Immigration news today 1 March 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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President Biden meets in Brownsville, Texas, to discuss border security

The White House - February 29, 2024

During his visit to Brownsville, Texas, President Biden, along with Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, met with Border Patrol agents and other officials to discuss the implementation of the bipartisan border security agreement. This initiative seeks to strengthen security while addressing the immigration situation in a fair and humane manner, reflecting the urgency of a collaborative, legislative approach to immigration reform.

Impact of bipartisan agreement on border operations funding

The White House - February 29, 2024

The proposed bipartisan agreement, discussed by President Biden in Brownsville, Texas, calls for more than $$20 billion in border security, increasing personnel and technology to improve asylum processing and combat drug trafficking. This legislation, essential to a secure border and a fair immigration system, faces political obstacles, underscoring the need for immediate congressional action to support the thousands of officers and improve immigration management.

Secretary Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Alicia Bárcena, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala, Carlos Ramiro Martínez, at the Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Migration between the U.S., Mexico and Guatemala.

U.S. Department of State - February 28, 2024

At a trilateral meeting on migration, Blinken, along with Alicia Barcena of Mexico and Carlos Ramiro Martinez of Guatemala, highlighted the strong collaboration between the countries to manage migration in a safe and humane manner. Emphasis was placed on addressing root causes, such as lack of opportunities in countries of origin, and strengthening legal avenues for migration. The meeting underscored the shared commitment to safe, orderly and humane migration, and the importance of addressing this challenge jointly at the regional level.

Virtual press conference with Vanessa Vidal Castellanos, Director of Strategic Communications and Deputy Spokesperson for the White House Homeland Security Council; Eric Jacobstein, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central America in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs; and Blas Nunez-Neto, Assistant Secretary for Border Policy and Immigration at the Department of Homeland Security.

U.S. Department of State - February 28, 2024

At this conference, trilateral cooperation (U.S., Mexico, Guatemala) on migration was discussed, focusing on the need to address root causes and expand legal avenues for migration. The importance of the Los Angeles Declaration and the Partnership of the Americas for Economic Prosperity was mentioned, highlighting efforts to strengthen border enforcement while expanding economic opportunities to prevent forced migration.

Secretary Mayorkas delivers remarks after operational briefing

U.S. Department of Homeland Security - February 29, 2024

Secretary Mayorkas, following an operational briefing in Brownsville, Texas, highlighted the dedication and heroism of DHS personnel in managing irregular migration and border security. He acknowledged the challenges and the need for more resources from Congress to strengthen border security and manage migration effectively. He stressed the importance of intergovernmental cooperation and criticized the counterproductive efforts of the Texas governor, highlighting the Brownsville cooperative model as an example of law enforcement efficiency.

California man charged with maritime smuggling offenses in attempt that killed 3 people after HSI San Diego investigation

ICE - February 29, 2024

Faustino Romero De La Cruz, 40, was charged with organizing the attempted smuggling of multiple unauthorized immigrants by sea on April 10, 2022, resulting in the tragic drowning deaths of three passengers. The investigation was led by HSI San Diego Marine Task Force with the assistance of several federal and local law enforcement partners. Romero was arrested on February 21 in Santa Barbara and made his first appearance in federal court in San Diego that afternoon.

ICE conducts removal flights of single adults, family units on Feb. 29th

ICE - February 29, 2024

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), working in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), facilitated removal flights, including both single adults and family units, from February 26-28 to Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and South Korea. From May 12, 2023 through February 28, 2024, DHS has removed or returned more than 583,000 individuals.

ERO Boston arrests 3 Portuguese nationals charged in the death of Rhode Island infant

ICE - February 29, 2024

Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston arrested three unlawfully present Portuguese nationals who were recently charged with child endangerment following the death of a 1-year-old infant in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Deportation officers arrested the three women, ages 32, 25 and 22, in Pawtucket on Feb. 17. The Portuguese nationals were arrested on February 11 by the Pawtucket Police Department in connection with the death of the child, which occurred in their care.

10-year sentence for illegal reentry announced by U.S. Attorney's Office for Massachusetts, ERO Boston

ICE - February 29, 2024

A Brazilian national, formerly a resident of New Bedford, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for illegal reentry on Feb. 27 in Boston. He is currently serving 25 years to life for a 2016 murder conviction. Walter Gomes DaSilva, 52, was sentenced by U.S. District Court Judge Angel Kelley to an additional decade in prison following his current state sentence. DaSilva had previously been removed from the U.S. in 1999 and illegally re-entered several times, being convicted of armed assault to murder and domestic violence.

Cost of U.S. citizenship rises, affecting 9 million lawful permanent residents

La Opinión - February 29, 2024

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that, effective April 1, the fees to apply for U.S. citizenship will increase, affecting more than 9 million lawful permanent residents eligible for naturalization. The cost of filing the Application for Naturalization (N-400) form will increase from $640 to $710. In addition, the total price for the forms required for lawful permanent residence will go up from $1,760 to $3,005. These increases are the first since 2016 and seek to recover the full cost of providing adjudication and naturalization services.

Biden at the border: "It's time for action" on immigration

La Opinión - February 29, 2024

President Joe Biden, during his visit to Brownsville, Texas, emphasized the urgent need for action on immigration reform, criticizing Republicans for failing to pass a bipartisan spending package that included significant concessions on immigration policy. He asserted that immigration and asylum authorities desperately need more resources and that it is time to move forward with a comprehensive solution to the broken immigration system. Biden and Trump visited the border on the same day, underscoring the importance of the immigration issue in U.S. policy.

Why the U.S. immigration crisis became the crucial issue in the race for the presidency

La Opinión - February 29, 2024

The immigration crisis in the United States has become the central issue in the presidential race, highlighting the positions of Joe Biden and Donald Trump during their visits to Texas. The situation, fueled by policies of fear and the direct impact of migration on communities across the country, defines political agendas. Biden criticizes Republican inaction in Congress on immigration reform, while Trump uses the situation to promote a restrictive agenda. Both candidates reflect how migration management and border security have become top priority issues for American voters, trumping even economic concerns such as inflation.

Trump called migrants "terrorists" and blamed Biden for "invasion" on border visit

El Diario NY - February 29, 2024

Donald Trump, during his visit to the border in Eagle Pass, Texas, called migrants "terrorists" and blamed Joe Biden for an "invasion" of migrants. He attributed the increase in crime in the United States to immigrants, without presenting data to back up his claims. Trump promised, if re-elected, to carry out "the largest deportation of illegal criminals in the history of the United States." He also criticized current immigration policies, suggesting that under his administration the situation at the border was better handled.

Biden lashes out at Republicans for blocking bipartisan border security bill

Univision News - February 29, 2024

During his visit to Brownsville, Texas, President Joe Biden strongly criticized Republicans for obstructing a bipartisan border security bill, urging Donald Trump to abandon politicking and support the measure. Biden emphasized the bill's effectiveness in addressing the border situation, highlighting its importance to national security.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump arrive at the southern U.S. border in Texas

Univision News - February 29, 2024

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump visited the southern Texas border against a tense political backdrop. Biden landed in Brownsville to meet with Border Patrol and local leaders, while Trump visited Eagle Pass, describing it as a very dangerous area. This meeting underscores the deep divisions on border and immigration policies between the two leaders.

Biden sends clear message to Trump from Texas border: 'put politics aside'

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

From Texas, President Biden urged former President Trump to support the bipartisan immigration deal, calling it the most effective bill for the border crisis. This call underscores the urgency of addressing the immigration situation with pragmatic solutions beyond political differences.

Is there a migrant crime wave as Trump claims? The data does not support his accusation

NBC News - February 29, 2024

Despite Donald Trump's claims about an alleged crime wave committed by migrants, available analysis and data indicate that there is no evidence to support a correlation between immigration and increased crime in the United States. Studies show that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes compared to native-born citizens. Public perception on this issue is often influenced by isolated incidents and political rhetoric, but does not align with the reality of crime statistics.

Biden and Trump's Texas visits show divergence in border cities

El Tiempo Latino - February 29, 2024

Recent visits by Joe Biden and Donald Trump to Texas highlight the differences in the border cities of Brownsville and Eagle Pass. While Biden focuses on immigration policies and the need for resources to manage the border humanely and effectively, Trump criticizes current management and promises tougher measures against illegal immigration. These visits underscore the divergent political views on border management and immigration, crucial issues in the context of the upcoming presidential election.

Trump vows to carry out the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

Former President Donald Trump vowed to carry out the largest deportation operation in U.S. history, calling the border crisis an invasion of immigrants and criminals. Trump praised Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his role in decreasing the number of undocumented crossings, reinforcing his tough stance on immigration policy.

Biden, Trump visit southern border to address immigration crisis

Voice of America - February 29, 2024

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump visited the southern border of the United States, emphasizing from different perspectives the urgency of securing the border with Mexico. While Biden seeks solutions and collaboration, Trump stands out for his restrictive approach. This meeting in Brownsville, Texas, reflects the differences in their political approaches to the immigration crisis.

Biden and Trump visit Mexico border at the same time

DW English - February 29, 2024

In the midst of the election season, Joe Biden and Donald Trump coincided in visiting the border with Mexico, focusing their messages on immigration, a central issue for the presidential election. While Trump launched harsh criticisms, Biden opted for a conciliatory tone, urging bipartisan collaboration to address the challenge of illegal immigration.

Number of Mexicans seeking asylum in the U.S. on the rise

Voice of America - February 29, 2024

There is an increase in the number of Mexicans moving towards the northern border seeking asylum in the United States, mainly motivated by fleeing the violence generated by drug cartels. This phenomenon is observed in McAllen, Texas, where the hope of a new life drives many to face the challenging process of applying for asylum.

Migrants stranded in Mexico send a message to Trump and Biden

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

Migrants stranded along the Rio Grande River in Mexico share their difficult experiences trying to reach the southern border of the United States. They ask U.S. authorities, including Joe Biden and Donald Trump, to allow them to fulfill their dream of a better life. Their testimonies reflect the complexity and desperation of the current immigration situation.

The pastor who for many represents fresh air in the midst of the crisis

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

Carlos Navarro, pastor of a Baptist church on the border with Matamoros, Mexico, has become a symbol of hope for migrants who arrive seeking refuge, food, and comfort. In an interview with Telemundo News, Pastor Navarro sends messages to Joe Biden and Donald Trump, highlighting the need for a humanitarian response to the migration crisis.

Cook County judge orders Donald Trump removed from March 19 primary election ballot

La Raza - February 29, 2024

A Cook County judge has ruled to remove Donald Trump from the ballot for Illinois' March 19 primary election in response to a lawsuit arguing his ineligibility for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riots. Judge Tracie Porter postponed enforcement of her ruling in anticipation of an appeal that could go all the way to the Supreme Court. This case, considered a "landmark victory" by the organization 'Free Speech for People', highlights the legal efforts and interpretations of the 14th Amendment in the current political context.

Trump appeals Illinois ballot exclusion, complicating his judicial agenda

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

Donald Trump faces legal challenges after being excluded from the Illinois primary ballot due to his involvement in the Capitol assault. A state judge ruled his ineligibility, a decision that will be reviewed by the Supreme Court, further complicating his judicial agenda at a critical time in the election campaign.

El Nuevo Herald - February 29, 2024

The White House is seeking to resume deportation flights to Venezuela following the unilateral suspension of the program by the Nicolás Maduro regime, marking a setback in the Biden administration's efforts to control illegal immigration. This pause comes at a time of tension, exacerbated by criminal incidents linked to Venezuelan migrants in the United States. The administration is working with countries in the hemisphere to address migration trends, while facing legal and diplomatic challenges to its foreign and immigration policy.

Man stabbed multiple times in New York migrant shelter

La Opinión - February 29, 2024

A man was stabbed at a migrant shelter in New York, evidence of growing tension and violence at facilities that host asylum seekers. The incident, which left a 24-year-old man injured, adds to a string of violent crimes involving migrants in the city, amid an immigration crisis that has prompted Mayor Eric Adams to call for working papers for immigrants and to reevaluate the sanctuary city law. The violence at the shelters has prompted the installation of metal detectors and reignited the debate over immigration and security policies.

Metal detectors to be installed at the entrances of migrant shelters in New York City

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

Due to increasing violence in migrant shelters, New York will install metal detectors and security cameras to protect more than 120,000 people housed. This measure seeks to reduce violent incidents and ensure the safety of migrants in the city.

Illegal migrant shelter dismantled in New York: nearly 40 people found crammed together

Univision News - February 29, 2024

In New York, authorities dismantled an illegal migrant shelter in the Bronx, where about 40 people were found living in overcrowded conditions. This incident follows a similar incident in Queens, both allegedly operated by the same person. These events highlight the precarious situation of migrants seeking refuge.

Judge blocks law allowing immigration detention in Texas

La Opinión - February 29, 2024

A federal judge in Austin, Texas, has blocked the implementation of SB4, which allowed state police to detain undocumented immigrants for deportation. Judge David A. Ezra argued that the law touches on sensitive aspects of foreign relations and challenges federal immigration policies. The decision is seen as a victory for Joe Biden's administration and could be appealed, possibly all the way to the Supreme Court.

Trump returns to the border and his Texas ally suffers setback on SB-4

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

In a context of immigration tensions, Donald Trump visits the border, while a federal judge halts the implementation of the Texas SB-4 law, which criminalizes illegal immigration. This law, promoted by Governor Greg Abbott, faces legal challenges, underscoring the debate surrounding immigration policies in the United States.

Georgia passes initiative requiring police to help detain migrants

Las Américas Newspaper - February 29, 2024

The Georgia House of Representatives has approved an initiative requiring all local police departments to collaborate in the identification and detention of migrants without legal status in the country. The measure, prompted by the murder of a nursing student allegedly by a Venezuelan, now moves to the Senate for consideration. This law imposes new requirements on how law enforcement must interact with ICE to determine the immigration status of detainees.

Undocumented immigrants in California seek access to mortgage loans

Univision News - February 29, 2024

In California, Assemblyman Joaquín Arámbula is proposing a law to allow undocumented immigrants to access the 'Dream For All' program, facilitating loans for housing. This initiative seeks to support the undocumented community in the state through a lottery-type selection system for beneficiaries.

Despite expansion of digital financial services, obstacles persist for their use in remittance transfers

Migration Policy Institute - February 29, 2024

The use of digital financial services such as mobile money and cryptocurrencies in remittance transfers faces significant challenges, despite their potential to improve financial inclusion. A report by the Migration Policy Institute highlights that while these services offer a cheaper alternative to traditional channels, adoption is slow due to regulatory uncertainty and trust issues. Collaboration between governments, service providers and telecoms is crucial to overcome these obstacles.

Americans' top policy priority for 2024: Strengthening the economy.

Pew Research Center - February 29, 2024

A Pew Research Center study reveals that strengthening the economy is the top policy priority for Americans in 2024, with 73% of the population considering it crucial. Concern about immigration and terrorism has increased significantly among Republicans during Biden's presidency. Despite partisan differences on various policy goals, there is notable bipartisan support for reducing the influence of money in politics, with 62% of Americans seeing it as a top goal.

Recommendations from an experienced U.S. immigration attorney

Voice of America - February 29, 2024

Giacomo Behar, an immigration attorney, offers an analysis of the legal framework and options available for migrating to the United States, especially for those arriving at the San Diego-Tijuana border. At a time of increasing numbers of migrants, Behar provides crucial advice for navigating the complex U.S. immigration system.


A Proclamation on Women's History Month, 2024

The White House - February 29, 2024

The White House has proclaimed March 2024 as Women's History Month, celebrating the women who have helped build a more just society in the U.S. The Biden administration has placed women and girls at the center of its policy, highlighting advances in economic security, leadership, and the fight against gender-based violence. It emphasizes the importance of women's inclusion in all areas of decision-making and recognizes the ongoing work to ensure gender equality and reproductive freedom.

Latino business success in the U.S. grows robustly

Voice of America - February 29, 2024

The Latino presence in the U.S. business arena has seen robust and accelerated growth, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. From service ventures to top executive positions, Latinos are making a significant difference. This boom is associated with improvements in education and opportunities for the Latino community, which in turn drives steady progress and a better quality of life.

Latino population in Illinois growing in numbers and political power, but not in voting during elections, study finds

La Raza - February 29, 2024

In Illinois, the growing Latino population is expanding its political power but is still not reflected at the ballot box. Despite the demographic increase, a study reveals low Latino voter turnout. The youth of the Latino electorate and the lack of effective communication by candidates are cited as the main causes of this electoral disconnect.

We knew him from the movie 'Enchantment' and then he was invited to the White House.

Telemundo News - February 29, 2024

Mauro Castillo, Afro-Latino Colombian artist known for his participation in the movie 'Encanto', was invited to the White House for the closing of Black Heritage Month. Castillo shared his pride and joy in representing his culture and roots at a presidential event honoring Afro-Latino diversity and talent.

This is how people born on February 29 celebrate their birthday: they are known as 'leapers'.

Univision News - February 29, 2024

In the United States, about 362,900 people celebrate their birthday on February 29, known as leapers. This unique date, which only occurs every four years, makes their celebrations especially memorable. Roberto Rincón, one of these leapers, shares how the uniqueness of his birthday affects the way he counts his age and celebrates this special day. Despite the four-year wait, leapers find unique and joyful ways to mark their birth on the calendar.

The double life of a gardener who traffics arms to drug cartels in Mexico

Univision News - February 29, 2024

A special report by Univision Noticias uncovers the double life of a gardener in the United States, who on weekends smuggles weapons into Mexico destined for drug cartels. This gardener, who takes care of the gardens from Monday to Friday, crosses the Mexicali border crossing to deliver weapons illegally. Through a documented investigation, the dangerous intersection of everyday lives with gun trafficking and its impact on cartel violence is exposed.

Canada reintroduces visa requirements for Mexican tourists: what are the new requirements?

La Opinión - February 29, 2024

Canada reinstitutes visa requirement for Mexican tourists due to increase in asylum applications. The measure, reversing a 2016 liberalization, seeks to better manage the immigration and asylum system. Mexico regrets the decision and notes that it will affect only the 40% of travelers, maintaining the possibility of travel for those with previous U.S. or Canadian visas.

AMLO expresses "small reproach" to Trudeau after implementing visas for Mexicans traveling to Canada

La Opinión - February 29, 2024

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, expresses a "small reproach" towards Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the reimposition of visas for Mexican tourists. Despite recognizing the importance of economic exchange and labor mobility between the two countries, Lopez Obrador suggests that there were alternatives to the measure, seeking to maintain cordial relations and explore other options.

Meet the Mexican scientist who created the indelible liquid for Mexico's elections

CNN en Español - February 29, 2024

Filiberto Vázquez, a professor at the National Polytechnic Institute, is the mastermind behind the indelible ink used in Mexican elections since 1994. This innovation has served as a crucial security mechanism to guarantee the integrity of the electoral process in Mexico, demonstrating the significant impact of Mexican scientists on society.

Elvira Arellano, a prominent undocumented activist from Chicago, is a candidate for the Mexican Senate.

La Raza - February 29, 2024

Elvira Arellano, a pro-immigrant activist from Chicago, has been selected by the Morena party to be a candidate for the Mexican Senate in the June 2, 2024 elections. Through a lottery, Arellano, known for her fight for immigrant rights, will occupy the 22nd position on the list of plurinominal senators. This marks a precedent in Mexican politics by including a prominent figure of the immigrant community in the United States, highlighting the importance of the political participation of Mexicans abroad.

More than 7,000 migrants are held up at Colombia's northern border

Voice of America - February 29, 2024

A new migration crisis is emerging in Colombia, where more than 7,000 migrants are stranded in Turbo and Necoclí, seeking to move north. This bottleneck in the migration route reflects the ongoing challenges and difficulties faced by migrants on their journey to a better life.

The 4 challenges facing El Salvador, according to Moody's

La Prensa Gráfica - February 28, 2024

Moody's points out four main economic challenges for El Salvador: limited access to financial markets, weak economic growth with an average annual rate of 2.2%, fragile governance affecting investor confidence, and risks associated with climate change impacting agriculture. Despite some progress in security and debt management, the country faces significant challenges to improve its credit rating and foster sustainable economic development.

Starfish, lobsters and never-before-seen fish: more than 100 new species discovered

Univision News - February 29, 2024

Scientists have made an astonishing discovery off the coast of Chile, identifying more than 100 new marine species on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Using cutting-edge technology, a robotic underwater vehicle explored depths of more than 5,000 feet, revealing previously unknown species such as starfish, lobsters and varieties of fish. This finding not only highlights the rich biodiversity of our oceans, but also underscores the importance of marine exploration and conservation.



I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

Although these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is essential to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you stay informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
