Immigration news today 14 May 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Renew your DACA as soon as possible

U.S. Department of Homeland Security - May 13, 2024

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman urges DACA recipients to renew their status as soon as possible, preferably between 150 and 120 days before the expiration of their current document. This minimizes the risk of permits expiring before a decision on renewal is made. Electronic filing of the application allows for more effective tracking and direct communication with USCIS, as well as being less expensive. It is vital to ensure that the application is complete and up-to-date to avoid delays.

USCIS Ombudsman Urges Dreamers to Renew DACA as Soon as Possible

Univision News - May 14, 2024

The USCIS Ombudsman recommends that DACA recipients renew their status 120-150 days prior to the expiration of their current documents to ensure continuity of their work permits and avoid service delays. Despite recent legal controversies over DACA, dreamers are encouraged to comply with the recommended timelines and ensure that their applications are complete and up-to-date to avoid delays in renewal.

USCIS Opens Another Asylum Office Under San Francisco Jurisdiction

USCIS - May 13, 2024

The USCIS Asylum Office in San Francisco is expanding its capacity with a new temporary office in Oakland, effective May 15, 2024. This addition will allow it to handle a higher volume of affirmative asylum interviews. Applicants should review their interview notices for important details, including location and specific instructions for their process. Interviews will continue to be strictly by appointment only.

EOIR announces 18 new immigration judges and 2 new appellate immigration judges

Executive Office for Immigration Review - May 10, 2024

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) has appointed 20 immigration judges, of which 18 will join the courts in various states such as California, Georgia, and New York, and two appellate immigration judges will join the Board of Immigration Appeals. This ad was made during a ceremony in the Main Hall of the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., where Mary Cheng, Acting Director of EOIR, gave a speech and Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco administered the oath of office. EOIR continues to expand its corps of immigration judges and encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to join. The new judges and appellate judges are career employees selected after a rigorous application process.

Nearly 3.6 million cases stuck in U.S. Immigration Court.

Univision News - May 13, 2024

The U.S. Immigration Court faces a record backlog of 3.6 million cases, with a high percentage of asylum cases. The situation reflects a growing caseload and slow case processing, exacerbated by a record number of new cases and a lack of adequate legal representation, which significantly affects immigrants' chances in their legal proceedings. The lack of attorneys exacerbates the situation, leaving many immigrants with few effective legal options.

Venezuela Travel Warning

U.S. Department of State - May 13, 2024

The U.S. State Department advises against all travel to Venezuela due to high levels of crime, civil unrest, kidnappings, and arbitrary enforcement of laws. The security situation has led to a high incidence of improper detention of U.S. citizens, who may face lengthy periods of detention without consular access. In addition, the health infrastructure and basic services are in critical condition. U.S. citizens in Venezuela are advised to seek to leave the country as soon as possible and to avoid all land border crossings.

Ambassador Murray travels to Peru for the Second APEC Senior Officials' Meeting

U.S. Department of State - May 13, 2024

Ambassador Matt Murray, U.S. Representative to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), will attend meetings in Arequipa, Peru, May 13-18, 2024. During her stay, she will participate in various meetings and events focused on strengthening economic and trade relations in the region, including the High-Level Policy Dialogue on Women and the Economy. In addition, Ambassador Katherine Tai will lead the U.S. delegation to the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Trade, seeking to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

U.S. issues record number of tourist visas in the first half of the year

Voice of America - May 13, 2024

During the first half of fiscal year 2024, the United States has issued a record number of nearly 5.2 million nonimmigrant visas, including a high number to citizens of Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, and Ecuador. These visas have contributed significantly to the U.S. economy, supporting millions of jobs. However, the system faces challenges such as long wait times for visa appointments, which in some cases exceed one year.

Open public comment window on Biden's new asylum rule at the border

Univision News - May 13, 2024

The Biden Administration has initiated a 30-day public comment period on a new asylum rule that will streamline deportation processing at the border. This measure will allow asylum officers to quickly determine the applicability of certain asylum bars and withholding of removal, seeking to improve operational flexibility and responsiveness in cases involving national security or public safety risks. This process seeks to incorporate public input prior to finalizing the regulations, with the goal of making the asylum and removal system more efficient.

Eika, the Panamanian 'dreamer' who fulfills her dream of voting through others

Voice of America - February 10, 2024

Eika Earlington, a Panamanian dreamer in Tennessee, dedicates her free time to educating migrants about the importance of voting in the United States, despite not being able to vote herself. She works with the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, raising awareness about how voting can influence significant changes at the local and national level, especially in policies that directly affect the migrant community.

Panamanian fights for the right to vote for other migrants in the U.S.

Voice of America - May 13, 2024

Eika Earlington, a dreamer who has lived in the U.S. since childhood, leads efforts to educate other immigrants about the importance of voting and political representation. Despite not being able to vote, Earlington actively works to promote voter participation among migrant communities, highlighting their impact on community representation.

This small Wisconsin town is becoming an oasis for Hispanic immigrants.

CNN in English - May 13, 2024

Whitewater, Wisconsin, stands out as a welcoming place for Hispanic immigrants, significantly affecting their social integration and local political dynamics. The video highlights how this small rural town has evolved into a haven that facilitates better adaptation and community participation of migrants, which could influence future elections.

"Hermanos míos" changes the lives of young immigrants in the U.S.

Voice of America - May 13, 2024

The "My Brothers and Sisters" program in U.S. high schools is revolutionizing the adaptation of young migrants, offering mentoring and counseling to facilitate their integration into society and the educational system. Anthony, a young man from Honduras, highlights how this program has been crucial in his process of adaptation and personal success in the US.

USA: More states prepare their own responses to illegal immigration

Voice of America - May 13, 2024

Inspired by Texas and its SB 4 legislation, several states in the US are formulating new laws to manage irregular migration. This move responds to concerns about security and immigration policy, becoming a prominent issue in the presidential campaign and anticipating significant changes in state policies before the November elections.

Two top Border Patrol officers investigated for partying with Mexican tequila businessman

Telemundo News - May 9, 2023

Two senior U.S. Border Patrol officials, Chief Jason Owens and Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Gloria Chavez, are under investigation for their relationship with Francisco Javier Gonzalez, a prominent Mexican tequila businessman. The investigation, conducted by Customs and Border Protection's Office of Professional Responsibility, focuses on whether they properly disclosed their contact with a foreign national and whether they accepted benefits that could violate ethics rules. This arose after the officers attended an event at Gonzalez's hacienda in Mexico, where they discussed the creation of a Border Patrol-branded tequila to celebrate their 100th anniversary.

CBP to move concrete barriers to ease traffic flow on the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - May 14, 2024

CBP is reorganizing the concrete barriers on the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge to improve traffic flow during a drainage replacement project. These temporary measures will direct traffic to the westernmost lanes while work continues, with the goal of minimizing disruptions and maintaining northbound traffic flow. Traffic is expected to follow this new pattern for approximately two to three weeks before further reconfiguration for the second phase of the project.

ERO Boston arrests Colombian fugitive wanted for homicide

ICE - May 13, 2024

ERO Boston has apprehended a Colombian national wanted by authorities in his home country for aggravated murder, aggravated robbery and illegal weapons possession. Arrested near his residence in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, the individual will remain in ERO custody pending the outcome of his removal proceedings.

ERO New York City arrests Honduran fugitive wanted for murder

ICE - May 13, 2024

ERO New York has arrested a Honduran national wanted in his home country for murder. Captured in Amityville, New York, the individual attempted to conceal his identity but was identified and confirmed as the subject of the warrant. He will remain in ICE custody, without bond, pending removal proceedings.

ERO New York City arrests Venezuelan fugitive and member of the Aragua Train

ICE - May 13, 2024

New York's Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) has arrested Johan Jose Cardenas Silva, a Venezuelan national and member of the Tren de Aragua, a transnational criminal organization. Silva, who faces charges in Peru for conspiracy, assault and aggravated robbery, was arrested after being released from a jail in Nassau. He is in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.

Migrants on Mexico's northern border express fear of the presence of the "Tren de Aragua" gang

Voice of America - May 13, 2024

The growing fear among migrants in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, due to the Venezuelan gang "El Tren de Aragua" and its alliance with local criminals, is the focus of this report. It details how this situation directly affects the safety and hope of those seeking refuge on Mexico's northern border.


Census reveals increase in Latino population in the U.S.

Telemundo News - May 13, 2024

The latest census shows a notable increase in the U.S. Latino child population, led by Florida with more than a quarter of a million children added in the last decade. This growth reflects the changing demographic trends in the country and their potential impacts on the socioeconomic and political future.

Most Latinas feel pressure to support their families or succeed in the workplace.

Pew Research Center - May 14, 2024

A Pew Research Center study reveals that more than half of U.S. Latinas feel strong pressure to provide for their families or succeed in their jobs, facing both Latin American and U.S. cultural expectations. Despite these pressures, a high percentage of Latinas report feeling satisfied with their family and overall life. The report also highlights the influence of gender roles and how they affect Hispanic women in different settings, including at home and at work.

Street vendors open offices in Chicago

Voice of America - May 13, 2024

Street vendors in Chicago, after decades of fighting for their rights and against fines, celebrate the opening of their new offices. This achievement marks a milestone in their effort to obtain legal permits to operate, strengthening their community and securing a more stable future for their businesses.

Benefits and challenges of nearshoring in Mexico

CNN in English - May 13, 2024

Mexico has become a central hub for nearshoring, surpassing even China as the main exporter to the US by 2023. With foreign investments reaching more than US$ 36 billion last year, the country faces both opportunities and challenges, especially in adapting its infrastructure and legislation to sustain this growth.

Argentina and IMF reach agreement for new disbursement

DW English - May 13, 2024

Argentina has reached a technical agreement with the IMF for a new disbursement of close to US$800 million, thanks to the reforms undertaken under the presidency of Javier Milei that have improved macroeconomic stability. This agreement is crucial for the continuation of Argentina's debt repayment program with the Fund.


I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
