelan migration crisis.


Organized crime has control of the border in Tijuana, Mexico, warns NGO

El Diario NY - April 29, 2024

Organized crime controls the Tijuana border, allowing irregular crossings, according to Casa del Migrante. Criminal organizations take advantage of migrants' vulnerability to profit from the situation. Migration pressure increases with elections in the US and Mexico, where the number of irregular migrants reached a record 77%. The NGO urges governments to work with civil associations to manage the crisis.

Mexico commits abuses such as torture against minorities at immigration checkpoints: UN Committee

El Diario NY - April 29, 2024

UN Committee denounces abuses and racial discrimination at immigration checkpoints in Mexico. The report highlights torture, excessive use of force and illegal deportations against indigenous people, Afro-descendants and other minorities. The committee urges Mexico to prohibit racial profiling and protect these communities. It also deplores structural discrimination, while recognizing advances in cultural protection and indigenous participation.

AMLO offers protection to Univision journalist who was intercepted by gunmen in Mexico

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

Mexico's President AMLO offered protection to a Univision journalist who was intercepted by gunmen while reporting in Mexico. This incident highlights the risks faced by communicators in the country. AMLO pledged to guarantee the safety of journalists covering news in Mexico.

For the first time this village in Honduras has piped drinking water

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

A village in Honduras receives potable water through pipes for the first time, improving the living conditions of its inhabitants. This infrastructure project benefits the community, which previously relied on unsafe water sources. The arrival of piped water service represents a significant step forward for this population.

Energy crisis in Ecuador leaves millions of dollars in losses

Telemundo News - April 29, 2024

The energy crisis in Ecuador has generated millions of dollars in losses for the country. Power outages and fuel shortages have severely affected the economic activity and daily life of Ecuadorians. Authorities are working to resolve this emergency situation and restore stable electricity supply.


I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
