Immigration news today 26 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Table of Contents


U.S. Department of Labor finalizes farm worker protection rule

U.S. Department of Labor - April 26, 2024

The U.S. Department of Labor has established a new regulations to strengthen protections for agricultural workers under the H-2A program. The rule improves workers' ability to advocate for their working conditions and expands protections against retaliation. In addition, it clarifies the criteria for just cause termination and establishes stricter requirements for hiring foreign workers, including improvements in transparency and fair compensation. This rule will take effect on June 28, 2024, but H-2A applications filed before August 28 will be processed under the current regulations.

After 25 years of selling tamales, undocumented mother returns to Mexico

Chicago Tribune - April 25, 2024

Claudia Perez, after 25 years selling tamales in Chicago, returns alone to Mexico, leaving her undocumented family behind. For years, she worked to build a better life, but circumstances forced her to return without achieving her dreams of family reunification. This story highlights the challenges and sacrifices of undocumented immigrants, as well as the painful choice between returning to the homeland and family separation.

Tribute to 18 Mexican and Latino community leaders who have passed away since 2019

La Raza - April 25, 2024

In Chicago, the Mexican and Latino community lost 18 of its leaders since 2019, many due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These leaders left a legacy of activism and struggle for immigrant rights and social equity. Their departure represents the loss of an influential generation, but their efforts have inspired new generations to continue their work for justice and community representation.

Colorado considers licensing newly arrived immigrants

Telemundo News - April 25th, 2024

Colorado is considering new legislation that would allow driver's licenses to be issued to newly arrived immigrants. This debate has generated opposition among Republican representatives, who argue that immigrants could present false documents and increase crime. The video exposes the different points of view and safety concerns expressed in the legislative process.

A 'guardian' of memories emerges from migration in Venezuela

Voice of America - April 25, 2024

In response to the mass exodus of Venezuelans, new figures are emerging in the community such as the "guardians of memories", people who take care of the homes abandoned by those who migrate. This video explores how the migration phenomenon has created unusual employment opportunities and highlights the importance of maintaining ties with home despite the distance. This service preserves not only property, but also memories and the hope of a possible return.

Government resumes U.S. citizenship grant program

Univision News - April 25, 2024

The U.S. Government has reactivated the Citizenship and Integration Grants Program, allocating up to $10 million in grants to support legal immigrants in their naturalization process. This program, halted during the previous administration and reactivated in 2021, facilitates preparation in English, history and civics, necessary for the citizenship exam. Selected organizations receive bi-annual contracts to implement these programs, aimed at improving the civic integration of immigrants.

Leak reveals risk of Chile's exclusion from U.S. visa waiver program.

Univision News - April 25, 2024

Chile faces the risk of being excluded from the Visa Waiver Program after the leak of a secret meeting, which has highlighted tensions and the possible revocation of this privilege. The U.S. ambassador to Chile, following the leak, has suspended reporting on Chile's participation in the program, which could affect the visa-free entry of Chileans to the U.S. for tourism or business.

Support for mass deportations grows, including from Latinos

Telemundo News - April 25th, 2024

A recent poll shows increased support for mass deportations of undocumented people in the U.S., with significant support among Democrats, Republicans and even Latinos. 42% of Democrats and 46% of Republicans support ending birthright citizenship. This support reflects the growing polarization over immigration policy, driven in part by intense rhetoric such as Donald Trump's. Despite support for legal immigration, "illegal" immigration continues to generate great anxiety, evidencing the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

Survey shows support for measures against undocumented immigrants

Telemundo News - April 25th, 2024

A recent Axios poll indicates that 51% of respondents support mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, including 45% of Latinos. This report highlights public concern about the potential increase in crime associated with undocumented immigration, painting a complicated picture of attitudes toward stricter immigration policies.

U.S. states far from the southern border push for immigration laws

Voice of America - April 25, 2024

U.S. states far from the southern border, such as Oklahoma and Tennessee, are enacting laws that give greater powers to local police to regulate immigration and impose criminal penalties on unauthorized persons. These laws, which include prison sentences for being in the state irregularly, reflect a strategy by Republican states to take control over immigration, often in defiance of federal jurisdiction over the matter and likely facing legal challenges.

Two migrant girls lose their lives when they fall from 'La Bestia'.

Telemundo News - April 25th, 2024

Tragically, two Venezuelan girls, 2 and 4 years old, died when they fell off the train known as 'La Bestia' (The Beast), used by migrants to cross Mexico. Their parents, also migrants, tell how in an oversight they lost their daughters. This painful event highlights the extreme risks faced by migrants on their journey to a better future.

In the footsteps of the coyote | Migrants in the Texan backyard

Voice of America - April 25, 2024

The documentary series "In the Footsteps of the Coyote" reveals how migration affects receiving communities in Texas, featuring testimonials from residents whose daily lives are impacted by the arrival of migrants. This installment offers a close look at the challenge and adaptation of both groups, highlighting the complex relationship between migrants and local communities.

On the trail of the coyote : "Modus operandi" of migratory trafficking

Voice of America - April 25, 2024

This episode of "In the Footsteps of the Coyote" highlights the structure and strategies behind migrant smuggling. Through an exclusive interview with a member of a Mexican cartel cooperating with U.S. authorities, the operational methods and challenges faced by those involved in this illicit network are revealed. The informant's perspective provides an in-depth understanding of the issue, underscoring the urgency of addressing these smuggling networks.

New Mexico county extends agreement with ICE for migrant detention

Los Angeles Times - April 24, 2024

Torrance County in New Mexico has extended its contract with ICE for immigration detention, despite criticism of inadequate conditions and due process violations at the local privately operated Detention Center. The extension, unanimously approved by the county commission, will last four more months. Activists and the ACLU have criticized the lack of adequate care for detainees, highlighting the case of a Brazilian migrant who committed suicide at the facility.

Migrants charged in southern border riots

Voice of America - April 25, 2024

A recent ruling in El Paso has dismissed charges against 140 migrants accused of rioting at the southern border, highlighting the lack of sufficient evidence to justify the arrests. This report analyzes the impact of such judicial decisions on public perception and immigration policy, offering a critical perspective on the management of border tensions.

Suspect in killing of Hispanic mother and infant daughter arrested in Florida

Univision News - April 25, 2024

In Florida, Angel Gabriel Cuz-Choc has been arrested as a suspect in the murder of Amalia Coc, a Guatemalan woman, and her 4-year-old daughter. The bodies were found in a rural area of Hillsborough County. Cuz-Choc, who was romantically involved with the victim, is accused of stabbing them, which has sent shockwaves through the local community.

ERO Boston arrests Guatemalan national on first-degree sexual assault charge

ICE - April 25, 2024

A Guatemalan national, previously convicted of multiple felonies in New York and Connecticut, was arrested by the Enforcement Removal Operations Office (ERO) in Boston after recently being charged with first-degree sexual assault. ERO Boston underscores its commitment to public safety by highlighting the arrest of this individual as part of its mission to apprehend dangerous criminals who compromise the safety of the community.

ERO Baltimore arrests Salvadoran national convicted of aiding and abetting murder, weapons possession

ICE - April 25, 2024

ERO Baltimore has detained a Salvadoran national convicted locally of being an accessory to murder and weapons-related charges. This individual had previously been released by local jurisdictions that refused to honor immigration detainer requests. The apprehension reflects ERO Baltimore's continued effort to protect Maryland communities by prioritizing the removal of serious threats to public safety.

Here are the next three final fifth-generation summaries for the articles in Spanish:

ERO New York arrests Venezuelan national accused of assaulting NYPD officers

ICE - April 25, 2024

ERO New York detained Brayan Freites-Macias, a Venezuelan national accused of assaulting NYPD officers. Despite prior arrests and immigration detainers, he was repeatedly released by local authorities until his final apprehension by ERO. This case highlights the tension between local jurisdictions not complying with ICE detainers and ERO's mission to prioritize public safety by removing criminal aliens.


Decent housing: a right that has become a dream for many people

DW English - April 25, 2024

Access to decent housing has become more difficult in large cities around the world, with rental and purchase prices rising steadily. This report examines the situation in Germany, the United States and India, posing the dilemma of whether it is more convenient to rent or buy in these inflated markets. The piece highlights how this fundamental right is becoming an unattainable dream for many.

Florida approves anti-communist professorship in schools

Voice of America - April 25, 2024

Florida has passed a law to include an anti-communist chair in its school curriculum, sparking intense debate among activists and academics. José Pernalete, Voice of America correspondent, covers the controversy and divided opinions on the impact this measure could have on education and political perception among students.

Woman receives the first double transplant of a modified pig kidney

Al Rojo Vivo - April 25, 2024

In a significant medical breakthrough, a woman with heart failure and kidney disease has received the first double transplant of a genetically modified pig kidney along with a mechanical heart pump. This milestone, covered by "Al Rojo Vivo," highlights advances in transplant medicine and future possibilities for treatments previously thought impossible.

United States invests in Ecuador's agricultural industry

Voice of America - April 25, 2024

The United States has made a $4.7 million investment in Ecuador's agricultural industry, with the goal of improving working conditions and ensuring compliance with international standards for agricultural workers. Voice of America's Nestor Aguilera explains how this investment seeks to promote a fairer and more sustainable labor environment in Ecuador's agricultural sector.

Young police officer had a drastic life change after sensual video

Al Rojo Vivo - April 25, 2024

In Peru, a young policewoman was forced to resign from her position after sharing a personal video that went viral and generated negative reactions. This incident has sparked a debate about privacy and professional standards on social media, highlighting how personal content can impact professional life in a significant way.

More than 3,600 NGOs have been closed in Nicaragua

DW English - April 25, 2024

Since the 2018 protests that left more than 300 dead, the Nicaraguan government has intensified its repression, resulting in the closure of more than 3,600 NGOs. Wendy Flores, a lawyer with Colectivo Nicaragua Nunca Más, denounces the ongoing arbitrary detentions and acts of torture. At least 138 Nicaraguan dissidents remain in prison, highlighting the grave human rights situation in the country.

Activists denounce large-scale pesticide use in South America

DW English - April 25, 2024

Activists in South America are speaking out against the massive use of pesticides in agriculture, which they believe violates the rights of rural communities. A Paraguayan lawyer has accused the German multinational Bayer of contributing to the problem. This conflict highlights the tension between the need to produce food globally and the protection of the rights and health of local communities.

Milei's cuts punish Argentine industry

DW English - April 25, 2024

Argentine industry has experienced a 11% drop in the first two months of the year, with businessmen attributing this decline to the severe fiscal adjustments implemented by Javier Milei's government. The automotive sector has been particularly hard hit, with an increase in layoffs. This report highlights the economic tensions Argentina is facing under the new economic policies.

Thousands of indigenous people camp in Brasília to demand land regularization

DW English - April 25, 2024

Some 9,000 indigenous people have set up an encampment in Brasilia, as part of the "Free Land Camp", to march and press for the regularization of the lands they have historically occupied. They face opposition to the "time frame" thesis, which limits recognition of indigenous territories to those occupied before October 1988. This annual event seeks to dialogue directly with the government, in this case, being received by President Lula da Silva.



I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
