Immigration news today 19 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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The statutory maximum number of additional H-2B visas for returning workers is reached.

USCIS - April 18, 2024

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announces that an additional 19,000 H-2B visas have been capped for the second half of FY 2024 for recurring workers in non-agricultural sectors, with employment dates from April 1 through May 14, 2024. This limit is in response to the temporary final rule on the statutory maximum number of H-2B visas for FY 2024. Petitions for workers from certain Central American and Caribbean countries may still be processed under a special quota of 20,000 additional visas.

Labor Department recovers $447,000 for grocery store workers in Kern County

U.S. Department of Labor - April 18, 2024

The U.S. Department of Labor has imposed fines and recovered $447,000 in back wages for 60 workers at three grocery stores in Kern County, California, after finding that they were not properly paid for overtime hours worked. This action highlights violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act by the operators of Fiesta Market, Mi Rancho Market and Fiesta Market #2, who also faced additional fines for failure to maintain adequate records and other labor violations.

ERO Boston arrests Colombian national for premeditated murder

ICE - April 18, 2024

Boston Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested a Colombian national in Hartford, Connecticut, previously convicted of premeditated murder in Colombia who had entered the U.S. without proper inspection. This individual lied about his criminal past to enter the country, which led to his capture and ERO's outstanding performance in securing the community and maintaining the integrity of U.S. immigration laws.

ERO Boston expels fugitive wanted for Brazil commercial robbery conviction

ICE - April 18, 2024

Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston has deported Thiago Marcos Silva Souza, a 34-year-old Brazilian national wanted in Brazil for failing to serve a three-year, nine-month sentence for commercial burglary and receiving stolen property. Silva Souza was removed from the U.S. on March 22, following his arrest in Saugus and subsequent custody by ICE, highlighting ERO Boston's commitment to public safety and immigration enforcement.

ERO Boston expels Colombian national convicted of drug trafficking

ICE - April 18, 2024

ERO Boston has deported Yerson Enrique Chiriboga Hinestrosa, a 38-year-old Colombian national previously convicted in the U.S. for drug trafficking, to Bogota, Colombia. Chiriboga, originally arrested in 2018 while on a US-inspected vessel, was sentenced to 11 years in prison for conspiring to distribute cocaine. His removal underscores ERO's effectiveness in protecting public safety and the integrity of U.S. immigration laws.

U.S. resumes deportation of Haitians by sending flight with 50 migrants

El Diario NY - April 19, 2024

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has resumed air deportations of Haitians, sending a flight with 50 citizens to Haiti, a country plunged into a crisis of violence. These repatriations had been suspended following the worsening insecurity, which even led to the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Despite international protests and calls to stop deportations due to the humanitarian situation in Haiti, the U.S. has neither renewed nor expanded the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitians, limiting protections for migrants in the face of crises and natural disasters.

Growing anti-immigrant views among U.S. Latinos.

Telemundo News - April 18, 2024

A study reveals that one-third of U.S. Latinos perceive a negative social impact of immigrants on their community, fueling support for restrictive immigration policies. This sentiment highlights the desired distinction between U.S.-born Latinos and those who are newcomers, exacerbating tensions within the Latino community in the face of deportation policies and anti-immigrant political rhetoric from figures such as Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The research points to "Latino immigrant resentment" that complicates community cohesion.

30% of Latinos in the U.S. see the arrival of new immigrants as a bad thing

Tiempo Latino - April 18, 2024

A Public Opinion Quarterly study highlights that 30% of U.S. Latinos negatively perceive the arrival of new Hispanic immigrants, seeing them as a threat to their social status. This resentment could tilt their support toward more restrictive immigration policies. Despite this perception, a majority still supports citizenship for undocumented immigrants, reflecting contradictory views within the Latino community. These divisions underscore the complexity of Latino attitudes toward immigration and could significantly influence future policies and electoral campaigns.

New migrants obtain work permits. Those who arrived years ago also want them

The New York Times/Chicago Tribune - April 18, 2024

Sam Sanchez, a Chicago restaurateur, and many other employers are outraged by recent policies that allow new Venezuelan migrants to work in the U.S., while long-time undocumented migrants, such as his Mexican employees Ruben and Juan, continue to lack access to legal work permits. These groups, represented by entities such as the American Business Immigration Coalition, are pushing for work permits to be extended to the more than eight million undocumented migrants in the country, who contribute significantly to the economy but are marginalized by restrictive immigration policies.

Congressional Democrats ask Biden to grant work permits to "all" immigrants

Univision News - April 18, 2024

Congressional Democrats, supported by immigrant rights organizations, have asked President Biden to use his executive authority to grant work permits to approximately 10 million undocumented immigrants. The measure seeks to protect these individuals from labor exploitation and boost tax revenue. The initiative is seen as a critical step in integrating immigrants into the formal economy and ensuring their productive and fiscal contributions.

$70 million Johnson plan to assist newly arrived migrants moves forward

Chicago Tribune - April 19, 2024

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has advanced a plan to allocate an additional $$70 million in aid to newly arrived migrants, approved by the Budget and Government Operations Committee with considerable debate over the transparency and effectiveness of the spending. This funding will help sustain the 18 existing shelters and other essential services for nearly 40,000 migrants, many sent from Texas. Lack of adequate funding could overburden other municipal services, increasing the urgency of this funding. Debate continues on how best to use the city's limited resources amidst growing challenges.

Some 400 migrants forced to cross into the U.S. from Ciudad Juarez

El Diario NY - April 18, 2024

Approximately 400 migrants, predominantly from Honduras and Ecuador, forced their way into the U.S. from Ciudad Juarez, overcoming physical barriers and U.S. National Guard surveillance. This incident highlights the extreme hardships faced by migrants, including extortion and violence, and insufficient protection policies. The situation reflects the urgent need for more effective policies that respect human rights and provide safe and legal avenues for migration.

U.S. records arrival of more than 19,000 Cubans in March

Las Américas Newspaper - April 18, 2024

In March 2024, more than 19,000 Cubans arrived in the United States, marking a continued high migration flow that began to intensify in December 2021 following the elimination of the visa requirement for Nicaragua. Although March saw a decrease from previous months, the annual trend indicates that it could reach 250,000 Cubans by the end of the fiscal year in September. The lingering economic crisis in Cuba continues to drive this migration, despite restrictive policies and the significant risks of travel, especially by sea.

Flyers on the border inviting migrants to vote for Biden denounced

Univision News - April 18, 2024

On the U.S.-Mexico border, flyers have appeared urging undocumented migrants to vote for Biden in the upcoming presidential elections. This situation was exposed during a congressional hearing, where it was recalled that only U.S. citizens have the right to vote under current law. The circulation of these flyers has provoked considerable political and legal controversy, underscoring the tensions and challenges in the regulation of voting and electoral influence.

Médecins Sans Frontières denounces increase in violence against migrants in Central America and Mexico

Los Angeles Times - April 19, 2024

Médecins Sans Frontières reports an alarming increase in violence against migrants in Central America and Mexico, especially sexual abuse in the Darien jungle and kidnappings in Tamaulipas. The violence, intensified by ineffective migration policies and lack of adequate protection, disproportionately affects women and children, exacerbating their vulnerability. This pattern of violence demonstrates the urgency of reforming policies to ensure the safety and human rights of migrants.

Mexico reports more cases of sexual violence against migrants in 2024 than in all of 2023

El Diario NY - April 18, 2024

Médecins Sans Frontières has recorded an alarming increase in cases of sexual violence against migrants in Mexico during the first quarter of 2024, surpassing the previous year's total. Most of these abuses are linked to kidnappings and occurred on the route to the US, especially in Tamaulipas. This increase reflects a deterioration in security along migration routes and insufficient government response to protect migrants, especially vulnerable women and children.

Record number of migrant kidnappings reported in Mexico

Telemundo News - April 18, 2024

Telemundo News reports that the NGO Alto al Secuestro has counted a record 262 kidnappings of migrants in Mexico, especially in the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca and Tamaulipas. It warns that the actual number could be higher given that many victims do not report. This phenomenon highlights the serious security situation faced by migrants in transit through Mexico, exacerbating humanitarian and legal emergencies in the region.


Miami businesswoman named among the best in the U.S. by Inc. magazine.

El Nuevo Herald - April 17, 2024

Pilar Guzman, CEO of Half Moon Empanadas and a prominent Mexican entrepreneur in Miami, has been recognized by Inc. magazine as one of the most outstanding female founders in the U.S. for 2024. With 22 stores, including 11 in airports, her company sold 3 million empanadas last year. Guzman promotes the professional growth of her employees, 95% of whom are Latinos and 75% women, through leadership opportunities within the company. This distinction highlights its success in a competitive business environment and the effectiveness of inclusive business practices.

Ray Patlan: tribute to a great Chicago and world muralist

La Raza - April 18, 2024

Ray Patlan, who recently passed away at the age of 77, was an influential Chicago muralist, known especially for his work at Casa Aztlan in Pilsen. From his early influence of murals in Mexico to his deep connection to the Chicano community, Patlan used his art to explore and celebrate Chicano identity. His murals, which range in subject matter from the Conquest to key figures such as Cesar Chavez, reflect the struggle and spirit of the community. His legacy lives on in his artistic contributions, which continue to inspire artists and community members alike.

He paid off more than $100,000 in debts and shows you how he did it.

Univision News - April 18, 2024

Allison Baggerly Flores, a teacher turned financial educator, shares her experience on how she eliminated over $100,000 in debt through her Inspired Budget platform. In the video, Allison details practical strategies for money management, debt reduction, and effective financial planning. Her focus is on creating sustainable spending and saving habits that have helped numerous people regain control over their personal finances.

Rare case of two Latino families who helped each other by exchanging organs

Telemundo News - April 18, 2024

Joselin Casillas and Jaime Rocha, both in need of transplants, star in an organ exchange between their families after discovering that their respective siblings were incompatible to donate. Modern medicine facilitated this exchange, allowing Joselin to receive a kidney and Jaime a liver. This moving case highlights the importance of organ donation and how it can change lives, strengthening community and family ties through acts of solidarity.

The collapse of the 911 system highlights the need for modernization

Telemundo News - April 18, 2024

The 911 emergency system experienced significant failures in states such as Nebraska, Nevada, South Dakota and Texas, highlighting the urgent need for modernization. Experts suggest alternative methods of communication to ensure necessary help during emergencies. This incident highlights the vulnerability of critical security systems and the importance of upgrading and maintaining the technology infrastructure to respond effectively at critical times.

Housing costs increase in California

Telemundo News - April 18, 2024

Telemundo News reports on the significant increase in home prices in California, particularly in areas considered working class. Local residents are alarmed by rapidly escalating costs that complicate homeownership for many families. This phenomenon reflects the dynamics of a housing market under stress and highlights concerns about housing affordability and the future of low-income communities in the state.

USA: New York seeks to prevent street vending without permits

Voice of America - April 18, 2024

In New York, especially in Queens, police are intensifying efforts to prevent street vending by migrants without work permits. Angela Gonzalez's report for Voice of America details how this measure seeks to regulate street vending, while activists and the mayor acknowledge that the immigration crisis is worsening. This approach has generated a debate on the rights of migrants and the need for comprehensive solutions that address both migration and the informal economy.

Hispanic families get ripped off when trying to buy a food truck

First Impact - April 18, 2024

Carol Rivera, recently widowed, and many other Hispanic families in Texas faced a scam when they tried to buy food trucks, losing large sums of money to con artists. This Primer Impacto report exposes how the dream of owning a business for many turned into a financial nightmare. The victims, now calling for justice, highlight the need for greater protection and clear regulations in the food truck market to prevent future fraud.

Sakura Matsuri, the largest Japanese festival in the U.S.

Voice of America - April 18, 2024

Washington DC celebrated Sakura Matsuri, the largest Japanese festival in the United States, marking the end of Japan-US friendship month. This annual street event is a vibrant demonstration of Japanese culture, including music, dance, art, and traditional cuisine. Katherine Rivera, reporting for Voice of America, immerses us in the festivity that attracts thousands of visitors, highlighting the cultural exchange and the beauty of the cherry blossoms.

A crisis line... for men who cry

Voice of America - April 18, 2024

In Colombia, a pioneering mental health initiative aimed exclusively at men has been launched, challenging the stigma that men should not show their emotions. This crisis line offers support and counseling, recognizing the importance of emotional expression and psychological well-being in men. This effort seeks to shift the paradigm and provide a safe space for men to explore and express their feelings without fear of criticism or judgment.

Venezuela protests against the reimposition of sanctions

DW English - April 18, 2024

Venezuela has raised voices against the reimposition of international sanctions, with Oil Minister Pedro Tellechea warning that these sanctions will cause oil prices to skyrocket and negatively affect the international community. This move has sparked a global debate on the economic consequences of the sanctions and highlights the tense relationship between Venezuela and the international community, especially in terms of energy and economic policy.

Head of U.S. Southern Command addresses threats to Central America

Voice of America - April 18, 2024

During her visit to Guatemala, the head of the U.S. Southern Command discussed the main security threats in Central America, focusing on the fight against criminal organizations. This effort underscores the importance of international cooperation in the fight against organized crime and the strengthening of regional security. Eugenia Sagastume's coverage for Voice of America highlights the shared strategies and challenges between the U.S. and Central American countries.

Argentina wants to become a "global partner" of NATO

DW English - April 18, 2024

Argentina, under the new government leadership of Javier Milei, has expressed its intention to become a "global partner" of NATO. Defense Minister Luis Petri delivered a letter of intent to the transatlantic military alliance, marking a significant realignment of Argentine foreign policy toward closer alignment with the United States and Israel. This move signals a strategic shift in Argentina's international relations and its position on the global stage.

Argentina's public universities: between scientific advances and budget crisis

Voice of America - April 18, 2024

Public universities in Argentina are facing a severe budget crisis that threatens the continuity of their academic and research activities. Despite funding cuts, these institutions continue to make important contributions in scientific and technological fields, especially in times of health and socioeconomic emergencies. This Voice of America report puts into perspective the challenges and advances of public higher education in Argentina under the current context of financial restrictions.


I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
