Immigration news today 20 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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ICE conducts removal flights of single adults, family units on April 19

ICE - April 19, 2024

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducted removal flights for single adults and families to Central America and other destinations on April 19 as part of its ongoing deportation efforts. These actions are part of immigration policies to deter illegal immigration and maintain secure borders. The flights included destinations such as Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Mexico and Peru. ICE confirmed that all individuals removed had exhausted their legal processes and administrative remedies under U.S. law.

Death of a Venezuelan citizen in ICE custody

ICE - April 19, 2024

A Venezuelan national, Edixon Del Jesus Farias-Farias, died in ICE custody at Conroe Regional Hospital in Conroe, Texas, on April 18. Farias-Farias, who had entered the U.S. illegally on Dec. 25, 2023, was detained and transferred between several detention facilities prior to his hospitalization in March. An autopsy is pending to determine the official cause of death. ICE has notified the appropriate Venezuelan authorities and family members, reaffirming its commitment to comprehensive medical care for all detainees.

ERO Boston apprehends Honduran national accused of sexual assault on a minor

ICE - April 19, 2024

ICE officers in Boston detained a Honduran national in New Britain, Connecticut, previously arrested and released locally despite an immigration detainer. Charged with first-degree sexual assault of a minor, the individual was apprehended by ERO's Hartford Field Office on April 4, after local authorities ignored the initial immigration detainer. ICE emphasizes the importance of local cooperation in ensuring public safety and complying with immigration laws.

Mexican citizen sentenced to 2 years in prison for illegal return to the U.S. and illegal possession of ID

Transportation Security Administration - April 19, 2024

Juan Carlos Troncoso-Garrido, a Mexican national, was sentenced to 24 months in prison for illegally re-entering the United States after being deported for prior convictions and illegal possession of identification. Troncoso-Garrido attempted to fraudulently acquire a Transportation Worker Identification Credential, which is required to access critical infrastructure. He was apprehended before obtaining the credential, thanks to the intervention of Transportation Security Administration and Homeland Security Investigations agents.

Pressure on Biden to grant work permits to undocumented immigrants

Univision - April 19, 2024

Congressional Democrats have urged President Joe Biden to use his executive power to grant work permits to undocumented immigrants, targeting spouses of U.S. citizens, dreamers and essential workers. The initiative seeks to replicate actions similar to DACA, arguing congressional inaction on immigration reform. Although it faces legal and political obstacles, it reflects an ongoing effort to integrate undocumented immigrants who contribute economically and lack criminal records into the United States.

Ken Salazar in Chiapas: Need for regional solutions for irregular migration

La Opinión - April 19, 2024

The U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, during his visit to Chiapas, highlighted the need to implement regional solutions to mitigate irregular migration from Central America. He emphasized cooperation with Guatemala and other migrant-sending countries, and underscored the importance of strengthening opportunities in south-southeast Mexico to prevent forced migration. His speech aligns with bilateral efforts between Joe Biden and Andrés Manuel López Obrador to address migration challenges in conditions that respect human dignity.

Family of Latino killed on Baltimore bridge reunited

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

The family of Maynor Suazo, a young Latino who died on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, has gathered for an emotional reunion. Rosa Sandoval, Maynor's mother, traveled from Honduras to remember her son described as "the sweetest". This tragic event has highlighted persistent problems with bridge and roadway infrastructure and safety in the United States, calling into question current safety measures and the response of local and national authorities to such incidents.

Chicago to receive $$70 million to feed immigrants

La Opinión - April 19, 2024

Chicago will benefit from a $70 million fund to provide food to recently arrived immigrants in response to the continued mass arrival of these groups, primarily sent from Texas. This funding, from Cook County, is intended to prevent an economic collapse due to insufficient shelter and food resources for immigrants. Chicago authorities will be required to report on the specific use of these funds, ensuring that they are fully allocated to the immediate needs of the immigrants, amid criticism of the management and reception of the immigrants.

Chicago's response to migrant surge generates racial tensions

Los Angeles Times - April 19, 2024

The reopening of Wadsworth Elementary School in Chicago to house migrants has reignited old frustrations in local black communities, who feel their historic needs are being ignored. Substantial municipal spending to serve migrants, more than $300 million, has contrasted sharply with the lack of investment in black neighborhoods, exacerbating racial tensions. Community leaders seek to defuse these tensions and promote equity, while the Biden administration proposes a more restrictive approach to immigration in an election context.

Oklahoma: law passed to allow police to arrest immigrants

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

In Oklahoma, the House of Representatives has passed new legislation authorizing police to arrest any undocumented person under the category of 'inadmissible occupation'. This law imposes a possible jail sentence of up to one year for aliens without legal documents. This move has sparked a wave of criticism from human rights advocates and pro-immigrant groups, who argue that this measure could lead to significant abuses and racialization of police practices. The debate over this law highlights the growing tensions surrounding immigration policy in the United States, especially in states with conservative governments.

Denver immigrant housing program faces criticism

Tiempo Latino - April 19, 2024

Denver has modified its housing program for immigrants, offering six months of free housing along with food assistance and job training. However, this plan has been called "insufficient" by immigrants and housing advocates, who argue that the housing time does not adequately cover the period until immigrants can receive work permits. The city, which has received a high number of immigrants per capita, is also facing criticism for significant budget cuts in essential services such as police and firefighters to fund this assistance.

U.S. resumes deportation of Haitians and rules out Temporary Protected Status

La Opinión - April 19, 2024

The U.S. government has resumed deportations of Haitians, a group that will not benefit from Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Following the temporary interruption of these flights due to instability in Haiti, a first group of 50 Haitians has been sent back to their country. This measure is in line with the policy of Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, who indicated that any Haitian found illegally on U.S. soil would be promptly repatriated. While other immigrants in cities such as Chicago and Denver receive shelter and assistance, Haitians face immediate return due to the lack of legal conditions for their stay in the US.

Arrests of migrants at the southern border of the U.S. decline

Voice of America - April 19, 2024

The number of migrants apprehended for irregularly crossing the southern border of the United States has experienced a notable drop. Victor Hugo Castillo, reporting from McAllen, attributes this drop to recent changes in immigration policies and more effective border control measures. This phenomenon has been analyzed in several Voice of America news programs, which emphasize the improvement in migration management and the decrease in arrests as indicative of a more efficient and humane strategy on the part of the United States.

Couple arrested for charging undocumented migrants nearly $300 to bring them to the U.S.

El Diario NY - April 19, 2024

In Nuevo Leon, Mexico, a couple has been arrested for charging $292 per migrant to transport them illegally to the United States. The police operation also resulted in the rescue of six migrants, alleged victims of human trafficking. This case underscores the dangers and exploitation faced by migrants in their attempt to reach the U.S., highlighting the harsh practices of smugglers who take advantage of migrants' desperation to cross the border.

Anniversary 'April Rebellion' reopens wounds of Nicaraguans in Miami

El Nuevo Herald - April 17, 2024

In Miami, the Nicaraguan community commemorates the sixth anniversary of the 'April Rebellion', an uprising against Daniel Ortega's policies that resulted in violence and the deaths of hundreds. This date has been declared by Mayor Daniella Levine Cava as Nicaraguan Freedom Day, in honor of the fallen and as a symbol of continued support for the values of freedom and democracy. The significant Nicaraguan migration to South Florida reflects the lingering impact of political repression and persecution that still haunts those who have fled the Ortega regime.

IACHR warns of humanitarian crisis in Colombia due to migrants trying to cross Darien jungle

Los Angeles Times - April 19, 2024

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has declared a humanitarian crisis in Colombia caused by the massive flow of migrants attempting to cross the Darien jungle to the United States. This jungle, which serves as a natural border between Colombia and Panama, is one of the most dangerous passages due to its density and the risks involved, including violence and extortion by criminal gangs. The IACHR noted a lack of adequate state presence to address the crisis, highlighting the urgent need for humanitarian intervention to protect migrants, who suffer from rape, extortion and violence during their journey.

Claudia Sheinbaum Discusses Trump, Immigration and the Peso

Bloomberg en Espanol - April 19, 2024

Claudia Sheinbaum, presidential candidate leading in the polls for Mexico's June 2 elections, discusses in an interview in Acapulco her plans to address critical issues such as the Trump presidency, migration, and the strength of the Mexican peso. Sheinbaum proposes policies that seek to improve the Mexican economy and effectively manage migration, with a focus on strengthening the peso and international relations, especially with the United States.


Two Latino families, united by a double transplant

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

In an extraordinary medical and human event, two Latino families in Los Angeles were united through a double organ transplant that saved the lives of two of their members. This case not only highlights the importance and success of transplants between unrelated individuals, but also highlights the solidarity and hope that these actions represent. The compatibility between the families allowed both surgeries to be successful, offering a second chance at life to the patients involved and strengthening the community through this bond created by medicine and compassion.

Latina becomes first female chief in Los Angeles police force

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

Rubi Flores, of Mexican descent, has made history by becoming the first female police chief in the San Bernardino Valley, Los Angeles, leading 2,000 officers. Her appointment is not only a milestone in terms of Latino and gender representation in senior positions in the police force, but also symbolizes progress towards greater inclusion and diversity in traditionally male-dominated sectors. This achievement was celebrated by family, friends and the community, setting an important precedent for future generations.

He disappeared and now tells his story thanks to artificial intelligence

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

Cecilia Huerta, whose disappearance shocked the community, has been able to "tell" her story through an artificial intelligence recreation authorized by her family. Although the police presume her dead and her husband has been arrested as a suspect, the technology has allowed her voice to be heard, sending a powerful message about the persistence of memory and justice in the digital age. This case opens a debate about the ethical use of AI in sensitive situations and its impact on the investigation and the grief of the affected families.

Test promises to help find best cancer treatment

Univision News - April 19, 2024

A new medical breakthrough promises to transform the fight against cancer through a test that personalizes treatment for each patient. According to a recent study, 83% of patients treated under this new technique showed significant clinical improvements. This test analyzes the particular biology of each individual's cancer, allowing physicians to choose the most effective treatment and minimize side effects. This approach not only boosts treatment efficacy but also represents a step towards personalized medicine in oncology.

The color of your tongue can reveal the diseases you suffer from

Univision News - April 19, 2024

Experts say that the color of the tongue is a key indicator of overall health and can reveal various diseases. Colors such as red, white, yellow, orange, and gray on the tongue can indicate anything from dehydration to serious infections. This visual guide helps identify potential health problems from a preventive approach, highlighting the importance of regular observation of changes in the body and medical consultations when abnormalities are detected. This knowledge empowers individuals to better understand their health and seek appropriate medical attention in a timely manner.

Therapy dogs lift the spirits of people confined in a hospital

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

At the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, Spain, therapy dogs named Vida and Lu visit hospitalized patients twice a week to improve their mood. These dogs not only offer companionship and comfort, but have also proven to be effective in speeding patients' recovery by reducing stress and anxiety. Therapy dogs are becoming an essential part of medical treatment in many hospitals, providing a vital source of joy and emotional support to those in critical health situations.

Cleaning workers protest to demand improvements

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

In Stanislaus County, California, a group of at least 25 unionized janitors have taken to the streets to demand better working conditions. Specific demands include wage increases, as well as health and dental insurance coverage. This protest highlights the ongoing struggle for labor rights in low-wage sectors, underscoring the importance of unionization to negotiate fair and dignified working conditions. This movement reflects a growing discontent among janitors seeking recognition and proper valuation of their essential work.

Food cart entrepreneur arrested for allegedly defrauding customers in California

Al Rojo Vivo - April 19, 2024

In Stanislaus County, California, Fernando Ochoa, a food cart entrepreneur, has been arrested on charges of defrauding several customers. This case has attracted community attention and raises questions about trust in local businesses and the importance of food safety reviews and regulations. Ochoa's situation highlights the challenges faced by small business owners and the need for ethical and transparent business practices to ensure consumer protection.

Design expert gives ideas for decorating the entrance of a home

Al Rojo Vivo - April 19, 2024

Martín Amado, a renowned design expert, shares innovative ideas for decorating the entrance of a home, using a minimum of furniture and decorative elements to create a welcoming, sophisticated and modern atmosphere. His suggestions offer creative and accessible solutions that anyone can implement to give their home a memorable first impression. This segment demonstrates the importance of design in creating spaces that reflect the personality and lifestyle of the inhabitants, while optimizing functionality and aesthetics.

Two new candidates die in Mexico's electoral violence

Telemundo News - April 19, 2024

Electoral violence in Mexico continues to claim lives; this time, Noé Ramos and Alberto García, mayoral candidates in Tamaulipas and Oaxaca, respectively, were murdered. Ramos was attacked with a knife during a campaign event, while Garcia was kidnapped and later found dead. These tragic events highlight the extreme risks faced by politicians in regions controlled by organized crime and highlight the urgent need to strengthen security and justice in the country's electoral process.

Concerns about employment situation in Guatemala

Voice of America - April 19, 2024

In Guatemala, the labor situation is alarming with 70 to 80 % of the 7.5 million economically active workers in the informal sector, lacking decent employment conditions. Eugenia Sagastume explains that this problem is aggravated by the lack of formal opportunities that offer benefits and job security. The current government is trying to address this situation through plans to encourage the formalization of employment and improve working conditions, but the challenges are enormous and require coordinated and sustained action.

Barbering studios offer a new opportunity to common prisoners

Voice of America - April 19, 2024

In an innovative program in Florida, ordinary prisoners are being trained in barbering as part of a rehabilitation effort that seeks to provide useful skills for their reintegration into society. This program not only teaches a trade in demand, but also aims to reduce recidivism by offering a viable post-conviction living alternative. The initiative has been well received by the participants, who see it as an opportunity for a fresh start.

How India seeks to become the superpower of the 21st century

BBC World - April 19, 2024

India is on track to become a 21st century economic superpower, with projections placing it as the world's third largest economy by 2032. With a population exceeding 1.4 billion, India is using its vast domestic market to drive growth and innovation. The country is making significant investments in technology, education and infrastructure to secure its position on the global stage, aspiring not only to outperform established economies, but also to establish a new paradigm of economic and social development.



I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
