Immigration news today 1 April 2024

Here are some recent U.S. immigration news, an essential source to keep you up to date with changes and opportunities that may affect your life.

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These are the new USCIS immigration form fees that go into effect on Monday

Telemundo - March 31, 2024

New USCIS form fees will go into effect this April 1, marking the first adjustment since 2016. Announced in January, these fees include increases of up to 201% on some paperwork and reductions on others, in order to meet the agency's operational needs. Ur M. Jaddou, USCIS director, mentioned that these changes seek to provide more timely decisions. In addition, fee waivers and discounts have been introduced for certain applicants, including low-income victims of human trafficking and domestic violence, and members of the armed forces.

USCIS 2024 Final Fee Rule: FAQ

Immigration Today - February 1, 2024

The USCIS 2024 Final Fee Rule introduces significant changes to immigration and naturalization processing fees, effective April 1, 2024. These adjustments seek to fully recover the agency's operating costs, including the expansion of humanitarian programs and federal salary increases. Unlike other agencies, USCIS is funded almost entirely through fees paid for its services. The final rule responds to a comprehensive review and considers more than 5,400 public comments, promising to improve efficiency and avoid future delays. This measure also provides for expanded fee waivers for certain humanitarian beneficiaries and promotes the digitization of forms for more efficient electronic adjudication.

USCIS Announces Changes in Filing Locations for Certain Employment-Based Forms I-485 and Related Forms

USCIS - March 29, 2024

Effective April 1, 2024, USCIS will modify the filing locations for several key forms, including I-907, I-140, and I-485, along with related forms such as I-131, I-765, and I-824, as part of an effort to increase efficiency and reduce costs. This change will facilitate the centralization of the scanning of forms for electronic adjudication, allowing for better redistribution and alignment of workloads. Specific addresses are established for the mailing of these forms, depending on the beneficiary's location. Effective May 2, 2024, USCIS will be able to reject forms received at the old filing locations.

How Temporary Protected Status has expanded under the Biden administration.

Pew Research Center - March 29, 2024

Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the administration has significantly expanded the number of immigrants eligible for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a design that allows them to live and work in the United States temporarily, avoiding deportation. The expansion includes immigrants from 16 countries, including Afghanistan, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen, adding nearly 1.2 million of the approximately 21.6 million non-citizen immigrants living in the U.S. This policy contrasts with the Trump administration's efforts to end TPS for nearly all beneficiaries, while Biden has sought to provide TPS recipients with a path to permanent residency and eventually U.S. citizenship.

A Cesar Chavez Day Proclamation, 2024

The White House - March 29, 2024

On Cesar Chavez Day, President Joe Biden pays tribute to Chavez's life and legacy, pledging to fulfill the fundamental vision of La Causa: to give every worker the dignity and respect they deserve and to ensure everyone a fair shot at the American Dream. Chavez, along with Dolores Huerta, founded the United Farm Workers, leading historic marches, strikes and boycotts. Under the Biden administration, significant steps have been taken to support workers and unions, including the recovery of back wages for farm workers and proposed rules extending overtime pay. Biden proclaims March 31, 2024, as Cesar Chavez Day, urging all Americans to observe this day as a day of service and learning.

Unstoppable Women: This Latina fought "very hard" to become FCC Commissioner

Telemundo News - March 29, 2024

Anna Gomez, born in Orlando, Florida and raised in Bogota, Colombia, has become an FCC Commissioner after an arduous struggle, marked by her heritage as "the daughter of an immigrant with a passion for public service". Her trajectory is a reflection of the determination and importance of Latino representation in positions of influence in the United States. This achievement is not only a personal triumph for Gomez, but also a significant breakthrough for the Latino community, demonstrating that it is possible to overcome barriers and achieve leadership positions in the public sector.

Cuban immigrant has become an expert in Miami closet design

Al Rojo Vivo - March 29, 2024

Katherin Fernandez, a Cuban immigrant in Miami, has managed to transform her life from working in a restaurant to becoming the owner of her own closet design and organization company, even with celebrity clients. Her story is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit and self-improvement of immigrants, demonstrating how dedication and hard work can open doors to new opportunities and success in the United States. This case highlights the contribution of immigrants to the economic and cultural fabric, and how, through entrepreneurship, they can realize dreams and make an impact in their new community.

Mother and daughter reunited in the U.S. through immigration relief

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

Through the Biden administration's family reunification program for citizens of Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, a mother and daughter are reunited in the United States, demonstrating the positive effects of immigration policies focused on family unity. This emotional moment, captured in Miami, highlights the importance of providing legal channels for migration and reunification of families separated by borders. The story of this Colombian family becomes a symbol of hope and shows the humanitarian benefits of such immigration programs.

Americans believe migrants contribute to economy, but worry about risks, poll shows

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

A recent poll reveals that while Americans recognize the economic contribution of migrants, there is growing concern, especially among Republicans, about the risks of crime associated with illegal migration. Democrats, on the other hand, continue to see benefits across a wide range of issues. This poll underscores the division of opinion in the country on immigration and highlights the need for a balanced approach that considers both the positive contributions of migrants and legitimate security concerns.

Migrants made their challenges visible with a viacrucis in a U.S. border city [Photos].

El Diario NY - March 30, 2024

Dozens of migrants of various nationalities participated in the first Viacrucis Migrante in Tijuana, Mexico, a border city with the United States. This initiative, led by religious Daniel Novelo Huerta of the LaSalle Center, was not a traditional Stations of the Cross, but one charged with symbolism about the difficulties faced by migrants. Participants painted pictures on the cross representing their journeys and wrote the names of migrants who did not make it to their destination on the body of Jesus. The procession culminated at Plaza Mexico, near the port of El Chaparral, where Good Friday was commemorated and the migrants who died on their journey were honored.

Baltimore tragedy points to risk for Latino workers: "Insecurity is daily".

El Diario NY - March 29, 2024

The collapse of a bridge in Baltimore that resulted in the deaths of six Latino workers highlights the daily risks faced by construction workers, a sector in which Latinos make up more than 40% of the U.S. workforce. The tragedy underscores not only the physical dangers of the profession but also the discrimination and lack of protections for workers, especially those without regular immigration status. Anti-immigrant rhetoric adds an additional layer of hardship, leaving many workers both physically and legally vulnerable, fighting for basic rights and safety in an increasingly hostile environment.

Immigration relief sought for families of Hispanics killed in Baltimore bridge collapse

Univision News - March 30, 2024

In Baltimore, following the tragic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, activists called for immigration relief for the families of the Hispanic victims during a memorial service for the deceased. This petition underscores the intersection between community tragedies and immigration issues, highlighting the need for compassionate and fair measures that consider the exceptional circumstances faced by immigrants. This case highlights the importance of solidarity and institutional support for communities affected by disasters, emphasizing the value of immigration relief as a tool of justice and humanity.

Hispanic Immigrants: This is what is known of the two dead and four missing in Baltimore

Univision News - March 30, 2024

Following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, authorities from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala provided information on six Hispanic men affected, two dead and four missing. This incident highlights the vulnerability of Hispanic immigrants and the complexity of transnational migration dynamics. The tragedy illustrates the risks faced by migrants and the importance of a coordinated and humanitarian response by countries of origin and international communities to assist victims and their families.

11 children found alone at the border: they were carrying their relatives' contact numbers

Univision News - March 30, 2024

The Texas Department of Public Safety found 11 Honduran children walking alone near Eagle Pass, with documents and contact numbers of their relatives in the U.S. This event underscores the vulnerability of minors in migration and the importance of protection mechanisms to ensure their well-being and family reunification. The presence of these children at the border is evidence of the ongoing migration crisis and the need for effective policies to address the root causes of migration from Central America.

Conservative rhetoric triggers fears that immigrants who came to the U.S. legally will commit crimes

Telemundo - March 29, 2024

A recent poll reveals a growth in fear among Americans of legal immigrants, influenced primarily by increased concern among Republicans. Although a sizable percentage still believe in the economic and cultural benefits of immigration, positive perceptions of legal immigrants have declined, and fear that they will commit crimes has increased. This shift reflects a significant political polarization, with Republicans more inclined to see the risks of immigration, while Democrats emphasize its benefits.

Republican Matt Maddock mistakes NCAA players for immigrants, humiliates them

La Opinión - March 30, 2024

Matt Maddock, a Republican representative from Michigan, made a mistake by confusing NCAA basketball players with immigrants, referring to them as "illegal invaders" in posts on X (formerly Twitter). The Wayne County Airport Authority clarified that the individuals were actually members of college basketball teams, not immigrants. This incident has been criticized by the Michigan Democratic Party as an example of bigotry and racism within the state's Republican Party, aligned with Trump's MAGA agenda.

Georgia Congress approves law to toughen policy toward immigrants

Telemundo News - March 30, 2024

The Georgia Congress approved a new law that requires local police to collaborate with immigration authorities, which could complicate the situation of people undocumented for minor offenses. Activists express concern about how this legislation could affect the immigrant community, fearing that it will increase the vulnerability of this group before the justice system. This tightening of immigration policy in Georgia highlights the ongoing debate about immigration in the U.S. and raises questions about civil rights and social inclusion.

Georgia passes bill toughening immigration policies in wake of college student Laken Riley's murder

Telemundo - March 29, 2024

Georgia has passed a bill, HB1105, requiring local law enforcement agencies to verify the immigration status of persons in their custody and cooperate with federal immigration agencies, aimed at avoiding sanctuary jurisdictions. This law also involves the participation of local agencies in the 287(g) program, allowing them to act as immigration agents. Modeled after Texas SB4, it seeks effective implementation through a legal mechanism already approved by Congress. The impetus for this law intensified after the murder of Laken Riley, aggravating the immigration debate and raising concerns about collaboration between local and federal authorities on immigration issues.

Why is the prepaid card for immigrants in New York controversial? We discuss

Univision News - March 30, 2024

New York City implemented prepaid debit cards for undocumented immigrants, intended for the purchase of food and baby items, generating debate. This measure, which seeks to alleviate the situation of asylum seekers, has polarized opinions about its effectiveness and fairness. While some see it as a necessary support, others question its long-term impact and the message it sends about immigration management. The debate underscores the challenge of addressing the immediate needs of migrants within a sustainable migration policy framework.

Lack of resources, Boston plans to place immigrants in housing for veterans

La Opinión - March 30, 2024

In response to the growing influx of immigrants and insufficient resources, Boston plans to house immigrants in housing previously set aside for veterans, according to statements by Governor Maura Healey. Beginning May 1, the Chelsea Veterans Home will serve as a "safety net site" for immigrants. This property, which is vacant and slated for demolition, accommodates the urgency of providing housing for newly arrived immigrants. The state seeks to ensure that no immigrant is left homeless, highlighting the strain the immigration phenomenon places on Massachusetts' emergency assistance system.

Concern over closure of five migrant shelters in Chicago

Telemundo News - March 30, 2024

In Chicago, the decision to close five shelters housing some 700 migrants to reclaim space for parks and summer camps has raised concerns. This move forces the relocation of migrants to other spaces in the city, highlighting the challenges in managing housing needs for asylum seekers. This case reflects the tensions between migrant welfare and community needs, highlighting the importance of finding balanced solutions that respect human rights and respond to local community needs.

City accelerates measles vaccination for migrants as cases continue to rise

Chicago Tribune - March 29, 2024

Chicago intensifies measles vaccinations among migrants in response to an increase in cases, especially in children under 5 years of age. With 31 confirmed cases this year, the city is focusing on immunizing residents of densely populated shelters. Migrants will receive the second dose of vaccine 28 days after the first in an effort to contain the outbreak. The situation highlights the vulnerability of young children and the importance of vaccination in preventing communicable diseases within densely populated migrant communities. This vaccination effort takes place in the context of an outbreak concentrated primarily in the city's largest shelter, highlighting the public health challenges associated with hosting migrants.

Street vendors in Chicago, between the law and opportunities

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

In Chicago, the increase in street food vendors, primarily undocumented immigrants without a street food license, highlights a conflict between the pursuit of economic opportunity and compliance with the law. This situation, most evident in Latino neighborhoods, highlights the difficulties these entrepreneurs face in integrating into the formal system. At the same time, it reflects the vitality and dynamism they bring to the local economy, suggesting the need for a more inclusive and flexible approach to the regulation of informal economic activities.

Migrants face criminal prosecution for massive crossing where assaults occurred

Telemundo News - March 29, 2024

At a border crossing point in El Paso, a mass crossing event has led to legal consequences for several migrants, including one Honduran already arrested and charged. This incident highlights the growing tensions and legal challenges faced by migrants attempting to enter the United States. The case underscores the need for comprehensive immigration reform that addresses both border security and the human rights of those seeking a better life in the country. The situation in El Paso is a clear example of how events at the border can have profound and personal impacts on the lives of migrants.

Latinos stop using their cars in Georgia in fear of new law

Telemundo News - March 29, 2024

The passage of HB1105 in Georgia has generated fear among the Latino community, leading many to stop using their vehicles for fear of being reported by police to immigration authorities. The law, accelerated after the murder of Laken Riley, is evidence of the growing tensions surrounding immigration policy and its effects on the daily lives of immigrants. This legislative change reflects the urgency for dialogue and action that balances public safety with respect for the rights of all residents, regardless of immigration status.

Migration of Mexicans to the U.S. increases

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

After reaching a "zero rate" in migration to the United States, the number of Mexicans migrating north has experienced a remarkable post-pandemic increase, placing them once again at the top of the list of nationalities apprehended at the border. This phenomenon highlights the complexities and continuing challenges of the migration issue, as well as the need to address the root causes that drive people to undertake risky journeys in search of better opportunities. The situation reflects the changing dynamics of migration and underscores the importance of effective policies to ensure safe and orderly migration.

Miami Immigration Court has the largest backlog of cases

El Nuevo Herald - March 29, 2024

The backlog in U.S. immigration courts has surpassed three million cases, with Miami presenting the highest volume of new deportation cases in the country in the current fiscal year. According to data from Syracuse University, Miami has received 70,883 notices to appear between October 2023 and February 2024. These numbers reveal the challenge judges and court staff face in handling the massive volume of cases. Cases in Miami reflect the demographic diversity of South Florida, highlighting Cubans and Haitians as the most involved nationalities. This logjam in the immigration court system underscores the urgency of addressing the legal and humanitarian demands of migrants.

Woman dies after falling from International Border Wall near Otay Mesa Port of Entry

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - March 29, 2024

On March 21, 2024, a 24-year-old woman, a citizen of Guatemala, died after falling from the International Border Wall near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. Attempting to cross, she became trapped on the north side of the 30-foot-high wall. Despite the efforts of a Border Patrol agent to assist her and the arrival of firefighters, the woman fell, suffering massive head trauma. The San Diego Police Department and the San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office are investigating the incident. CBP's Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the case, and is committed to releasing body camera footage of the officers involved as soon as possible.

ICE - March 29, 2024

During a nationwide law enforcement operation March 11-26, Seattle Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers arrested 13 unlawfully present non-citizens with drug trafficking convictions or multiple possessions of illicit narcotics. This operation underscores ERO's commitment to community safety by utilizing an intelligence-driven enforcement model to identify and locate these individuals. Nationally, 216 arrests were made, following a previous effort in February that resulted in 275 arrests.

ICE Agents Arrest Venezuelan Influencer Leonel Moreno in Ohio

Telemundo News - March 30, 2024

Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan influencer in Ohio, was arrested by ICE agents after urging his followers to violently occupy homes and take advantage of social programs in the U.S. This incident has generated a barrage of criticism and highlights the legal consequences of inciting illegal actions through social media. Moreno's arrest highlights the vigilance of authorities on digital platforms and the implications of public statements on security and public order.

ERO New Orleans arrests 7 noncitizen criminals in targeted law enforcement operation

ICE - March 29, 2024

ERO New Orleans conducted a law enforcement operation from March 11-22, resulting in the arrest of seven non-citizens with narcotics convictions. These convictions include trafficking and possession of drugs such as methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine, heroin and synthetic drugs. This initiative highlights ERO's ongoing effort to promote public safety by identifying and arresting those who violate immigration laws and pose a threat to the community.

ICE - March 29, 2024

In an enforcement operation that took place March 11-26, ERO New York City arrested 13 non-citizens with convictions for trafficking or multiple possession of controlled substances, including methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine, heroin and synthetic drugs. This operation is part of ERO's ongoing efforts to identify, locate and arrest criminal noncitizens who pose a threat to communities, demonstrating ICE's commitment to public safety and immigration enforcement.

ERO St. Paul extradites foreign fugitive wanted in Mexico for narcotics possession

ICE - March 29, 2024

The St. Paul office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) extradited Victor Manuel Jimenez Ruiz, a 33-year-old Mexican national wanted in Mexico for narcotics possession. Jimenez Ruiz was escorted by ERO officers from St. Paul, Minnesota, to the port of entry in Brownsville, Texas, where he was turned over to Mexican authorities. Since 2006, he has been removed from the U.S. eight times for immigration violations.

ICE - March 29, 2024

ERO Los Angeles arrested 28 unlawfully present non-citizens with convictions for trafficking or multiple possession of controlled substances, such as methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine, heroin or synthetic drugs, as part of a nationwide enforcement effort from March 11-26, 2024. This operation underscores ERO's commitment to public safety and immigration enforcement.

ERO Boston apprehends Guatemalan national unlawfully present on child sex crimes charges in Massachusetts

ICE - March 29, 2024

ERO Boston apprehended a 33-year-old Guatemalan national, unlawfully present and charged with sex crimes against minors in Massachusetts. He was arrested near his residence in Lynn, Massachusetts, and faces charges of 9 counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under the age of 14, rape of a child, 2 counts of assault and battery, and intimidation of a witness. This case highlights ERO's commitment to public safety and threat removal for New England communities.

Authorities detain more than 200 immigrants linked to drug trafficking and possession in the U.S.

El Diario NY - March 29, 2024

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the arrest of more than 200 undocumented immigrants convicted of drug trafficking and possession. These arrests are part of a two-week nationwide operation focused on the deportation of aliens deemed dangerous to the security of the country. The arrests were made in several states, including New York, Ohio, Florida and Colorado. These actions underscore ICE's intent to eliminate threats to the U.S. community amidst a national backdrop of concern over the devastating impact of drug trafficking.


Mexican Attorney General's Office investigates death of eight people presumed to be migrants of Asian origin

El Diario NY - March 30, 2024

The Attorney General's Office of the State of Oaxaca, Mexico, is investigating the death of eight people, presumably migrants of Asian origin, found in Playa Vicente, San Francisco del Mar. A survivor indicated that the victims had suffered an accident while traveling in a boat off the coast of Oaxaca. A homicide investigation was opened against those responsible for the incident. This case highlights the dangers faced by migrants crossing Mexico on dangerous and often overcrowded routes, seeking to reach the United States.

63,000 migrants dead or missing in 10 years: which are the most dangerous borders?

CNN in English - March 30, 2024

IOM's Missing Migrants Project reports that at least 63,285 migrants died or went missing between 2014 and 2023 in their attempts to cross international borders. This statistic underscores the dangerous conditions faced by migrants in various parts of the world, and highlights the need for global action to protect these vulnerable people. The discussion with migrant rights advocates and relatives of the missing accentuates the importance of establishing safer routes and more humane migration policies.

Costa Rica reduces the number of days to attend to refugee applicants

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

Costa Rica has announced a reduction in the number of days allocated to attend to asylum seekers from five to three, a measure that, although authorities claim will not affect the quality of care, has raised concerns among human rights organizations about possible delays in the process. This change highlights the challenges the country faces with the growing number of asylum seekers and the need to balance administrative efficiency with the protection of refugee rights. The situation highlights the pressure on asylum systems and the importance of ensuring fair and efficient processes.

Drinking water project for migrant-receiving communities in Panama

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

In Panama, a significant project has improved the quality of life of an indigenous community and migrants passing through the region by providing access to potable water, a basic need that previously required daily efforts to meet. Inter-agency collaboration has enabled the development of sustainable solutions that benefit both permanent residents and migrants in transit, highlighting the importance of international cooperation in improving humanitarian conditions in areas affected by intense migratory flows.

Hispanic woman who won more than $$1 billion in historic Powerball drawing revealed

Univision News - March 30, 2024

Yanira Alvarez, of Hispanic origin, was announced as the $1.08 billion Powerball winner, marking a milestone in lottery history. This win is not only life-changing for Alvarez, but also highlights the success stories among Hispanics in the U.S., and how fortune can positively impact communities. The location where the winning ticket was sold, a minimarket, shares in the joy and hope that this win represents for many, highlighting the importance of luck and destiny in people's lives.

How much do you have to earn to live comfortably in the U.S.: find out the cheapest city in the country

Univision News - March 31, 2024

A recent study suggests that a person needs to earn $96,500 a year to live comfortably in the U.S., while a family of four requires $235,000. These figures contrast with the national average salary of around $60,000, highlighting the disparity between cost of living and income. The research also highlights the most affordable city to live in the country, offering insights into economic variations within the U.S. and the challenges citizens face in achieving a comfortable standard of living.

U.S. Hispanic voting rights numbers grow: how will Biden and Trump win that support?

Univision News - March 31, 2024

The Hispanic voting-eligible population in the U.S. has grown by nearly 4 million since the 2020 election, representing nearly 15% of the total electorate. This increase highlights the importance of the Hispanic vote in the upcoming presidential election, with political parties seeking strategies to win their support. The ability of Joe Biden and Donald Trump to connect with these voters could be decisive in the election of the next president, underscoring the growing influence of the Hispanic community in U.S. politics.

California's fast food restaurant wage hike is already having an effect on the menu

Telemundo News - March 31, 2024

The recent increase in the minimum wage to $20 per hour for fast food employees in California is already impacting menu prices, reflecting how economic measures can have direct effects on consumers. While the increase seeks to improve the quality of life for workers, the need for businesses to adapt to higher labor costs has led to an increase in product prices, posing challenges for both consumers and businesses in the fast food sector.

Minimum wage hike layoffs announced for California fast food employees

Univision News - March 30, 2024

The law that increases the minimum wage to $20 an hour for fast food employees in California has prompted restaurant chains to announce layoffs and cuts in working hours. This measure, while seeking to improve working conditions, faces criticism for its possible negative effects on employment and consumer prices. This case highlights the challenge of balancing wage increases with business sustainability and overall economic impact, emphasizing the complexity of minimum wage policies.

Hispanic workers suspended after demanding better working conditions

Univision News - March 30, 2024

In Illinois, 60 Hispanic workers at Authentical Foods, a tortilla and tamale manufacturer, were suspended after organizing to demand labor improvements, including reduced workloads and higher wages. This conflict highlights the struggle for labor rights and the fear of retaliation in sectors with a high presence of Hispanic labor. The suspension highlights the importance of constructive dialogue between employers and employees to ensure fair and safe working conditions, as well as the need for policies that protect workers from unfair labor practices.

Hispanic man with terminal cancer asks for euthanasia in California using law

Univision News - March 30, 2024

Jose, a 60-year-old Honduran immigrant and resident of California, is seeking euthanasia under the End of Life Option Act due to his battle with terminal cancer. His case illustrates the ordeal faced by some terminally ill patients and their families, and highlights the importance of discussing end-of-life options, patients' rights and compassion in medical care. The implementation of this law reflects the ethical dilemmas and societal debates about death with dignity and the right of individuals to decide on their own end.

Mexican family has been making Easter accessories for decades

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

In Capultitlán, State of Mexico, a family has dedicated decades to making accessories for Holy Week, participating in the traditional and colorful representation of the Passion of Christ in Iztapalapa, one of the most emblematic events in the country. This story highlights the importance of traditions and the vital role played by local artisans in their preservation. At the same time, it demonstrates how culture and faith are intertwined in the creation of community events that strengthen identity and social cohesion in Mexico.

The empanada follows the arepa as Venezuela's 'ambassador'.

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

In Venezuela, the empanada has positioned itself as one of the most popular and accessible street snacks, following the arepa in its role as 'ambassador' of Venezuelan gastronomy. This dish, which can be both savory and sweet and is filled with a variety of flavors, represents the country's culinary richness and its ability to adapt to different palates. The empanada is not only a staple in the diet of Venezuelans, but has also gained international recognition, demonstrating how food can be a vehicle for cultural identity and unity among different communities.

UN Launches Red Alert: Earth is crying for help

Al Rojo Vivo - March 31, 2024

The UN has issued a "red alert" on global warming, signaling an urgent call for help from the Earth. This announcement underscores the critical global climate situation and the imperative need for concrete actions to mitigate the impact of climate change. The declaration seeks to mobilize governments, businesses and citizens towards more ambitious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adopt sustainable practices, emphasizing shared responsibility for environmental protection.

Cocoa shortage drives up chocolate prices

DW English - March 31, 2024

The traditional Easter celebration in Europe is affected this year by the cocoa crisis, which has pushed chocolate prices to historic highs. The shortage, caused by adverse weather conditions in producing countries such as Côte d'Ivoire, impacts both chocolatiers and consumers. This phenomenon highlights the vulnerability of global supply chains to climate change and underscores the importance of seeking sustainable solutions for the production and trade of key ingredients such as cocoa.

Cuba seeks to attract more tourists to boost economy

DW English - March 29, 2024

Cuba is intensifying its efforts in the tourism sector as a strategy to revitalize its economy, aiming to exceed four million visitors this year, which would double the figure reached in 2023. Investment in tourism emerges as a hope in the face of the persistent economic crisis, pointing to the country's reliance on this industry to generate foreign income and stimulate local development. This approach underscores the critical role of tourism in island economies and the need to diversify sources of income in times of global economic challenges.

Peru's President Dina Boluarte faces investigation for alleged illicit enrichment

DW English - March 29, 2024

Dina Boluarte, president of Peru, faces an investigation for alleged illicit enrichment related to the undeclared possession of luxury watches. This situation is aggravated by raids on her home and the Government Palace, in addition to an impeachment motion filed by her former party. Boluarte denies the accusations, calling them a "systematic attack and harassment". This scenario reflects the political tensions in Peru and the public scrutiny of political leaders, underlining the importance of transparency and accountability in the exercise of power.

What do Salvadorans think about El Salvador's bitcoin fund?

Voice of America - March 29, 2024

El Salvador, under the administration of Nayib Bukele, has accumulated more than 5,700 bitcoins, valued at more than 400 million dollars. While some Salvadorans see this fund as a technological and economic advance, others believe that the resources should be used to cover the country's basic needs. This discrepancy of opinions illustrates the debate on the adoption of cryptocurrencies by governments and their impact on the economy and society, highlighting the different perceptions on investment in digital technology versus immediate social urgencies.

Two years after Nayib Bukele's iron fist was applied in El Salvador

Telemundo News - March 31, 2024

El Salvador marks the second anniversary of Nayib Bukele's implementation of heavy-handed anti-gang policies, resulting in the incarceration of thousands of gang members. While these measures have restored tranquility in the country, concerns have been raised about human rights violations and the weakening of democracy. This balance between security and freedom raises a complex debate about the methods of fighting organized crime and its effects on society and the rule of law.

Amnesty International on El Salvador: There are certain rights that should never be suspended

CNN in English - March 29, 2024

Ana Piquer, Amnesty International's director for the Americas, criticizes the government of El Salvador's management of the state of emergency, arguing that certain fundamental guarantees, such as the right to due process, should never be suspended, even in emergency situations. The militarization of the country's internal security also raises concerns about the risk of human rights violations. This approach highlights the challenges of balancing security with respect for human rights and the importance of adhering to international standards in times of crisis.



I have used an artificial intelligence tool, programmed with specific instructions, to summarize each article or video. These summaries provide a quick overview of the most important topics.

While these summaries are intended to be accurate, it is critical to read the articles or watch the full videos for a complete understanding. I share this information to help you be informed, but the final interpretation of each article or video is up to you.

As the distributor of this information, I assume no responsibility for the details or interpretations of the summaries. My goal is to provide you with quick and efficient access to the most important immigration news, helping you stay informed and connected to your community.


News and information found on the Internet is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific legal advice for any individual, case or situation.

Anyone who has questions about U.S. immigration law, including whether or not a particular immigration law applies to his or her situation, should immediately seek advice from a licensed and experienced U.S. immigration attorney to determine his or her immigration legal options.

Avoid being victim of immigration fraud and never consult with notaries, immigration consultants, paper-fillers, multi-services and others. unlicensed persons to obtain immigration legal advice.

Nelson A. Castillo is an immigration attorney with more than 20 years of legal experience and author of La Tarjeta Verde: Cómo Obtener la Residencia Permanente en los Estados Unidos (Green Card: How to Obtain Permanent Residence in the United States). He is a former President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Westlake South Neighborhood Council of Los Angeles.

For information on how to schedule an immigration consultation with Dr. Castillo, click here. click here.
