California Governor authorizes issuance of licenses for Dreamers

Gov. Jerry Brown on Sunday signed a bill (AB 2189) that will authorize the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue California driver's licenses to thousands of young undocumented immigrants who are approved for the deferred action program.

The Governor's action is important, because as currently stipulated, a work permit must be presented in order for the DMV to issue a license.

But thanks to the new law, it will be enough to file the notice of approval of deferred action from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to obtain the license. This will help young people whose work permit applications are denied by USCIS because they cannot demonstrate an economic need for the permit.

It is estimated that AB 2189, authored by Los Angeles Democratic Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, could benefit thousands of "dreamers."

