Immigration news today 11 March 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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Visa Bulletin April 2024

Immigration Today - March 8, 2024

The April 2024 Visa Bulletin, essential for those waiting their turn to obtain a U.S. visa, details priority dates for consular processing and final visa issuance action at embassies or consulates. This document guides the National Visa Center (NVC) and USCIS in processing immigrant visas, affecting family-based, employment-based and visa lottery categories. It reflects the current and estimated demand for visas, and includes special categories such as religious workers, with monthly updates crucial for advancing applications.

USCIS Reaches Regulatory Maximum Number of H-2B Visas for the Second Half of Fiscal Year 2024 and Announces Supplemental Visa Petition Filing Dates for the Second Half of Fiscal Year 2024

USCIS - March 8, 2024

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has reached the H-2B visa cap for the second half of fiscal year 2024 on March 7, closing the receipt of new petitions requesting to begin employment between April 1 and October 1, 2024. They continue to accept petitions exempt from this limit. The temporary final rule, increasing the H-2B visa cap by up to an additional 64,716 for FY 2024, opens new opportunities for employers in critical sectors, ensuring legal pathways for workers from certain countries, and establishing specific dates for filing supplemental petitions.

Statement by Secretary Mayorkas on the Federal Court's decision to allow parole proceedings to continue for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans

U.S. Department of Homeland Security - March 8, 2024

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas has hailed the court decision which allows for the continuation of parole processes for citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, highlighting its role in reducing encounters at the southern border and as a model for migration management. These processes promote safe and orderly pathways to the United States as part of broader efforts to manage migration at the hemispheric level. They emphasize the importance of following legal routes and warn against the consequences of irregular entries.

Judge rejects Texas challenge to Biden's immigration relief program for 4 countries

La Opinión - March 8, 2024

Judge Drew Tipton dismissed the lawsuit filed by Texas and other states against the Biden Administration's immigration relief program, which benefits citizens of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Haiti. This program allows migrants, under certain conditions, to apply for asylum in the United States, offering a safe and legal pathway for their entry. The judge's decision reinforces the Biden Administration's position on its humanitarian approach to migration, despite criticism and legal challenges from several states. This ruling underscores the importance of providing legal and organized solutions to today's immigration challenges.

Casa Ruby founder arrested for alleged fraud and money laundering

Telemundo 44 - March 8, 2024

The founder of Casa Ruby, an NGO in Washington D.C. that supported homeless youth from the LGBTQ+ community, was arrested on charges of fraud and money laundering after her return from El Salvador. This incident highlights the importance of transparency and integrity in nonprofit management.

Chasing migrants: what we know about the helicopter crash in Texas that left three dead

Univision News - March 9, 2024

A tragic incident occurred in Texas when a helicopter chasing a group of undocumented immigrants crashed, resulting in the death of two soldiers and a border agent. A third soldier survived with serious injuries. This event underscores the extreme risks in border enforcement operations and the human consequences of current immigration policy.

Migrant arrivals at U.S. border increase due to delay in implementation of SB4 law

La Opinión - March 10, 2024

Migrant arrivals to Ciudad Juarez increased due to the postponement of SB4, which will intensify deportations from Texas. Shelters in Juarez have seen a 30% growth in occupancy. Migrants from several Mexican states, mobilized by the temporary pause in the law, are seeking to cross before further changes. SB4 has generated concern among migrants and activists for its possible discriminatory effects and its impact on those already residing in the US.

Some 300,000 migrants crossed through this small border town

Telemundo News - March 10, 2024

Sásabe, a modest town on the Sonora-Arizona border, has become a migration hotspot, with nearly 50,000 migrant arrests by the Border Patrol in February alone. This massive influx challenges the authorities' response capacity and highlights the complexity of the migration situation in the region.

Eight people fall from top of border fence in San Diego area

Telemundo News - March 10, 2024

In a recent dangerous incident, eight people fell from the top of the border fence near San Diego, injuring themselves and requiring urgent medical attention. This event underscores the extreme risks migrants face when attempting to cross the border irregularly.

Abbott says border crisis is the "number one" problem in the U.S.

Telemundo News - March 8, 2024

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, in an exclusive interview, defends the use of the term "invasion" when referring to the arrival of migrants across the border with Mexico and criticizes the immigration policy of the Biden administration. Abbott argues that the border crisis represents the most critical challenge for the United States, highlighting the tensions and ongoing debate over how best to manage border security and immigration in a context of increasing political polarization.

Family of migrants is rescued from the Bravo River after the raft in which they were traveling capsized.

Univision News - March 9, 2024

A migrant family experienced moments of anguish when they were rescued from the Rio Bravo when the raft in which they were crossing to the United States capsized. The video of the rescue, released by the Border Patrol, shows the quick action of the agents to save the migrants, including two children. This incident highlights the risks faced by migrant families and the crucial role of rescue teams in these critical situations.

Florida: Immigration cases in court total 500,000

Las Americas Newspaper - March 10, 2024

Florida faces a backlog of nearly half a million immigration court cases, the largest number in the U.S. The national figure exacerbated by the growing immigration wave exceeds 3.3 million. Miami concentrates the majority of these cases, with asylum applications from a variety of nationalities. The overload in the judicial system delays processing times, forcing some to wait up to 10 years for a hearing. The crisis not only affects migrants but also increases pressure on local resources and security in large cities.

Immigration arrests second brother of Hispanic man accused of killing student in Georgia

La Opinión - March 10, 2024

Authorities detained Argenis Ibarra, the second brother of the accused killer of student Laken Riley in Georgia. Argenis, a two-time deportee from the U.S., was detained by ICE while assisting police in the investigation. The three Venezuelan brothers lived near where the crime occurred. Jose Ibarra, accused of the murder, had entered the U.S. in 2022 and lived in New York before moving to Georgia. Diego Ibarra, also arrested, has links to the Tren de Aragua criminal gang.

Alleged member of Tren de Aragua criminal gang arrested in Georgia

Univision News - March 8, 2024

In Georgia, Diego Ibarra, a Venezuelan immigrant and alleged member of the dangerous criminal gang Tren de Aragua, has been arrested in connection with the murder of young student Laken Riley. The evidence presented includes photographs with tattoos and gestures characteristic of the gang, which reinforces their alleged link. This arrest highlights the international presence of Tren de Aragua and the efforts of authorities to combat their criminal activities, underscoring the importance of police cooperation and continued vigilance to ensure justice and public safety.

Measles case detected in Chicago shelter with more than 2,000 immigrants

Univision News - March 9, 2024

A Chicago shelter is facing a measles outbreak after a case was confirmed in a minor, leading to a departure restriction for more than 2,000 immigrants until their vaccination status is verified. The situation highlights the importance of immunization in densely populated settings and the Health Department's efforts to vaccinate shelter residents and prevent the spread of the disease.

Q'anjob'al Mayan immigrant becomes bridge between Guatemalan diaspora and Arevalo's government

Los Angeles Times in English - March 8, 2024

Aldo Waykán, a Q'anjob'al Mayan immigrant and activist in Los Angeles, was named Guatemala's presidential advisor and commissioner for migration affairs. This position, created by the Bernardo Arévalo administration, aims to strengthen ties with the Guatemalan diaspora, a sector historically marginalized despite its significant economic contribution. Waykán, with extensive experience in social justice, translation, and activism, represents hope for improved representation and attention to the needs of Guatemalan migrants. His appointment is an important step in ensuring that the voice of the diaspora is heard and directly addressed in government.

Former Honduran president found guilty in U.S. of narco ties

Las Américas Newspaper - March 8, 2024

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez was convicted in the United States of collaborating with drug traffickers, setting a precedent in US justice against former Latin American leaders. Accused of facilitating the shipment of cocaine to the US, his conviction reflects an extensive legal process that revealed his involvement with drug traffickers since 2004. Hernandez, who tried to defend his image by highlighting his fight against drug trafficking and denying receiving bribes, faced compelling testimony from traffickers and a rigorous review of his political and personal actions.

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández is found guilty. Here is what we know.

CNN in English - March 8, 2024

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez is facing a US drug trafficking conviction, setting a significant precedent. Accused of importing cocaine and conspiring in arms-related criminal activities, his case underscores the interconnection between politics and drug trafficking in the region.

Juan Orlando Hernández is the first former president convicted in the U.S.

Telemundo News - March 8, 2024

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez stands out as the first elected president to be convicted in the US, a milestone that separates him from previous cases such as Manuel Noriega. His conviction for drug-related crimes could result in a life sentence, demonstrating the reach of US justice in the international fight against drug trafficking and corruption.

ICE conducts removal flights of single adults and family units on March 8

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

In a continuing effort to enforce immigration policies, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) executed removal flights for single adults and families, underscoring the country's commitment to enforcing its immigration laws. Between March 4 and March 8, individuals were returned to various countries, reaffirming the practice of processing and removing those without legal grounds to remain in the United States. This operation highlights the dynamics and complexity of immigration management, focusing on security and order while navigating legal and humanitarian responsibilities.

ERO Baltimore apprehends Guatemalan national convicted of assault in Maryland

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

The arrest of a Guatemalan national in Maryland by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) ERO Baltimore illustrates direct intervention in cases of non-citizens with violent backgrounds, emphasizing the priority of maintaining public safety. This event underscores the challenge of coordinating between local and federal jurisdictions on immigration detention issues. The apprehension of the individual, previously released by local authorities despite an immigration detainer, reflects the tensions and ICE's commitment to removing individuals who pose a threat to the community.

ERO Houston removes Honduran fugitive wanted for homicide

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

The Enforcement and Removal Office (ERO) in Houston, in collaboration with ERO Honduras and the Security Alliance for Fugitive Enforcement (SAFE) in Honduras, removed Jorge Muñoz Pineda, a 32-year-old Honduran national illegally present in the United States, wanted in Honduras for murder. Muñoz was transported from San Antonio International Airport in San Antonio, Texas, to Honduras, where he was turned over to Honduran authorities. This act underscores ERO's commitment to public safety by working to identify, arrest and repatriate foreign nationals who pose a security threat.

ERO Chicago arrests 28 foreign sex offenders during nationwide enforcement effort

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

In a nationwide enforcement effort, ERO Chicago arrested 28 foreign nationals with sex offense convictions. This operation, part of a broader campaign that resulted in the arrest of 275 foreign sex offenders, reflects ICE's continued focus on protecting vulnerable populations, especially children. The arrests in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Kansas underscore ERO Chicago's determination to remove individuals who have committed heinous sex crimes from communities.

Human smuggling leader convicted of smuggling and money laundering after HSI Sells investigation

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

A Phoenix man was sentenced to four years in prison followed by three years of supervised release for leading a Phoenix-based human smuggling organization. Tony Cardenas, 36, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to transport and harbor illegal aliens for profit and conspiracy to commit money laundering. The investigation, conducted by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Sells and IRS Criminal Investigation, revealed that the organization moved undocumented non-citizens from Central America and Mexico into the U.S., holding them in safe houses in Phoenix until final payment was received. This conviction underscores HSI's commitment to prosecuting smugglers who put lives at risk for financial gain.

ERO St. Paul arrests 15 foreign sex offenders during nationwide enforcement effort

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

In a nationwide enforcement effort, ERO St. Paul arrested 15 foreign nationals with sex offense convictions. These arrests are part of a larger operation that resulted in the arrest of 275 foreign sex offenders. The operation, which took place Feb. 5-16, underscores ERO's dedication to eliminating threats to local communities, especially children. Those arrested include individuals of various nationalities, highlighting the importance of international collaboration in the fight against sexual abuse.

ERO Boston arrests Rhode Island fugitive wanted for murder in Honduras

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

ERO Boston arrested a 23-year-old Honduran fugitive in Providence, Rhode Island, wanted for homicide in Honduras and previously convicted of assault with a weapon and domestic violence. This case highlights the complexity of cooperation between jurisdictions and the importance of immigration detainers in ensuring that dangerous individuals are brought to justice. Despite an immigration detainer, the fugitive was released by the court, but was later apprehended by ERO Boston, demonstrating ICE's commitment to public safety and immigration enforcement.

ERO Detroit removes Mexican national wanted for homicide

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

ERO Detroit deported Joaquín Villalobos Navarro, a 54-year-old Mexican national wanted in his country for homicide, robbery, criminal association and crimes against public officials. He was handed over to Mexican authorities at the Brownsville, Texas border. This case highlights ERO Detroit's commitment to public safety, emphasizing its mission to apprehend foreign fugitives and return them to their home countries to face justice.

ERO Seattle places non-citizen accused of vehicular homicide in custody

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

ERO Seattle placed an immigration detainer on Raul Benitez Santana, a 32-year-old Mexican national detained in the Snohomish County Jail for the vehicular homicide of a Washington State Patrolman. This procedure underscores the use of immigration detainers to ensure that non-citizens who commit serious crimes are held and potentially removed, reaffirming ERO's priority of maintaining public safety and the integrity of U.S. immigration laws.

HSI El Paso and USBP arrest 25 undocumented non-citizens, 2 alleged smugglers; seize nearly $$3,000

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 8, 2024

HSI El Paso, in collaboration with U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) agents, arrested 25 undocumented non-citizens from five different countries and two suspected Mexican smugglers, Cesar Daniel Hernandez-Ortiz and Angel Gabriel Lopez-Alvarado, at a safe house. This operation reflects HSI's ongoing efforts to identify and dismantle transnational criminal organizations involved in smuggling and harboring undocumented non-citizens, underscoring HSI's commitment to border integrity and community safety.

Border Patrol tactical unit fatally shoots gunman assaulting migrants in Otay Mountains

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement - March 7, 2024

A Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) sniper shot and killed a gunman assaulting migrants in the Otay Mountains near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. This incident occurred while BORTAC was monitoring the area due to recent reports of armed robberies and assaults against migrants. The agents, hidden near the paved road where the incident occurred, saw the armed individual threaten the migrants before shooting him. Medical assistance was provided to the man, but he was pronounced dead at the scene. This event underscores the dangers faced by migrants and the complex situations to which law enforcement officers respond at the border.

Unity or polarization? Contrast of opinions in the Capitol

Voice of America - March 8, 2024

Political polarization is intensifying in the U.S., with Joe Biden openly challenging his critics during a divided Congress. This environment underscores current tensions and the challenge of achieving unity amid significant differences between parties.

State of the Union, a politically charged speech?

CNN in English - March 8, 2024

In his third State of the Union address, in the midst of an election year, President Joe Biden presented a speech that, according to expert analysis in "Clash of Opinions", was strongly influenced by the current political context. The discussion focuses on the intentions and impact of his words at a crucial moment for the election campaign, highlighting the balance between presidential management and political strategies.

We asked 4 Latino Republican congressmen and women what they would change about Trump.

Telemundo News - March 8, 2024

Four Latino Republican congressmen, María Elvira Salazar, Mario Díaz-Balart, Carlos Giménez and Juan Ciscomani, share in an interview their perspectives on a possible second term for Donald Trump. Although they support the former president's candidacy, they discuss aspects that they believe need to be modified to strengthen his approach and direction. This dialogue reveals the diversity of opinions within the Republican Party and the importance of Latino voices in the U.S. political debate, especially on critical issues such as immigration and national unity.

Biden criticized for using the word "illegal" when talking about an immigrant

Telemundo News - March 10, 2024

Community and immigrant rights leaders express criticism of President Biden for referring to an immigrant as "illegal" in his speech, a designation that Biden later regretted. This incident has reignited the debate over appropriate and respectful terminology in public discourse on immigration.

Illegal, a controversial term used by Biden

CNN in English - March 8, 2024

President Joe Biden generated controversy by referring to a Venezuelan immigrant as "illegal" during his State of the Union address, a term generally avoided by Democrats. This use of language has reignited the debate over political rhetoric and its implications for the perception and treatment of immigrants, questioning the implications of such a designation in the context of current immigration policy.


Mexico to open new immigration station in the middle of a desert after fire that left 40 people dead

El Diario NY - March 9, 2024

In response to the tragic fire in Ciudad Juarez, which claimed the lives of 40 migrants, the Mexican government announced the opening of a new immigration station in Chihuahua. Located in a desert, 72 kilometers from Ciudad Juarez, this station will occupy the ruins of a former internal customs house abandoned since 2013. The commissioner of the National Migration Institute, Francisco Garduño, highlighted that the initiative seeks to offer an adapted and safe space for migrants. The reconstruction and rehabilitation of these facilities are key to guarantee dignified conditions for migrants in transit, at a time when Mexico faces a historically high migratory flow.

Two Latinos Exonerated of a Crime They Did Not Commit 20 Years Ago

Telemundo News - March 10, 2024

Abraham Villalobos and Ronald Velasquez Jr., two Latinos in California, were exonerated after spending 15 and 23 years in prison for a crime they did not commit. Their release highlights the existence of dubious convictions and sentences within the judicial system, and celebrates the delayed but necessary justice for those wrongly convicted.

First-time homebuyer assistance program: see where available

Univision News - March 9, 2024

Miami-Dade County, Florida, implements a government program designed to assist first-time homebuyers by providing financial support for down payments. This effort seeks to facilitate access to housing in an increasingly demanding real estate market by offering a tangible solution for those aspiring to become first-time homeowners.

This Latina was the first female surgeon general in the United States.

Telemundo News - March 8, 2024

Antonia Novello, a Puerto Rican physician, marked a milestone when she was appointed the first female U.S. Surgeon General in 1990 by President George H. W. Bush. Her dedication and achievements reflect her struggle to overcome barriers and set an important precedent in the field of public health, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams without limits.

Latina woman makes her mark on and off planet Earth

Telemundo News - March 8, 2024

Diana Trujillo, a Colombian aerospace engineer, has become a symbol of perseverance and achievement for the Latino community. Since her arrival in the U.S. at age 17, she has worked on important NASA missions, including the 'Perseverance' rover. His story is a powerful testimony of how dedication and passion can break down barriers, inspiring future generations to dream big and achieve their goals, not only on Earth but also beyond.

From Astronauts to Chefs: Spotlighting Four Inspiring Hispanic Women on Women's Day

Univision News - March 8, 2024

The video highlights the lives and achievements of four outstanding Hispanic women in different fields: an athlete, a chef, an astronaut and an actress, all united by their dedication to service and their desire to give back to their communities. These women have not only achieved success in their respective fields, but also honor their Latina roots and show a deep commitment to the empowerment of other women and the well-being of their communities. Their dedication and passion serve as inspiration on International Women's Day, demonstrating the positive impact women can have on the world.

Food delivery drivers now have a minimum wage in New York: here's how to pay them

Univision News - March 8, 2024

This video reports on the recent implementation of a wage policy in New York, ensuring a minimum wage for food delivery drivers. The measure seeks to improve working conditions for this group, although it has led to adjustments by delivery platforms, such as limitations on working hours and added difficulties for customers to leave tips. The initiative is an important step towards recognizing the labor rights of delivery drivers in a growing industry, although it still faces challenges in its practical application.

Honduran women seek teenage pregnancy prevention law

DW English - March 8, 2024

In Honduras, the Integral Education Law, vetoed after protests by conservative groups, is being reactivated to address the problem of teenage pregnancies, with more than 20,000 girls and adolescents affected annually, many due to sexual abuse. This situation highlights the urgency of educational and legislative measures to protect and empower young women.


I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
