Access to La Opinión and Univision Facebook Live videos

Friends, as I shared with you through Inmigración Hoy and my social media platforms, I have started answering questions from my readers, viewers and followers through Facebook Live in collaboration with different media outlets.

The most recent were for La Opiniónwhere I write my column Consulta Migratoria® and for Univision.

Thanks to Sofia Zermoglio of La Opinión and to Jorge Cancino, Carolina Sarassa and Javier Olivares of Univision for guiding the conversation and questions of the immigration Facebook Lives held this month.

Here you can see them along with links to the original Facebook Lives:

La Opinión - Part 1 and Part 2

Univision Noticias - Part 1 and Part 2

Univision Noticias Digital Edition - Let's talk about Immigration
