Immigration news today 27 March 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Guatemalan families reunited with loved ones in the U.S.

Telemundo News - March 26, 2024

Hidalgo sin Fronteras facilitated the emotional reunion in the U.S. of 29 elderly Guatemalans with their families, whom they had not seen since they migrated. The beneficiaries expressed deep emotion upon returning to embrace their children and grandchildren.

Minnesota carnival operators ordered to pay $146K in back pay to temporary foreign workers

U.S. Department of Labor - March 27, 2024

A U.S. Department of Labor administrative judge has ordered GoldStar Amusements Inc. and Lee's Concessions Inc. operated by Michael and Connie Featherston in Fairbault, Minnesota, to pay $146,243 in back wages to 55 temporary foreign employees and $63,584 in civil penalties. The investigation revealed that, during the 2016 and 2017 seasons, they failed to pay prevailing wages and transportation costs and failed to maintain accurate records of workers' earnings under the H-2B visa program.

Change of Filing Location for Form I-129 for H-1B and H-1B Visa Season Updates and Reminders

USCIS - March 26, 2024

USCIS announced the closing of the initial registration period for the FY 2025 H-1B visa season on March 25, 2024, and changes to the filing of Form I-129, which beginning April 1, 2024, must be sent to secure USCIS locations instead of service centers. Additionally, the new fees and Form I-129 edition will be effective April 1, 2024, with no grace period for previous versions. USCIS has also introduced online accounts for organizations and eliminated the use of prepaid mailings for H-1B petitions.

Special Passport Acceptance Fairs

U.S. Department of State - March 26, 2024

The U.S. Department of State organizes passport acceptance fairs across the country to help first-time applicants and children obtain their passports. These events, primarily for new applicants and children using Form DS-11, are held at post offices, libraries and local government offices. The facilities only offer routine and expedited services, they do not issue passports directly. Events are updated weekly on the website.

Marty C. Raybon appointed CBP Director of Field Operations at the Detroit Field Office.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - March 25, 2024

Marty C. Raybon has been named director of field operations for the Detroit Field Office of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In this position, he will lead more than 1,600 employees, overseeing counterterrorism policy and operations, cargo and traveler operations, agricultural inspections, and trade enforcement and facilitation at ports of entry throughout Michigan. Raybon will oversee major ports of entry such as the Ambassador Bridge and Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Previously, he served as executive director of CBP's National Targeting Center, where he oversaw emerging threat analysis and facilitated counter-network collaboration with federal, state, local and international partners.

New immigration tariffs go into effect on April 1

Univision - March 27, 2024

New USCIS immigration fees go into effect on April 1, 2024, marking the first increase since 2016. These changes, intended to more fully cover USCIS operational costs, have generated mixed reactions among activists. For example, the cost of Form I-130 will increase from $535 to $630. While some activists question the need for these increases, others hope it will improve service and reduce delays. Currently, USCIS accumulates more than 10 million pending applications. The organizations emphasize the importance of the new fees reflecting an improvement in the services provided by USCIS, warning that any failure to do so would lead to a sense of disappointment among the immigrant community.

Legal Challenge to New USCIS Fees

The National Law Review - March 22, 2024

A significant increase in U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processing fees is scheduled to go into effect on April 1, 2024. However, a demand filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado could delay implementation. The plaintiffs in the case, the ITServe Alliance (a group representing technology companies), the American Immigrant Investors Alliance and a Canadian investor, have requested a preliminary injunction to stop the planned fee increases. The proposed fee rule would significantly increase costs for employers in connection with H-1B, L-1 and O-1 petitions, and would also introduce a $600 fee for the Asylum Program that would affect certain petitioners. The lawsuit argues that the fee rule was promulgated without following proper rulemaking procedures, improperly doubles fees for immigrant investors through the EB-5 program in violation of law, and arbitrarily and without legal justification allocates the burden to certain employers to fund government handling of asylum cases.

USCIS 2024 Final Fee Rule: FAQ

Immigration Today - February 1, 2024

The new USCIS Final Fee Rule, which will go into effect on April 1, 2024, seeks to recover the agency's operating costs and support timely processing of applications. This is the first fee adjustment since 2016, with USCIS arguing that the previous fee schedule did not fully cover its operating costs. The rule was developed after a thorough review and receipt of more than 5,400 public comments. The new fees are expected to generate an average of $4.42 billion per year, an increase needed to handle projected workloads and avoid future delays. The changes include adjustments to naturalization fees and expansion of exemptions for humanitarian cases and adoptions.

Appeals court upholds block on SB4, Texas' controversial immigration law

Univision News - March 27, 2024

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has decided to keep blocked the Texas SB4 law, which would empower state officials to detain and deport undocumented immigrants. This decision keeps implementation of the law on hold while litigation continues in the courts. The Justice Department argues that the law violates federal authority over immigration matters and would create chaos at the border. Texas, on the other hand, argues that it is a necessary measure in the face of what it considers an "invasion" of migrants. The law, signed by Governor Greg Abbott, has been the subject of controversy since its approval, being criticized for allowing detentions based on suspicions of undocumented immigration status.

Appeals court upholds blocking of Texas immigration law SB4

Telemundo - March 27, 2024

The Texas SB4 law, which allows state and local authorities to detain and deport undocumented immigrants, continues to be blocked by a federal appeals court decision. The controversy over this measure, promoted by Republican Governor Greg Abbott, continues after the Supreme Court ruling that briefly allowed its implementation on March 19. Joe Biden's administration seeks to block this law, arguing that it infringes on federal immigration authority and negatively affects international relations, especially with Mexico. SB4, in addition to allowing detentions on suspicion of illegal entry into the country, also stipulates severe penalties for assisting in crossing or transporting an undocumented immigrant.

Court extends blocking of SB4 law in Texas that criminalizes immigrants

El Diario NY - March 27, 2024

The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has extended the stay of Texas' SB4 law, a state regulation that seeks to authorize state police officers to perform immigration actions such as detaining immigrants for deportation. This decision is temporary and arises while the court determines whether SB4 allows actions that traditionally belong to the federal government. The legality of the law is being challenged in a legal battle where the Biden administration is seeking its cancellation. Mexico has also expressed concern about the potential harm to people of Mexican origin and the complication of diplomatic and commercial relations with the U.S.

Records confirm Trump's mother-in-law came to U.S. through process he criticizes

Washington Post/El Tiempo Latino - March 26, 2024

Melania Trump sponsored her mother to immigrate to the United States through a process known as "chain migration," a method frequently criticized by Donald Trump during his presidency. This process allows U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to sponsor close family members to join them in the U.S., a practice that Trump had called harmful to the country for allegedly favoring the entry of unskilled immigrants. The irony of this situation highlights the discrepancy between the public policies promoted by Trump and the personal actions of his family.

Despite the uncertainty, 94% of DACA-protected dreamers are employed.

Univision News - March 26, 2024

94% of DACA recipients are employed, and their average hourly wage has more than doubled since the program's inception in 2012, from $11.92 to $31.52. This increase reflects the success and contribution of dreamers to the U.S. economy, despite the legal uncertainty surrounding DACA. A recent survey by the U.S. Immigration Policy Center, United We Dream, the National Immigration Law Center and the Center for American Progress reveals the integration and positive impact of dreamers on the economy, highlighting the need for a permanent solution to ensure their stability in the country.

94% of 'dreamers' with DACA are employed; have achieved better wages and purchased housing, reveals CAP report

La Opinión - March 25, 2024

A report by the Center for American Progress (CAP) reveals that 94.1% of DACA-protected dreamers are employed, marking a significant increase in their labor force participation. This report highlights the economic and social gains made by DACA recipients, including increased income, which has allowed many to achieve financial independence and improve their families' economic situation. In addition, a growing percentage have been able to purchase their first home, evidencing the positive impact of DACA on the ability of dreamers to contribute to the local and national economies.

Immigrants in New York to receive prepaid debit cards for food and supplies

Tiempo Latino - March 26, 2024

The administration of Mayor Eric Adams in New York has launched a program to distribute prepaid debit cards to immigrants, starting with a pilot project that will provide 115 preloaded Mastercard cards. This program, designed to replace the distribution of non-perishable food boxes to immigrant families staying in hotels, seeks to offer a more efficient solution and avoid food waste. Each card will allow beneficiaries to purchase food and baby supplies at local stores, with a two-parent family with children under the age of five receiving approximately $350 per week.

New York to impose curfews for three immigrant shelters: here's what you need to know

Univision News - March 26, 2024

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has announced the implementation of curfews in three immigrant shelters from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am as an anti-crime measure. The restriction will affect the movement of immigrants housed in these centers.

Immigration crisis in Florida city: Hispanics sleeping in cars and roaming the streets

Univision News - March 26, 2024

Hialeah, Florida is reporting an unprecedented immigration crisis, according to Mayor Esteban Bovo. Many Hispanic immigrants are forced to sleep on the streets or in their cars due to lack of housing.

Migrant arrested in Michigan for murdering woman during carjacking attempt

La Opinión - March 26, 2024

A migrant from Mexico was charged in Michigan with killing 25-year-old Ruby Garcia during an attempted carjacking. The suspect, identified as Brandon Ortiz Vite, also 25, faces multiple charges, including open homicide and carjacking. Police indicated that Ortiz Vite is in the country illegally. Garcia's family remembers Ruby as a person full of life and laughter, whose death has deeply impacted many. The community is mobilizing to support the victim's family through a fundraiser to cover funeral costs.

Two men prosecuted for transporting more than 200 migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border

El Diario NY - March 26, 2024

Two men, identified as Erick 'A' and Carlos 'M', have been indicted for illegally transporting more than 200 migrants from Ecuador, Guatemala and Honduras to Mexico's northern border in an attempt to cross into the United States. The suspects were arrested in Coahuila and face charges of migrant smuggling. The migrants, including women, adult men and minors, were found in precarious conditions inside a tractor-trailer. This event underscores the problem of human smuggling and irregular migration in the region, in a context of record migration flows to North America.

Lopez Obrador says migration flow to the U.S. dropped 54.8% in March

Los Angeles Times - March 26, 2024

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced a 54.8% reduction in the flow of migrants to the United States in March compared to December of last year, when more than 12,000 migrant encounters were reported daily. This decrease is attributed to measures agreed between the U.S. and Mexico to increase migrant detentions in Mexican territory. López Obrador highlighted the importance of cooperating with migrants' countries of origin and announced economic aid for Colombian and Ecuadorian migrants, similar to that granted to Venezuelans, in order to contain the migratory flow.

Mike Johnson called Lopez Obrador's immigration proposal "absurd" and said Mexico should be "forced" to cooperate.

El Diario NY - March 26, 2024

US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson sharply criticized Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's proposal to ask the United States for a $20 billion annual investment in Latin American development to mitigate mass migration. Johnson called the proposal "absurd" and accused Lopez Obrador of favoring the cartels and demanding that the U.S. fund mass migration. He advocated using U.S. influence to "force" Mexico to cooperate in managing the migration crisis, reflecting the tensions and challenges in migration policy between the two countries.

Mexico will give money to Colombian and Ecuadorian deportees

Telemundo News - March 26, 2024

Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has launched a program offering $110 to deported Colombians and Ecuadorians who are employed for at least six months in participating companies. However, some migrants consider the amount to be insufficient.

Mexican government signs deportation agreement with Colombia and Ecuador

Telemundo News - March 26, 2024

Mexico has signed a deportation agreement with Colombia and Ecuador, including a labor agreement with economic retribution to avoid recidivism. In 2023, more than 106,000 Ecuadorians and 23,000 Colombians entered Mexico.

New migrant caravan advances from Mexico to the southern US border: they oppose SB4 law

Univision News - March 26, 2024

A caravan of at least 1,500 immigrants, mostly from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba and Venezuela, has begun its march from Chiapas to the southern U.S. border in protest against SB4, described by participants as racist and xenophobic.

Thousands walk to the U.S. in the 'Viacrucis migrante' (migrant road to the U.S.)

Telemundo News - March 26, 2024

Migrants from at least six Latin American countries have begun the so-called 'Viacrucis migrante' from Tapachula, Chiapas, to the U.S. Hoping to face the dangers of the journey together, organizers say participants have no other choice.

Demand investigation into release of two Mexican immigration agents accused of corruption and human trafficking

El Diario NY - March 26, 2024

The Tijuana-based Border Line Crisis Center is demanding a thorough investigation following the capture and subsequent release of two agents of Mexico's National Migration Institute (INM) on charges of corruption and human trafficking. The Attorney General's Office found cash, weapons and records of migrant payments at the officials' residence during an inspection. The case highlights concerns about corruption within the INM and the need for action to protect the migrant population, in a context marked by the anniversary of the tragic fire at an INM station in Ciudad Juarez that left 40 migrants dead.

Migrants to hold rally to demand justice for fire that killed 40 people in Mexico

El Diario NY - March 26, 2024

Activists and migrants plan a memorial event in front of the National Migration Institute (INM) station in Ciudad Juarez, where a fire caused the death of 40 migrants a year ago. The initiative seeks to demand justice and point out government negligence. In addition, it advocates the creation of a memorial at the site to remember the victims and the mistakes made by the Mexican government in managing the safety of migrants. The organizers of the event stress the importance of not forgetting the tragedy and guaranteeing the protection of migrants' human rights.

One year after the tragedy in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico closes immigration centers to improve security

La Opinión - March 25, 2024

In response to the tragic death of 40 migrants in Ciudad Juarez a year ago, the Mexican government has begun to improve security at its migrant housing centers. The National Migration Institute (INM) is working to modernize its facilities to ensure the safety and integrity of migrants. Measures implemented include the elimination of padlocks and locks, the replacement of bars with acrylic, and the installation of smoke detectors and emergency doors. In addition, 33 of the 54 migrant centers have been temporarily closed for renovations.

Bernardo Arévalo: Guatemala's relationship with the U.S. is not contingent on curbing migration

El Diario NY - March 25, 2024

Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo emphasizes that cooperation with the United States goes beyond migration. During his visit to the White House, Arevalo discussed with the Biden administration strengthening Guatemala's borders, a shared interest in controlling cartel-dominated areas. The bilateral relationship focuses on combating corruption and economic development, with migration as a subordinate issue. Arevalo seeks to regain control over the borders as a strategic objective of his own, not imposed by the U.S., and reaffirms his commitment to the fight against corruption, calling for the resignation of prosecutor Consuelo Porras, questioned for her actions. The digitalization of the public sector and the US support to the National Anti-Corruption Commission are pillars for this battle against corruption.

Ecuador Travel Warning

U.S. Department of State - March 8, 2024

The U.S. Department of State advises exercising increased caution when traveling to Ecuador due to civil unrest, crime, and kidnappings. Travel to certain areas should be reconsidered due to crime, including parts of Guayaquil, El Oro province, Los Rios, and areas south of the city of Esmeraldas. A widespread problem of violent crime is reported. Also mentioned is a national state of emergency declared by Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa, extended until April 8, 2024, which includes a nationwide curfew and additional requirements for foreign nationals entering by land.

Nicaragua Travel Warning

U.S. Department of State - January 11, 2024

Travel to Nicaragua is advised to reconsider due to arbitrary enforcement of laws, risk of unjust detentions, and limited availability of medical care. The country faces problems with government and law enforcement officials targeting individuals and organizations seen as opponents of President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo. U.S. citizens, including Nicaraguan-American citizens, have been subject to revocation of Nicaraguan citizenship, re-entry bans, expulsion, and other actions. Arbitrary seizures of private property and detentions without respect for fair trial guarantees have been reported.

Cuba Travel Warning

U.S. Department of State - January 5, 2024

Extra caution should be exercised in Cuba due to crime. The country presents a risk to tourists with respect to petty crime, as well as violent crime, including armed robberies and homicides. U.S. Embassy employees require a special notification process for travel outside of the Havana area, which may affect the embassy's ability to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens in Cuba. You are advised to be aware of your surroundings, not to physically resist attempts at robbery, and not to show signs of wealth.

Colombia Travel Warning

U.S. Department of State - January 2, 2024

The U.S. Department of State advises reconsidering travel to Colombia due to crime and terrorism and exercising increased caution due to civil unrest and kidnappings. Travel is discouraged to specific departments such as Arauca, Cauca (excluding Popayan) and Norte de Santander due to crime and terrorism, as well as the border region with Venezuela due to crime, kidnappings and risk of detention. Violent crime is widespread, including homicide, assault, and armed robbery. Terrorist groups and criminal organizations continue to operate and attack in Colombia. Demonstrations are frequent and may block roads, affecting public transportation and travel. Travel restrictions for U.S. government employees limit emergency assistance in restricted areas.


Top 5 Spanish-speaking countries in the world: U.S. is on the list

Univision News - March 26, 2024

Despite not being its official language, the United States ranks among the top countries with the largest number of Spanish speakers in the world. This situation highlights the importance and expansion of Spanish outside its traditional territories, evidencing a significant cultural change.

Hispanic couple marries in Texas hospital intensive care unit

Al Rojo Vivo - March 26, 2024

In an emotional event in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Lubbock, Texas, a Hispanic couple celebrated their wedding, fulfilling one of the wishes of the bride's father. The event symbolizes love and hope in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Inspiring America: Gilda Mirós the broadcaster and actress who made history

Telemundo News - March 26, 2024

Gilda Mirós, a pioneer in communication, acting and writing for Hispanic women in radio and television, shares her journey and the secret behind her success. Her story inspires current and future generations in the media field.

Bridge collapses in Baltimore after being rammed by a ship

Voice of America - March 26, 2024

A serious incident occurred in Baltimore, Maryland, where a bridge collapsed after being struck by a freighter. Authorities continue to search for people who fell into the water due to the collapse, marking a critical moment for the city and its emergency services.

Two Hispanics identified among missing after cargo ship crashes into bridge in Baltimore

Univision News - March 26, 2024

Salvadorans Miguel Luna and Maynor Suazo have been identified as among those missing in the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore as a result of a freighter collision. Four other people, presumably Hispanic, who were working at the site at the time of the incident, are being sought.

There were employees from several Latino countries on the bridge in Baltimore.

Telemundo News - March 26, 2024

The accident on the Baltimore bridge involved workers from diverse Latino backgrounds, including Miguel Luna, who visited his wife before work on the day of the tragedy, looking happy and content. The community is united in solidarity in the wake of this event.

Colombia: Since Holy Thursday, parishioners fill the country's main churches

Voice of America - March 26, 2024

Since Maundy Thursday, Colombian parishioners fill the main churches, including Colombia's primate cathedral in Bogota, to participate in re-enactments of Jesus' last supper and the washing of feet, reaffirming their faith and traditions.

Emergency regime in El Salvador celebrates its second anniversary

Voice of America - March 26, 2024

El Salvador is marking the second anniversary of its emergency rule, a transitional measure extended by President Nayib Bukele to combat gangs. Although controversial, it is considered a key element in the fight against organized crime in the country.

Ecuadorian police investigating mayor's murder

Voice of America - March 26, 2024

Police in Ecuador are investigating the murder of Brigitte Garcia, an Ecuadorian mayor, who was killed near San Vicente. The crime has shocked the nation, underscoring the security challenges it faces and prompting an urgent call for action by authorities.

Baby silverback gorilla receives hundreds of visitors at UK zoo

Al Rojo Vivo - March 26, 2024

A zoo in London, England, celebrates the birth of a baby silverback gorilla, becoming an attraction that has received hundreds of visitors since its arrival. This event marks the second time that a cub of this species has been born in captivity, highlighting the importance of conservation and the study of these magnificent animals.



I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
