Immigration news today 26 March 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Free clothes and shoes: this is the Tienda de la Bondad, a place designed for immigrants.

Univision News - March 25, 2024

The Kindness Store in New York offers free clothing, shoes and toiletries to immigrants. Beneficiaries can choose what they need for 40 minutes and also access advice on immigration procedures. This project seeks to alleviate some of the difficulties immigrants face upon arrival in the city, providing not only basic necessities but also important guidance for their integration and legalization.

You traveled to your country, missed your court date and are looking to get it back. We answer your immigration questions

Univision - March 21, 2024

Immigrants in the U.S. asylum process face automatic deportation if they leave the country, a harsh reality that affected one Venezuelan after returning home for a family emergency. Despite having a scheduled court date, his departure resulted in the loss of his stay rights, with no possibility of reopening his case unless there are errors in the notice to appear or exceptional reasons. This case underscores the importance of understanding the legal consequences of leaving the U.S. during the asylum process.

Hunger and poverty, the reality experienced by stranded immigrants

Univision News - March 25, 2024

Yalimar Perez, a 22-year-old pregnant Venezuelan, and Miguel Fernandez, share their experiences facing homelessness in Los Angeles. They arrived seeking better living conditions but found the harsh reality of a lack of adequate housing and conditions in shelters for undocumented immigrants. This report highlights the extreme hardships faced by homeless immigrants in the United States, underscoring the urgency of solutions to the housing and services crisis for this vulnerable population.

Hundreds of migrants to move out of five Chicago Park District sites to other temporary shelters

La Raza - March 25, 2024

In Chicago, hundreds of migrants will be moved from five public parks used as temporary shelters to other accommodations. This move will allow the parks to reopen to the local community as the weather improves. Mayor Brandon Johnson's office announced that migrants housed in Gage Park, Broadway Armory Park, Brands Park, Leone Park and Piotrowski Park will be relocated in the coming weeks. The city has experienced a significant decrease in the number of migrants housed, which has made this transition possible. The Park District will assess and make the necessary repairs to resume normal park operations.

Chicago leaders call for easier work permit process for undocumented immigrants

La Raza - March 25, 2024

In Chicago, immigrant advocacy leaders demand easier access to work permits for undocumented immigrants, criticizing the complexity of the current process. They require temporary protection or 150 days in the U.S. after applying for asylum. At a recent event, participants and local politicians, including Councilman Byron Sigcho Lopez, underscored the urgency of reforms, highlighting the shame of fighting for the basic right to work. They highlighted the importance of federal support, with Vice Mayor Beatriz Ponce de Leon urging President Biden to act.

Pillars of the U.S.-Mexico wall in binational Friendship Park to go to museum

La Opinión - March 21, 2024

Pillars from the border wall at La Amistad Park, replaced by taller ones, will be displayed at the US Museum as symbols of cross-border family reunions. These pieces, noted for their tri-national value, reflect the cultural, artistic and emotional interactions on the U.S.-Mexico border. The decision underscores the narrative of the border as a place of human encounter and creative endeavor, emphasizing its historical and cultural importance amidst changing immigration policies.

More than 2,000 migrants begin Easter Week trek from Mexico's southern border to U.S. to showcase their difficult journey

El Diario NY - March 25, 2024

Approximately two thousand migrants began an Easter Week walk from Tapachula, Chiapas, to Mexico City, as a demonstration of the hardships faced in their journey to the United States. These migrants, who suffer robbery, extortion, and aggression along the way, are looking for a better future outside their native countries. The mobilization is highlighted by a white cross with the inscription "Cristo Resucito", symbolizing their struggle and hope during the holy days. This caravan, made up of families, youth and children, will face even more challenges as they reach Mexico's northern border with the United States.

Mexico joins lawsuit in court over Texas SB4 law against immigrants

La Opinión - March 21, 2024

The Mexican government has intervened in the legal battle against the Texas SB4 law by means of a amicus curiae filed before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. This law authorizes Texas authorities to detain and deport migrants, which has been denounced by Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena as unconstitutional, arguing that immigration management corresponds to the U.S. federal government. Mexico, highlighting the relevance of Mexicans in Texas, who represent 26% of its population, and their economic contribution, acts firmly to protect its citizens in the state, pledging support through its 11 consulates. The contention of this law highlights the tension in immigration policies and Mexico's position against state measures it considers discriminatory.

A migrant viacrusis departs with prayers to cross Mexico

Telemundo News - March 25, 2024

At the beginning of Holy Week, a caravan of migrants left Tapachula for Mexico, led by Luis Villagrán. The participants, facing the dilemma of "walking out as a group or leaving in a trailer of death", opted for prayer and unity as the driving forces to overcome the dangers of the journey. This migrant viacrucis symbolizes the struggle and hope of those who, in search of better living conditions, cross routes full of uncertainty and risks.

Trump suggested that Prince Harry could be deported from the U.S. We explain if it's possible

Telemundo News - March 25, 2024

Donald Trump hinted in an interview with the British network GBN that, should he return to the presidency, he would consider deporting Prince Harry from the United States. Damià Bonmatí, correspondent for Telemundo News, consulted an immigration lawyer to analyze the feasibility of this proposal. The report addresses the legal implications and the conditions under which a person can be deported, offering a clear picture of this controversial comment.

This is the 'invasion' clause Texas seeks to invoke at the border

Telemundo News - March 25, 2024

Texas intends to expand its border security powers, claiming to be facing an "invasion". Reporter Yngrid Fuentes explains Governor Greg Abbott's intention to use this clause to strengthen border measures. This legal move seeks to give the state greater autonomy in managing border security and immigration, a move that has generated widespread debate about its implications and legitimacy.

40,000 migrants stranded at Mexico's southern border

Telemundo News - March 25, 2024

Some 40,000 migrants are stranded on Mexico's southern border, many of them crossing the Suchiate River and settling in makeshift camps as they await paperwork to continue their journey. This report highlights the precarious situation of the migrants, who face numerous dangers as they wait for the opportunity to move on to their final destinations. The situation highlights the challenges of migration in the region and the need for humanitarian solutions.

Summary of Vice President Harris' Roundtable with Central America Forward participants

The White House - March 25, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris today convened participants of Central America Forward (CAF), a public-private partnership created in response to the Vice President's 2021 call to action for the private sector to deepen investment in northern Central America, at the White House. CAF is expanding economic opportunity and promoting good governance in northern Central America, which helps reduce irregular migration. The Vice President announced that CAF has generated more than $$5.2 billion in private sector commitments for El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, including $$1 billion in new commitments announced today. These private sector investments have already created more than 70,000 jobs in the region, provided skills training to more than 1 million people, integrated more than 2.5 million people into the formal economy, and connected more than 4.5 million people to the internet.

Summary of President Biden's meeting with President Bernardo Arevalo of Guatemala

The White House - March 25, 2024

President Joe Biden met with President Bernardo Arevalo to congratulate him on his inauguration in January and to reiterate our commitment to a strong partnership between the United States and Guatemala. The leaders discussed good governance, effective migration management, the importance of defending democracy and other issues of mutual interest. President Biden thanked President Arevalo for his leadership in organizing the upcoming Los Angeles Declaration for Protection and Migration Summit and emphasized the importance of continuing to advance the Biden-Harris Strategy to Address the Root Causes of Migration in Central America.

Remarks by Vice President Harris and President Bernardo Arevalo of Guatemala prior to the bilateral meeting

The White House - March 25, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris and President Bernardo Arevalo of Guatemala delivered remarks prior to their bilateral meeting at the White House. Harris praised Arevalo for his commitment to fighting corruption, representing all Guatemalans including the indigenous community, and expanding access to health care and education. Arévalo expressed his appreciation for U.S. support during Guatemala's electoral process and presidential transition, highlighting the importance of collaboration to consolidate democracy, strengthen public institutions, fight corruption, and promote economic prosperity and sustainable development.

Vice President Harris announces million-dollar investment in northern Central America

Voice of America - March 25, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris and Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo discussed U.S. investment in northern Central America during their meeting at the White House. This investment plan seeks to address the root causes of migration by improving economic and social conditions in the region. This bilateral effort emphasizes the importance of cooperation to create opportunities and stability, with the goal of reducing the flow of migration to the United States.

Summary of Vice President Harris' meeting with President Arevalo of Guatemala

The White House - March 25, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris met with President Bernardo Arevalo of Guatemala to strengthen the U.S.-Guatemala bilateral relationship and make progress in addressing the root causes of migration. They discussed the importance of good governance, economic opportunity, security and migration management, and how the United States can work with Guatemala to support these goals. The Vice President expressed support for President Arevalo's efforts to combat corruption in Guatemala and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to good governance and the rule of law. Both leaders agreed on the urgent need to address the drivers of irregular migration from northern Central America and to continue cooperation under the Biden-Harris Administration's Root Cause Strategy.

Fact Sheet: Update on U.S. Strategy to Address the Root Causes of Migration in Central America

The White House - March 25, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is leading the implementation of the Root Cause Strategy, which addresses the drivers of irregular migration by improving conditions in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. This includes addressing economic, governance and security challenges through five pillars: 1) Addressing economic insecurity and inequality; 2) Combating corruption and strengthening democratic governance; 3) Promoting human and labor rights; 4) Countering and preventing violence; and 5) Combating sexual and gender-based violence. These efforts bring hope and opportunity to the people of Central America, affirming that a secure and prosperous future lies in their home communities. The Administration is on track to meet its commitment to provide $$4 billion to the region over four years.

Fact Sheet: Vice President Harris announces public-private partnership that has generated more than $$5.2 billion in private sector commitments for North Central America

The White House - March 25, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris and the Partnership for Central America (PCA) announced more than $1 billion in new private sector commitments as part of Central America Forward (CAF), a public-private partnership created in response to the Vice President's call to action for North Central America. This announcement brings the grand total of new commitments to more than $$5.2 billion since May 2021. These investments are creating jobs, connecting people to the digital economy, expanding access to financing for small businesses, providing training and education for youth, women and workers, and improving the economic livelihoods of people in the region.

ERO Boston removes Italian national convicted of aggravated assault and battery in Italy

ICE - March 25, 2024

ERO Boston deportation officers removed Yael Gonzales-Mejia, a 34-year-old Italian national, from the United States to Italy. Gonzales-Mejia, who wanted in his home country to serve his sentence on a charge of aggravated assault and battery, was removed to Italy on March 6. The Criminal Court of Pistoia, Italy, had charged him with attempted murder on March 3, 2013, and convicted him of aggravated assault and battery on Aug. 8, 2016. Following his convictions, Gonzales-Mejia received a prison sentence of one year and 26 days. Later that day, the court issued a warrant for Gonzales-Mejia's arrest for failure to serve the sentence.

ERO New Orleans arrests Honduran alien fugitive wanted for murder in Alabama

ICE - March 25, 2024

Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) New Orleans arrested a Honduran alien fugitive wanted for murder in his home country. The arrest occurred on March 1 in Mobile, Alabama. The Honduran national, who entered the United States on an unknown date and location without inspection, admission or parole by an immigration officer, will be held in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody pending a future hearing before an immigration judge with the Department of Justice's Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR).

ERO New York City arrests previously removed Colombian national suspected of being a member of a criminal organization

ICE - March 25, 2024

ERO New York City arrested a Colombian national suspected of being a member of a transnational organized criminal enterprise known as a South American Robbery Ring. He was arrested in Eastchester, New York on March 20, subject to a criminal warrant issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for illegal reentry. The Colombian national was arraigned before a federal magistrate judge and remanded to the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service pending trial.

ERO Chicago arrests Venezuelan national with ties to Tren de Aragua criminal organization

ICE - March 25, 2024

ERO Chicago arrested Adelvis Rodriguez-Carmona, a Venezuelan national and alleged member of the Tren de Aragua transnational criminal organization. He was arrested without incident outside his residence on March 11 and is currently being held at the Dodge County Detention Center in Juneau, Wisconsin, pending immigration removal proceedings. Rodriguez-Carmona was previously encountered by the U.S. Border Patrol near Eagle Pass, Texas, in July 2022 and placed in removal proceedings, being released on a recognizance warrant. An immigration judge issued a final order of removal for Rodriguez-Carmona in absentia on July 7, 2023.

ICE removes Salvadoran national wanted for death squad killings during El Salvador's civil war

ICE - March 25, 2024

Angel Anibal Alvarado Benitez, a 75-year-old Salvadoran national, was removed by ERO Philadelphia to El Salvador, where he is wanted by law enforcement authorities for murder and other crimes related to his involvement in killings committed by death squads during El Salvador's civil war. Alvarado Benitez was turned over to authorities in El Salvador following a cooperative operation between ERO Philadelphia, ERO Baltimore, HSI Baltimore, HSI San Salvador and ICE's Human Rights Violators and War Crimes Center.

Trump's 'migrant invasion' versus the reality of the border

El Diario NY - March 25, 2024

Former President Donald Trump's rhetoric on irregular immigration contrasts with the human stories on the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump has described migrants crossing irregularly as "criminals" and "warriors," but the reality in places like the Casa del Migrante in Piedras Negras and the north bank of the Rio Grande shows a different picture. There is talk of people facing extreme dangers, such as the case of Yamilet, a 6-year-old girl who almost drowned in the Rio Grande. Doctors from Doctors Without Borders and other humanitarian workers recount the suffering of dehydrated children, sick pregnant women, and people who have been tortured or abused on their way to the U.S. Despite the difficult reality faced by migrants, Trump continues to use immigration as a key point in his campaign, associating migrants with crime and promoting fear of an "invasion" of "criminals."


Learning crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean

DW English - March 25, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated an education crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean, with predicted future income losses for this generation. School closures and lack of investment have significantly affected learning, especially in math and reading comprehension. This report highlights the urgent need for investment and political commitment to address educational deficiencies and avoid long-term economic impacts in the region.

Criminals and ordinary people were caught in the loan fraud by COVID-19

El Nuevo Herald - March 25, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic and the response of the U.S. Congress with an emergency loan program led to a wave of fraud in Miami and South Florida, involving a wide range of society, from businessmen to police officers. With nearly $800,000 million quickly distributed, insufficient control measures facilitated abuse of the system, leading to the acquisition of luxury goods such as sports cars and jewelry with embezzled funds. To date, about 3,200 individuals have been indicted for defrauding about $1.7 billion from these federal programs. This scenario underscores the vulnerability of rapid relief systems to massive fraud and the challenges to justice in times of crisis.

Woman who paints artwork with her mouth and feet in Guatemala shares her life story

Al Rojo Vivo - March 25, 2024

María Eugenia Nájera, from Guatemala, demonstrates that physical limits are not obstacles to talent and artistic expression. For more than 40 years, she has painted works of art using her mouth and feet, earning significant recognition. Her story is an inspiration of perseverance and skill, showing that art can transcend any barrier.

Economic Tourism: How to get by bus to these 8 vacation destinations in El Salvador and how much to spend on food?

La Prensa Gráfica - March 21, 2024

Exploring El Salvador on a budget is possible thanks to the recommendations of Salvadoran tiktoker Emerboss, who shares how to travel by bus to various tourist destinations on a budget. Highlights include Cerro El Pital to enjoy a cool climate, Cerro Verde Park, the Albanian Labyrinth in Apaneca, and the raccoon pier in Acajutla for beach and animal lovers. Also recommended are Termos del Rio, Suchitoto for a colonial experience, Puerta del Diablo and Boqueron, all accessible by public transportation and with affordable food options. These destinations offer a variety of natural, cultural and adventure experiences for tourists on a budget.

This is what El Salvador was like more than 100 years ago, when there was still a lagoon in the San Salvador volcano (+PHOTOS)

La Prensa Grafica - March 19, 2024

El Salvador at the beginning of the 20th century was a country where electric energy was just beginning to be used, streets were made of dirt, and the indigenous presence was notable. Among the significant changes of the era was the disappearance of the crater lake of the San Salvador volcano after the eruption of 1917, an event that also devastated parts of the capital. Daily life included transportation by wagon and the beginning of ice making as a great innovation. Old photographs reveal details of a society in transformation, from the construction of the first ice factory to marketing in indigenous markets. This glimpse into the past provides a rich visual and cultural narrative of El Salvador in an era of transition and growth.

How many Bolivians are there and how do they live?

DW English - March 25, 2024

Bolivia conducted its population and housing census, which was notable for its high participation. This census is crucial for understanding national needs, optimizing the distribution of resources and reorganizing parliamentary seats. It will also provide essential data on the growth of intermediate cities, with the first results expected in September and the full report in March 2025.

Rural exodus in Spain

DW English - March 25, 2024

In the province of Zamora, part of the so-called "empty Spain", the rural exodus is a worrying reality. The priest Teo Nieto attends 43 villages, facing the growing depopulation. This documentary addresses efforts to reverse the trend of rural abandonment, highlighting the challenges and initiatives to revitalize these communities. Nieto's story symbolizes the fight against depopulation and neglect in the heart of Spain.

The city of light revives its legendary waiter race

DW English - March 25, 2024

In Paris, the anticipation of the Olympic and Paralympic Games is celebrated with the traditional waiters' race, an event that tests the skill and speed of waiters as they run two kilometers with a loaded tray. This event, beyond its competitive aspect, celebrates Parisian culture and spirit, highlighting the art of French hospitality.


I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
