Immigration news today 14 March 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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U.S. provides relief to Venezuelans with student visas to obtain work permits

El Nuevo Herald - March 13, 2024

The U.S. government has implemented a measure for Venezuelans with F-1 student visas, allowing them to work more hours than initially granted due to severe economic hardship caused by the crisis in Venezuela. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it will temporarily suspend certain employment requirements, both on and off campus, until September 10, 2025. This relaxation is intended to make it easier for students to maintain their status and continue their studies, thus alleviating their financial situation.

Emprende Pro Mujer awards 300 scholarships to Latina immigrants in the U.S.

La Opinión - March 13, 2024

Pro Mujer, in collaboration with Fuerza Migrante and UFM, will provide 300 scholarships to Latina immigrant women in the United States to foster entrepreneurship. The "Emprende Pro Mujer" initiative offers online training covering leadership, management, finance, digital and sales skills. This opportunity responds to the economic and social challenges faced by Latina women in the United States, seeking to empower them to start businesses and improve their quality of life and self-esteem.

Program will help Cuban doctors to obtain their license in Florida

El Nuevo Herald - March 13, 2024

A new program in Miami focuses on helping Cuban and other physicians practice in the United States by sending them to Latin America to work in needy communities. Coordinated by Solidaridad sin Fronteras and Green Cross Team, the project facilitates the reinsertion of these professionals into the U.S. medical system, while helping to counteract the labor exploitation promoted by the Cuban government through its international medical missions. The program offers an alternative for these physicians to complete revalidation requirements in Florida, expanding their opportunities for professional integration and positively affecting both the Latin American communities and the situation of the physicians involved.

How the undocumented population is changing in the U.S.

Univision News - March 13, 2024

Undocumented immigration in the United States has undergone significant transformations over more than 30 years. After peaking at 12.2 million in 2007, the number has remained relatively stable. Legislative and policy changes have impacted the flow of immigration, from the amnesty granted by IRCA in 1986 to more recent policies such as DACA and the Biden administration's efforts to dismantle zero-tolerance policies. The profile of the undocumented population has also changed, with a decrease in Mexican migrants and an increase in those from Central America, Venezuela, and other countries, reflecting a more diverse immigration landscape in the United States.

Asylum seeker and refugee are not the same: only one group is guaranteed work permit from day one

Univision News - March 13, 2024

An asylee seeks protection on U.S. soil, while a refugee does so from abroad. Both processes, based on persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, are complex and subject to rigorous verification. Asylum seekers must wait 150 days after applying for asylum to apply for a work permit, facing delays in its granting. Refugees, on the other hand, are entitled to work immediately upon admission to the U.S., and the work permit process has recently been streamlined, significantly reducing waiting times.

Former border agent allowed undocumented immigrants to enter the U.S.

El Tiempo Latino - March 13, 2024

Emanuel Isac Celedon, a former CBP officer, pleaded guilty to facilitating the smuggling of undocumented immigrants into the U.S. and accepting bribes. He served at the Juarez-Lincoln port of entry in Laredo, where he coordinated with smugglers to circumvent border controls. In addition to immigrants, Celedon attempted to allow the entry of vehicles with shipments he believed to be cocaine as part of an undercover operation. His case highlights the challenges and potential corruption in U.S. border control and security.

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ICE announces initial deployment of body cameras

ICE - March 13, 2024

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has begun the initial deployment of 1,600 body cameras to its Homeland Security Investigations and Enforcement and Removal Operations divisions. This deployment is in response to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's body camera policy and executive order on promoting effective and accountable law enforcement and criminal justice practices to enhance public trust and safety. Deputy Director Patrick J. Lechleitner emphasized that transparency and accountability are essential to maintaining public trust and effectiveness in the homeland security mission.

ICE agents will begin using body cameras in five U.S. cities.

La Opinión - March 13, 2024

ICE will implement the use of body cameras among its agents in five U.S. cities: Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Buffalo and Detroit. This step follows a successful pilot program and seeks to increase transparency and public trust. However, expansion of the program depends on additional funding from Congress, with ICE currently facing a budget shortfall. ICE Acting Director PJ Lechleitner stresses that this move is crucial to modernize operations and bolster confidence in law enforcement professionals.

Mexican national sentenced to 42 months imprisonment for drug trafficking

ICE - March 12, 2024

A Mexican national, Gerardo Ignacio Castillo-Lopez, was sentenced to 42 months in prison for his role in a cocaine trafficking scheme, according to a Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) investigation in Washington, D.C. Castillo-Lopez coordinated the delivery of 22 kilograms of cocaine into Maryland from Tucson, Arizona. After detection and substitution of the drugs for counterfeit packages by authorities, accomplice Dwight Garvey was arrested after picking up the loaded vehicle. Castillo-Lopez fled to Mexico and was arrested more than a year later while attempting to re-enter the United States.

Four arrested for illegal entry into U.S. at International Railroad Bridge in Buffalo

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - March 13, 2024

Four people were arrested for attempting to illegally enter the United States from Canada across the International Railroad Bridge in Buffalo, New York. U.S. Border Patrol agents spotted three men and a woman descending from a moving freight train. The men, leaving behind the woman pinned down by an injury, were apprehended after a chase. The injured woman was treated by CBP officers and transported to a medical facility. The three men, processed at Buffalo Station, along with the woman, were identified as undocumented citizens of India and the Dominican Republic. The men are in the process of being removed and detained, while the woman continues to receive medical treatment.

U.S. government considers using its Guantanamo base to house Haitian migrants

La Opinión - March 13, 2024

The Biden administration is evaluating the possibility of using the Guantanamo Naval Base to process Haitian immigrants in the event of a mass exodus due to the violence crisis in Haiti. With gangs controlling much of the capital and a national emergency, the violence has displaced thousands. The Naval Base, previously prepared for similar emergencies, could be expanded for this purpose. This plan reflects the administration's growing concern over the possible massive influx of Haitians, seeking to process and possibly repatriate those intercepted at sea.

Immigrant with baby in arms receives electric shock after confrontation with agents at New York shelter

Telemundo News - March 13, 2024

Yanny Cordero, a 47-year-old immigrant, was beaten and given electric shocks by agents while holding his 1-year-old son at a shelter in Queens, New York. Cordero was part of a confrontation involving the National Guard, police and security guards. The incident, captured on video, is under investigation. The mayor of New York defended the actions of the officers, citing Cordero's intoxication as a threat to the child's safety. The family was moved to another shelter and is seeking to clean up its image by reviewing footage of the incident.

Immigrant assaulted by police in New York City while holding baby speaks out

Univision News - March 13, 2024

Yanny Cordero, a 47-year-old Venezuelan immigrant, was the victim of a police assault in New York, after being wrongly accused of misconduct by employees of a shelter in Queens, who alleged that he was drunk. Cordero, who denied being under the influence of alcohol, attributed the incident to a confusion of language with the guards. This case has raised concerns about the treatment of immigrants and the interpretation of laws in complex situations.

Ron DeSantis orders deployment of troops in the face of a "potential" wave of migration from Haiti

La Opinión - March 13, 2024

In view of the crisis in Haiti and the possible arrival of immigrants fleeing the violence, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has ordered a security reinforcement by deploying 250 agents in the south of the state. This team includes agents from various agencies, who will guard the coasts and keys to prevent the entry of "illegal aliens". The situation in Haiti has generated international alarm, with calls from the UN to respect the human rights of Haitians. At the same time, the Biden administration is being asked to coordinate to address the Haitian crisis, given the significant Haitian community in Miami-Dade and its impact on the region.

Chaos in immigration courts does not stop, add one million new cases by 2024

La Opinión - March 13, 2024

U.S. immigration courts face an all-time record backlog of cases, surpassing 3.4 million by the end of February 2024. Despite nearly doubling the number of judges since 2017, the backlog continues to grow, surpassing 1.5 million in the past 15 months. Miami-Dade leads with the highest number of immigrants awaiting deportation resolution. The situation reflects the growing crisis in the immigration system, where current measures are still insufficient to handle the caseload.

Volunteers are concerned about early eviction of migrants from Chicago shelters

La Raza - March 13, 2024

In Chicago, immigrants must vacate shelters after at least three extensions to the deadline, decided by Mayor Brandon Johnson, in the context of a measles outbreak. A 60-day limit policy on temporary shelters is emphasized, raising concerns among volunteers and immigrant rights advocates about possible logistical complications. Many migrants, especially those who do not qualify for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), will have to leave the shelters. The city administration is considering exceptions based on health or pregnancy, while Chicago aldermen are calling for handling evictions on a case-by-case basis.

This is what life is like for border crossers living between the U.S. and Mexico.

Telemundo News - March 13, 2024

The Telemundo News documentary highlights the life of the binational community on the U.S.-Mexico border, demystifying the negative perception often associated with this area. The expression "I go to the other side" encapsulates the fluidity with which its inhabitants manage their daily lives between the two countries, highlighting the cultural and economic advantages of this lifestyle. The narrative moves away from the border crisis, focusing on the integration and exchange between the communities.

Chicago activist becomes senatorial candidate

Voice of America - March 13, 2024

Elvira Arellano, a prominent pro-immigrant activist based in Chicago, has been nominated as a candidate for the federal senate by the Morena party in Mexico. Known for her tireless work in defense of immigrant rights, Arellano could make history if she wins the Senate seat. Her candidacy represents a significant moment for the immigrant community, showing how activism can lead to tangible political change.

221 migrants, including 46 minors, rescued in Puebla, Mexico

El Diario NY - March 13, 2024

In an operation in Puebla, Mexico, 221 migrants were rescued, including 46 minors, from Guatemala, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Cuba, and El Salvador. These migrants were found in a house in the municipality of San Andrés Chalchicomula de Sesma without documents proving their regular stay in Mexico. The majority were from Guatemala, totaling 179 people. Seventeen families were identified and transferred to the National System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF), while the adults began the administrative migration process. This event highlights the growing migratory flow in the region, with Mexico registering a 77% increase in irregular migration in 2023.

Mexican presidential candidate proposes to negotiate an immigration agreement with the United States to benefit Mexicans

El Diario NY - March 12, 2024

Xóchitl Gálvez, presidential candidate for the opposition front "Fuerza y Corazón por México", proposes to renegotiate the migratory agreement with the U.S. to offer residency to Mexican migrants in exchange for Mexico continuing to host migrants from Central and South America. He criticized the current administration's submission to the U.S. and suggested that Mexico should see migrants as an opportunity to fill labor shortages, proposing to invest in their education and training. The elections in Mexico on June 2 present an opportunity to change immigration policy and improve conditions for Mexican migrants in the US.

Sexual violence against migrants sparks controversy between Panama's government and Doctors Without Borders

Voice of America - March 13, 2024

Migration through the Darien jungle into Panama has increased by 40% over the previous year, generating tensions between the Panamanian government and the NGO Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) due to growing concerns about sexual violence against migrants. MSF has criticized the lack of action and protection for these individuals, while the government disputes the accusations and questions the organization's methods. This situation highlights the humanitarian and security challenges faced by migrants on their journey.


Average home rental cost in Los Angeles reaches $2,800 and worries Hispanics

Univision News - March 13, 2024

In Los Angeles, the average cost of rent has reached $2,800 per month, representing more than 40% of the income of many Hispanic families. This situation has led to considerable economic hardship, forcing families to significantly limit their ability to afford rent. The Univision Noticias report highlights the voices of the Hispanic community, who are increasingly concerned about the sustainability of their livelihoods in the face of ever-increasing housing costs.

How to protect yourself from being robbed from your WhatsApp account

Univision News - March 13, 2024

With the increase in cybercrime via WhatsApp, it is essential to take precautionary measures to protect our accounts. Recommendations include not replying to strangers, setting a code word with family members to identify fraud attempts, and verifying any requests for money through alternative channels. These simple actions can significantly help prevent account theft and avoid falling for scams, ensuring greater security for users of the platform.

Juan Orlando Hernandez's wife wants to be president because of something "unfair".

Telemundo News - March 13, 2024

Ana García, wife of former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, has expressed her intention to seek the presidency in response to what she considers an unjust sentence against her husband. In an interview with Telemundo News, Garcia described the situation as "senseless" and denied that she is running for office. This development adds a new chapter to Honduran politics, marked by legal and political controversies.

Mexican woman restores religious images in Chicago

Voice of America - March 13, 2024

In Chicago, a Mexican immigrant has created her own company, Santo Trancazo, dedicated to restoring broken or deteriorated religious statues. This venture not only highlights her artistic ability but also her deep faith and the importance of religious images in the community. The founder of Santo Trancazo shares her passion for reviving the beauty and spirituality of these pieces, becoming a success story and inspiration within the immigrant community.

Does Nayib Bukele win with the rise of bitcoin in El Salvador?

CNN in English - March 13, 2024

Bitcoin reached a new record high, approaching $73,000, boosted by the investment of ETF exchange-traded funds. This milestone draws attention to El Salvador, the first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender under President Nayib Bukele's initiative in September 2021. The discussion centers on whether this rise benefits the country and Bukele's vision, considering the volatility of the cryptocurrency and the criticism towards its adoption as a national economic strategy.

Foreigners fighting for Ukraine in the International Legion

DW English - March 13, 2024

In the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the International Legion has become a crucial component for Ukraine, attracting soldiers from at least 30 countries. The lack of exact figures on the number of foreign volunteers does not diminish the importance of their contribution. DW has spoken to fighters from Colombia, who share their experiences and motivations for joining this fight, underlining the international character of the support for Ukraine in the face of the Russian invasion.

Colombian baker travels to Ukraine to help those affected by the war

CNN in English - March 13, 2024

A Colombian baker living in North Carolina has taken his passion for baking to Ukraine, offering his help to war-affected communities. Working with bakeries in Bucha and Kyiv, he raised funds from employees and customers to rebuild ovens and erect walls, baking bread to distribute to the local population. This act of solidarity highlights the human connection and desire to support those facing adversity, regardless of distance.



I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
