Immigration news today 16 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Online Tool Interruptions

USCIS - April 15, 2024

USCIS will be performing maintenance on the CRIS system from April 17 at 11:50 PM through April 18 at 2:00 AM (Eastern Time). During this time, online tools such as My Case Status, Change of Address, and others will be inaccessible. This maintenance is intended to improve the security and functionality of the systems. Users are advised to plan ahead to avoid inconvenience.

Travel Warning for Ecuador

U.S. Department of State - April 15, 2024

The State Department warns to exercise caution in Ecuador due to civil unrest and crime, including kidnappings. The most risky areas are Guayaquil south of Avenida Portete in Tarqui, Huaquillas and Arenillas in El Oro, and Quevedo in Los Rios, all of which are not recommended due to severe crime. Travelers should avoid these areas and register their trip with the STEP program to receive alerts and assistance in emergencies.

How a Passport Can Help You Fly Domestic in the U.S.

U.S. Department of State - April 15, 2024

A U.S. passport, book or card serves as REAL ID, required for domestic flights beginning October 2021. The REAL ID Act requires all identification documents to meet federal security standards. Passports, which have the same validity as state licenses but with greater acceptance, ensure admission to federal flights and buildings. If you do not have REAL ID, it is advisable to obtain a passport.

Visa Information for Haitian Nationals

U.S. Department of State - April 15, 2024

Due to the suspension of visa services in Haiti, Haitian nationals seeking U.S. visas are advised to consider requesting the transfer of their cases to embassies or consulates that process immigrant visas if they are outside of Haiti. Routine appointments for nonimmigrant visas are also suspended, but requests for expedited appointments for medical emergencies or urgent naturalization interviews will be accepted. It is recommended to keep in contact with adoption service providers and to check regularly for updates from the embassy.

Border Patrol Agents Arrest Migrants in the Laredo Sector

CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) - April 15, 2024

Border Patrol agents in Laredo, Texas, arrested five migrants involved in a murder investigation by the Texas Rangers. The primary suspect, Justino Alonso-Hernandez, will be prosecuted for immigration violations before being turned over to Texas authorities for further investigation of the murder case. This event underscores the ongoing multi-agency collaboration to secure the border and combat cross-border crime.

HSI Baltimore Investigation Leads MS-13 Member to Federal Prison for 24 Years

ICE - April 15, 2024

An HSI Baltimore operation resulted in a 24-year federal prison sentence for MS-13 member Jose Lainez-Martinez for his participation in a racketeering conspiracy that included murder. Lainez-Martinez and others involved planned and executed the murder of a rival in Silver Spring, evidencing the brutality and scope of MS-13's criminal activities in Maryland. This case highlights the joint efforts of HSI, FBI and local law enforcement to dismantle transnational criminal organizations and protect the community.

ERO Boston arrests Brazilian national accused of raping a minor in Massachusetts

ICE - April 15, 2024

ERO Boston arrested a 20-year-old Brazilian national accused of raping a minor in Massachusetts. This individual was apprehended near his residence in Lowell, after previously being arrested for illegally entering the U.S. and released on bond for other minor charges. The arrest underscores ERO's mission to identify and remove aliens with significant criminal charges and protect the community through cooperation with other federal and local agencies.

Border apprehensions total 1.34 million so far in fiscal year 2024

Univision - April 15, 2024

Through March 2024, the U.S. Border Patrol has made 1.34 million arrests of undocumented immigrants at the southern border, holding the apprehension rate nearly constant compared to February of the same year. This high number of apprehensions indicates that 2024 could set a record during the Biden administration, eclipsing even the high numbers of previous years during immigration crises. Coordinated operations with other agencies and countries are attempting to manage increased migration activity and the complex dynamics of transnational criminal networks.

Loudspeakers installed to deter illegal border crossings with Mexico

Voice of America - April 15, 2024

The Texan National Guard has installed speakers along the border with Mexico to deter migrants from crossing illegally by informing them of the dangers and associated penalties. This measure seeks to reduce the number of illegal crossings by taking advantage of communication technologies that alert migrants before they break the law. This new loudspeaker system is part of a broader series of efforts by U.S. authorities to control irregular immigration and ensure border security.

The U.S. alone cannot stop the migration crisis unless it has the support of other nations.

Univision - April 15, 2024

A report by the Migration Policy Institute highlights that the U.S. cannot solve the migration crisis at its southern border without the cooperation of other countries, especially those from which significant migration flows originate, such as Mexico. The success of U.S. policies depends not only on domestic management, but also on international collaboration to manage migration in a safe and orderly manner, highlighting the need for a multilateral approach to address complex and persistent migration challenges.

Members of the caravan that left a month ago clash with the military

Telemundo News - April 15th, 2024

Close to 3,000 migrants of various nationalities, who left for the north during Holy Week in a caravan, clashed with the National Guard using stones and sticks. This incident occurred when the military attempted to redirect the migrants to the neighboring state of Veracruz as part of measures to manage the migratory flow. This confrontation underscores the ongoing tension along migration routes and the desperation of migrants in search of safety and opportunity, reflecting the complexity of the migration crisis facing the region.

U.S. and Cuba confirm meeting to discuss immigration agreements

Las Américas Newspaper - April 15, 2024

The United States and Cuba are preparing to discuss the implementation of migration agreements at a meeting in Washington on April 16. These talks seek to promote safe and orderly migration, with a focus on family reunification and respect for human rights. The meeting seeks to continue the bilateral effort that has been characteristic of the migration relations between the two countries since 1984, highlighting the significant increase of Cubans arriving at the U.S. southern border.

What are the challenges facing child migrants to the United States?

El Diario NY - April 15, 2024

Ernesto Castañeda and Daniel Jenks publish "Reunidos", a study on the challenges of Central American child migrants to the U.S., highlighting the severe psychological and emotional ordeals they face. The book and podcast "El Diario Sin Límites" explore the experiences and testimonies of these young people, revealing the harsh realities of unaccompanied migration and the importance of policies such as DACA for their integration and safety.

National Guard shoots immigrant in border riot

El Tiempo Latino - April 15, 2024

In a violent incident in El Paso, Texas, a member of the National Guard shot an immigrant during an altercation in which the immigrant was attacking another immigrant with a knife. This incident highlights the increasing level of violence on the southern border, especially in areas with a high influx of immigrants. The Border Patrol has increased its presence and security measures in response to recent disturbances, which include the use of weapons among immigrants and attempts to violently cross the border.

Chicago Council Budget Committee to Evaluate $70 Million Proposal to Help Migrants

La Raza - April 15, 2024

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has proposed a $70 million emergency fund to assist migrants in the city, in anticipation of the Democratic National Convention and a possible increase in the arrival of new asylum seekers. Since 2022, Chicago has received more than 34,000 migrants, with $300 million spent on the crisis so far. The City Council Budget Committee will evaluate the proposal, highlighting the continued need for migrant support and preparedness.

Immigrants contribute billions in federal and state taxes each year

Immigration Impact - April 15, 2024

Immigrants in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, contribute significantly to the economy through taxes, contributing $382.9 billion to federal and $196.3 billion to state and local taxes in 2022. This economic power highlights their crucial role not only as consumers, but also as essential taxpayers in the communities where they reside. Despite social myths to the contrary, immigrants fulfill their tax obligations and often subsidize public services from which they cannot always fully benefit.

USCIS Reissues Temporary Rule to Extend Work Permits to 800,000 Immigrant Workers

Immigration Impact - April 15, 2024

USCIS has issued a temporary rule that automatically extends immigrant work permits for up to 540 days while they are being renewed. This measure, which modifies a previous 180-day automatic extension regulation, seeks to avoid disruptions in employment due to processing delays by the agency. This rule is crucial for nearly 800,000 workers, helping to preserve $29.1 billion in immigrant earnings and generating $3.1 billion in employment taxes over a five-year period.


This country has more immigrants than it can perhaps support

Bloomberg in English - April 14, 2024

Canada is facing an alarming increase in its population growth rate, driven mainly by the influx of international students and workers. This situation has strained the country's social safety net, creating crises in several sectors due to relative overpopulation. Experts suggest that the current infrastructure may not be sustainable in the long term if this trend of high immigration continues, which may require a revision of migration policies to balance population growth with available resources.

Didn't file your taxes by April 15? Do this to avoid penalties

Telemundo News - April 15th, 2024

Telemundo News warns that, although it is possible to request an extension to file taxes after April 15, failure to do so on time may result in penalties and interest from the IRS. Experts emphasize the importance of meeting tax deadlines to avoid additional fees and recommend taking precautionary measures if a delay in filing is anticipated. The report highlights strategies for managing tax obligations efficiently and avoiding unpleasant surprises with "Uncle Sam."

Nearly 300,000 children lose Medi-Cal coverage in California for these reasons

Univision News - April 15, 2024

In California, nearly 300,000 children have lost Medi-Cal coverage due to administrative errors and failures in the renewal process. This situation has caused many parents to only realize the loss of coverage when they need urgent medical care for their children. Additional resources have been established to help those affected navigate the process and avoid future confusion, focusing on the importance of efficient management and clear communication to maintain public health.

Record-breaking astronaut Frank Rubio returns to El Salvador after 25 years

CNN in English - April 15, 2024

Frank Rubio, a U.S. astronaut of Salvadoran descent, has made history with a record 371-day stay on the International Space Station. Following this feat, Rubio has returned to El Salvador for the first time in 25 years with a mission to inspire young Salvadorans to pursue their dreams and scientific goals. His visit is a moment of great national pride and symbolizes the importance of Latino contributions to global science and technology.

Astronaut Frank Rubio invites Salvadoran children to persevere to achieve personal goals

Voice of America - April 15, 2024

Frank Rubio, NASA astronaut of Salvadoran origin, visited El Salvador to share his experience in space exploration and motivate young people and adolescents. During meetings with students from various educational institutions, Rubio emphasized the importance of commitment and dedication to achieve personal goals, reinforcing the message with his own career as a doctor, pilot and astronaut. His visit seeks to inspire the next generation of scientists and space explorers in El Salvador.

Renowned chef reinvents her restaurant in response to the wave of violence in Chiapas

CNN in English - April 15, 2024

In Chiapas, Mexico, Tzotzil-born chef Claudia Sántiz is reinventing her restaurant due to the growing wave of violence affecting the region, especially following travel alerts issued by the U.S. embassy. The perception of insecurity has significantly reduced the number of visitors and diners, mainly tourists, which has pushed Sántiz to adapt her business to survive. His struggle represents the effort of many local entrepreneurs to persevere in the face of the challenges imposed by insecurity.

Bolivian women organize to revolutionize public transport

DW English - April 15, 2024

In Bolivia, a group of women have started a revolution in public transportation with the creation of "Linea Lila", an all-female cab service, established in 2019 to provide a safe alternative to conventional services, often perceived as unsafe. Today, this service has over 1,000 female drivers, providing a respectful and safe means of transportation for women, standing out as an empowering example of how local initiative can positively impact the community and improve urban safety.

Strawberry cultivation in Andalusia aggravates water crisis

DW English - April 15, 2024

Doñana National Park in Andalusia, known to be the largest wetland in Europe, is facing a severe water crisis due to overexploitation of resources for strawberry cultivation. The combination of drought and intense agricultural demand has endangered this crucial site for European biodiversity. This video highlights the environmental challenges posed by intensive agriculture and the urgent need to adopt more sustainable practices to protect vital ecosystems like Doñana.

Journalist murdered in Colombia

Voice of America - April 15, 2024

Violence against journalists in Colombia continues to be a serious problem, with the recent murder of a journalist in Cúcuta, near the Venezuelan border. This incident underscores the dangers faced by journalists in conflict regions and the prevailing impunity. The Press Freedom Foundation reports that at least 131 journalists are currently under threat in the country, highlighting the urgent need for protection and more effective measures to ensure their safety.

Candidate assassinations increase in Mexico

Voice of America - April 15, 2024

Mexico is facing an alarming increase in electoral violence, with numerous candidates assassinated in the run-up to the June 2 elections. These killings highlight the security challenges in the country and the political volatility affecting the integrity of the electoral process. The violence has especially impacted candidates from more vulnerable regions, indicating a profound security problem that demands urgent attention to preserve democracy and the law.

INE rejects more than 39,000 voting applications from Mexicans abroad

Telemundo News - April 15th, 2024

Mexico's National Electoral Institute (INE) has rejected more than 39,000 voting applications from Mexican citizens living abroad due to inconsistencies in documentation, such as missing signatures and missing proof of address. This problem highlights the logistical and bureaucratic challenges faced by Mexicans abroad in attempting to participate in their country's democratic processes, which has generated considerable frustration and demands for more inclusive reforms.

"I'm going to fight": Mexicans abroad upset about problems with their registration

Telemundo News - April 15th, 2024

The problem in the registration of Mexicans abroad to vote continues to generate discontent. The INE has notified 39,724 voters that their registration could not be completed due to administrative errors, which has provoked great dissatisfaction and promises of struggle on the part of those affected to secure their right to vote. This case underscores the urgent need to improve electoral registration and participation mechanisms for Mexicans residing in other countries, thus guaranteeing their inclusion in Mexico's democratic life.

Mexico's electoral campaign is marred by violence

DW English - April 15, 2024

Electoral violence in Mexico has reached unprecedented levels, with more than 200 candidates requesting protection due to death threats. This electoral cycle could be the most violent in the country's history, affecting candidates across the political spectrum and undermining the integrity of the democratic process. This situation underscores the urgency of implementing more effective security measures and ensuring a safe environment for political aspirants to participate without fear of reprisals.


I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
