Immigration news today 15 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Passport Demand Survey

U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs - April 15, 2024

The U.S. Department of State sends monthly letters to certain customers inviting them to complete a survey to help estimate the demand for passports and to manage the corresponding workload. This survey is voluntary and provides crucial data to improve customer service and develop new products. Participants can respond to the survey online or by telephone. This initiative is crucial to properly plan the resources needed for passport service, ensuring efficiency and user satisfaction in U.S. consular processes.

Future of California's labor abuse law in question

Telemundo News - April 13, 2024

The PAGA law, which allows employees in California to sue their employers for labor abuses, is at risk of being modified or retained depending on voters' decisions in November. This law has been a pillar in protecting workers from exploitation and its possible changes are generating uncertainty among the labor community. Debate continues over the effectiveness and impact of the law in protecting workers' rights in the state.

Lawyers applaud automatic extension of work permits, but ask government for more executive action

Univision - April 14, 2024

The automatic extension of U.S. work permits for certain immigrants has been met with praise from the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), although the organization urges further executive action to alleviate delays in the immigration system. This new rule increases the validity of employment authorizations to 540 days for those with pending renewals, benefiting 800,000 applicants, including asylees and other vulnerable groups. AILA suggests ten additional executive actions to improve the efficiency and fairness of the system, highlighting the need to expand immigration relief and protections for asylees and victims of violence.

Immigrant workers in the U.S. help boost job growth and avoid recession

Los Angeles Times - April 12, 2024

Newly arrived immigrants are playing a crucial role in sustaining U.S. economic growth, filling jobs that help mitigate the effects of the Federal Reserve's high interest rate policies. The influx of foreign workers has eased labor shortages, keeping wages and prices in check, which has helped stave off an anticipated recession. With an unexpected increase in immigration exceeding previous estimates, these workers now account for 18.6% of the nation's labor force, a record that underscores their positive impact on the economy despite the political and social challenges surrounding the immigration issue.

Plaque unveiled in honor of Mexican man killed by U.S. Border Patrol agent.

El Diario NY - April 15, 2024

In Tucson, Arizona, a memorial plaque has been unveiled for José Antonio Elena Rodríguez, a 16-year-old Mexican youth killed in 2012 by a Border Patrol agent who shot from the U.S. into Mexico. The plaque, located at the University Christian Center, seeks to preserve Rodriguez's memory and denounce the injustice of his death, highlighting the impunity of the agent involved, who was acquitted in two trials. The family continues to fight for justice, highlighting the need for changes in the U.S. handling of border incidents.

Fleeing poverty and violence: more and more professionals are leaving their trade to come to the U.S.

El Diario NY - April 13, 2024

South American professionals, including businessmen and dentists, are abandoning their careers and facing dangerous migration routes due to violence and economic instability in their home countries. In a featured testimony, a Colombian businesswoman and a Peruvian dentist describe their arduous journeys to Ciudad Juarez, facing extortion and restrictive government policies that prevented them from migrating legally. These professionals, seeking safety and a better life for their families, now find themselves in limbo, stuck on Mexico's northern border with little hope of entering the U.S. on a regular basis.

Extreme weather sickens dozens of migrant children camped on Mexico's border

El Diario NY - April 14, 2024

In Ciudad Juarez, harsh weather conditions with extremes of heat during the day and cold at night are severely affecting migrant children camped near the border fence with El Paso, Texas. Some 30 children are suffering from respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses due to the unsanitary conditions and lack of adequate sanitary infrastructure in the makeshift camp. Local authorities and organizations are overwhelmed, while border fortification policies and immigration restrictions continue to intensify, further complicating the situation of these vulnerable migrants.

23 undocumented immigrants are rescued during a routine traffic stop in rural Texas

Telemundo Weekend News - April 14th, 2024

In an unexpected operation in a rural area of Texas, authorities rescued 23 undocumented immigrants hidden in the trailer of a truck during a routine traffic stop. The driver, after committing a traffic violation, attempted to flee but was apprehended. This incident highlights the ongoing challenges and risks faced by migrants attempting to cross the border in search of better living conditions. The situation also highlights the urgency for more humane and effective migration policies.

U.S. border apprehensions drop in March amid heightened Mexican vigilance

Telemundo - April 12, 2024

In March, migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border decreased to 137,480, marking the first decline in this month since 2017, despite it being a peak season for migration. This change is largely attributed to stricter measures implemented by Mexico, including increased apprehensions and deportations. Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to adapt its strategies to manage migration, with policies including expansions in legal entry pathways, such as the CBP One system, which allowed 44,000 people to enter in March via online appointments.

President of Guatemala speaks exclusively on migration, crime and fight against corruption

Univision News - April 14, 2024

Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo, in an exclusive interview with Univision's Jorge Ramos, discussed in depth the challenges of migration, crime and corruption in his country. During his meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House, Arevalo highlighted the need to strengthen migration policies and bilateral collaboration to combat transnational crime. He highlighted his focus on combating corruption as central to restoring public confidence and ensuring more equitable and sustainable development for Guatemala.

The federal government cuts aid for shelters and services for migrants. What will the states do now?

Immigration Impact - April 9, 2024

The $150 million cut in the shelter and services program (SSP) under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has led to a critical reduction in migrant shelter infrastructure in U.S. states and localities. This reduction threatens to severely limit assistance to new arrivals, while transferring those funds to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). In the absence of federal support, cities such as New York, Chicago, Denver and Massachusetts are forced to implement limits on the length of time migrants can stay in shelters, seeking permanent housing solutions to reduce long-term costs.

2024 government funding package shows mixed results on immigration

Immigration Impact - April 9, 2024

The FY2024 funding package, signed by President Biden, includes increased funding for detention and border enforcement, allowing ICE to detain 41,500 individuals at any given time, a 24% more than its current bed capacity. However, it also includes positive elements such as reduced visa waiting lists and more transparency in immigration processing. Despite these inclusions, the package represents a mix of policies that continue to largely fund enforcement and deterrence strategies, while underfunding processing and adjudication capacity.

Transgender, non-binary describe discrimination, harassment, mistreatment at Aurora detention facility in new civil rights complaint

American Immigration Council - April 9, 2024

A civil rights complaint has been filed on behalf of transgender and non-binary individuals detained at the Aurora Contractual Detention Center who have faced discrimination, harassment and mistreatment in ICE custody. The complaint details experiences of medical neglect, dehumanizing treatment, and severe restraints, such as confinement in their dormitories for 23 hours a day. This situation underscores ICE's inability to safely and humanely incarcerate transgender and non-binary people, highlighting the need to end the detention of these vulnerable populations and implement policies that ensure their protection and well-being.


Taxes: see how to request an extension of the deadline if you miss the April 15 deadline

Univision News - April 14, 2024

Carlos Guamán, financial expert, explains how taxpayers who fail to file their taxes by April 15 can request an extension using form 4868, either through an accountant or online, extending the deadline to October 15. This information is crucial for those who need more time to organize their finances and make sure they meet their tax obligations properly, avoiding penalties and stress due to the last-minute rush.

Major federal support for affordable internet set to expire

Telemundo Weekend News - April 14th, 2024

The Internet Discount Program (ACP), which has benefited millions of Latino families in the United States by providing low-cost Internet access, is about to expire. Lack of funding threatens to end this support unless Congress approves a new funding package. This situation underscores the importance of internet access as a basic need and the urgency of continuing with this type of assistance programs so as not to increase the digital divide in times where technology is vital.

Street children, one of Latin America's biggest problems

Telemundo Weekend News - April 14th, 2024

The report highlights the critical situation of street children in Latin America, where nine out of ten minors have been exposed to drugs and alcohol. Indigenous populations are the most affected, facing high levels of family violence and exploitation by criminal groups. This problem underscores the urgent need for effective interventions and child protection policies to prevent abuse and provide a better future for these vulnerable children.

Second largest ecological mural in Latin America

Voice of America - Date not specified

In Chiriqui, Panama, an artistic and ecological mural created entirely from recycled plastic bottle caps stands out. This mural not only beautifies the city but also promotes awareness of recycling and environmental conservation. The work, which is the second largest ecological mural in Latin America, symbolizes community effort and commitment to the environment, transforming garbage into beauty and artistic function.

"Yo Rio": cleaning our water from plastic

DW English - April 14, 2024

The "Yo Río" initiative in Greater Buenos Aires is dedicated to combating plastic pollution that severely affects the landscape and the health of its inhabitants. Founded by Juan Martín Ravettini in 2019, this NGO works with volunteers to clean the banks and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our bodies of water free of pollutants. Their work not only improves the natural environment, but also promotes greater environmental awareness among the community.

Reduced supply of affordable housing in El Salvador

La Prensa Gráfica - April 12, 2024

In El Salvador, the supply of affordable housing is remarkably limited, with most housing projects exceeding $100,000, a price out of reach for the middle class. José Antonio Velásquez, president of the Salvadoran Chamber of the Construction Industry (CASALCO), highlights the need for housing ranging from $50,000 to $80,000 to meet the demand of less affluent sectors. Despite discussions with the Minister of Housing, Michelle Sol, on alternatives to expand the housing supply, the government has stayed away from price control, leaving the determination of prices to the market. Carlos Ferrufino, an urban planner, criticizes this position and suggests greater state intervention in the production of social housing to guarantee accessibility.

Nayib Bukele offers Salvadoran citizenship and tax benefits to foreign professionals

Univision News - April 14, 2024

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador proposes granting citizenship and tax benefits to foreign professionals to attract talent and encourage technological development. This policy has sparked debates in academia, criticizing the government's neglect of education. Despite the controversies, some experts believe that the measure could be beneficial for the country's technological progress, contributing significantly to El Salvador's economic and social advancement.


Chepe Ruiz: The Salvadoran traveler who has begun to travel around the world by bicycle.

La Prensa Gráfica - April 3, 2024

Chepe Ruiz, an adventurer from El Salvador, has begun an ambitious round-the-world bike ride from the Netherlands, planning to cross 33 countries on four continents over 800 days. Accompanied by Dutch cyclist Marica van der Meer, Ruiz seeks to inspire others to explore the world and escape the daily monotony. Despite the physical and logistical challenges, his determined spirit reflects Salvadoran tenacity. This journey represents not only a personal adventure but also a call to Salvadoran youth to pursue their dreams beyond conventional borders.

Frescoes on the Trojan War found in Pompeii

Al Rojo Vivo - April 14, 2024

Recent excavations at Pompeii have revealed impressively preserved frescoes illustrating scenes from the Trojan War, providing a unique window into the past and enriching our understanding of ancient Roman society. These discoveries not only attract scientific interest but also capture the public imagination, offering new insights into the cultural and artistic influences that prevailed in those times.


I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
